Kendall awoke to the sound of his alarm clock. He looked at his phone to see that it was five in the morning. The alarm was still beeping so he hit the snooze button and went back to bed only for the alarm to go off again five minutes later. He pressed the snooze button once more. This process continued until it was six and he knew that it was time to finally get up from bed.

He dragged his feet across the floor as he made his way toward the bathroom. He could already smell his moms pancakes being made. Once he was in the restroom he did his business and then looked at himself in front of the mirror. His blond hair looked like it hadn't been brushed in years and he could still see the trail of drool on the corner of his face.

He groaned at the sight of his appearance . He brushed his teeth and washed his face. He then grabbed the hair brush and started to brush through his beautiful golden locks making him look more presentable. He stood there looking at his reflection until he heard pounding on the bathroom door.

" Kendall hurry up I need to pee" Kevin, Kendall's older brother yelled through the door.

"I'll be out in a minute Kevin! Is Kenneth up yet?"

"Yeah I'm up and I need to pee also so hurry up!" Kenneth answered.

" I'm done sheesh" Kendall said as he opened the bath room door. He made his way toward his room more awake then when he was going to the bathroom. He opened his closet door pondering on what to wear on his first day of school.

The Knight family had moved from Sherwood, Minnesota to Los Angles ,California because of their father's job. The company he worked for gave him a great offer that he just couldn't pass up.

Finally after ten minutes of looking through clothes he found the perfect outfit. It consisted of gray skinny jeans, a white t-shirt with a brown and black leather jacket on top and his black vans.

"Hey mom said to go down to eat breakfast now so we won't be late for school." Kevin said as he stood by the door.

"Alright, I'm ready."

They both made it down the stairs to dining room where the delicious pancakes were waiting for them. Kenneth was already at the table devouring the pancakes.

"Sometimes I wonder how Kenneth is not a fat blob yet looking at how he eats so much." Kendall commented as he took his first bite.

"Shut up Kendall you're just jealous of my awesome power to eat as much as I want and not gain weight." Kenneth replied as he stuck his tongue out at Kendall.

They were both going at it throwing insults at each other in between bites while Kevin and their parents looked at them shaking their head at their silly argument. It was finally six forty and had to head of to their new school.

"What do you think out new school is going to be like Kenneth?" Kendall asked as they all walked to school.

"I don't know bro but you know what sucks?" Kenneth replied

"What?" both Kendall and Kevin answered in unison.

"That we moved during the middle of the school year and we know nobody except ourselves. And this is my senior year of high school who I am supposed to take to prom if I don't know anyone here!"

"Calm your tits Kenneth. I'm sure you'll make friends and find a hot girl to take to prom." Kevin said.

"Well I just hope there's a lot of hot guys around here." Kendall commented. He came out of the closet a year ago when he was fourteen. His family took it well and said he was still the same Kendall they know and love only now they know he liked guys instead of girls.

"I'm sure we will all find hot eye candy, but for now we need to worry about not walking into the wrong classroom and making a full out of ourselves once we get to school."

"HEY! That was one time. Why must you torture me by reminding me Kevin?" Kendall whined.

"Quit your whining Kendall."

Kendall just pouted. They walked a couple of more minutes when the school finally came into view, Palm Woods High School. As they walked closer they could see all the people hanging around talking with their little group of friends. Some of them stopped their conversations when they saw the three brothers walk past them, looking and whispering about them because they knew they were new.

Kendall being the shy one out of the three and didn't like the attention they scooted closer to Kevin as they walked toward the front of the school.
"So are you guys ready?" Kenneth asked.

"Yeah." Kendall and Kevin answered.

With that the three brothers entered the school and made their way toward the front office to grabbed their schedule. When they entered the office they noticed a pretty African American lady sitting in the front desk.

"Hello we are looking for Ms. Wainwright? Mr. Rocque said that she'll have our schedules." Kenneth asked politely.

"Oh you must be the Knight brothers. I have your schedules right here along with maps of the school. If you ever get lost or don't know where a certain class is just ask one of the teachers or students in the hallway I'm sure they will be happy to help you boys out."

"Thank you Ms. Wainwright."

"My pleasure. Now do any of you boys have any questions before you start your first day here at Palm Woods High?"

They all looked at each other as if they were communicating through their mind.

"I think we are from here Ms. Wainwright."

"Okay then. Well I hope that you boys have fantastic first day."

The boys walked out staring at their schedule.

"So who do you guys have first period?" Kendall asked.

"Well I have Ms. Granger for U.S history." Kevin answered.

"And I have Pre-cal with Ms. Medley." Kenneth replied.

"I have English two with Mr. Montgomery," Kendall took a looked at his brothers schedules and then to his map before groaning and started to pout, "Our classes are all in different hallways."

"Aww is little Kenny afraid of leaving his big older brothers."

"Shut up Kevin! You know I hate being around new people."

"You're going to be fine Kendall." Kenneth said right when first bell rang telling the students it was time to head to their first class.

"Well I'll see you guys later." Kevin said before blending in with the crowd.

"I guess I should head on to class and seriously Kendall you'll be fine okay." with that Kenneth was also gone leaving Kendall alone.

Kendall was looking down at his map trying to figure out where his English class was located. He was too busy looking at it that he didn't notice a beautiful brunette boy in front of him.

"umf." Was all that came out of his mouth as he collided with the boys back and falling to the ground.

"Oh my god. I'm so sorry. I wasn't paying attention to where I was going." Kendall said.

" It's okay I'm fine and you're the one that ended up on the ground. Here let me give you a hand up." the brunette replied as he held his hand out toward Kendall. Kendall was hesitant at first but took his hand anyways.

"Thanks for helping me up and again I'm so sorry."

The brunette didn't get a chance to answer because the warning bell rang informing the students that they had sixty seconds to get to class.

" I have to go, Bye." Kendall said. The brunette couldn't help but stare at the beautiful blond boy that had run into him as he walked away.