Hello mina! Well just wanted to say… enjoy! And also there will be no Celes. Sorry to all you Celes fans out there. Please don't hurt me. ^_^\/ and this story takes place in the Hellsing world no sailor moon magic thing or any other charactors so gomen nasai on that.


Disclaimer: I don't own Hellsing or Sailor Moon, wish, I did but don't :::sigh:::

Thinking: **

Talking: ""

Scene Change: *~*


It had been a long night for Alucard chasing non-perfect vampires. And he still not caught that no for good priest. Cursing at himself and thinking to how Integra is going to insult him now. Looking at the moon through the trees and his yellow glasses a thought came to his mind

*A full moon,* a smile crept his face

*a perfect night for a bite to eat.*


On the other side of the forest Usagi Tsukino was runnig to save one of her friends.

"oh, please don't die on me please!" Usagi begged. Running to one of her fellow comrades under a tree. "You'll be just fine, don't worry about a thing." But something didn't feel right and Usagi could feel it, the other officer's face didn't look right it looked almost to pale…. Up jumps his body

"AAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!" yells Usagi. As she reaches for her gun. "now, now don't make me shoot please, back up I mean it."

As she says this she turns around to see her other police friends turned into these ghouls of the night.

*what happened to them, what….what are they?*

"Now don't make me shoot any of you, you hear me, guys?" She knows that she is in trouble.

* I gatta get out of here, before I turn into one of them* Usagi darts into the woods not looking behind her.


A rustle in the bushes and Usagi still has her gun drawn.

"Hello." calls an eerie voice almost like death.

Usagi turns around to see a tall man with a red trench coat, with a matching hat, and black hair. She couldn't make out his eyes for they were hidden behind his yellow glasses.

"Perfect night for a bite to eat eh?" he says with a smile on his face.

" Now get back I don't want to shoot anyone, so don't come any closer y… you hear me?"

Alucard didn't come any closer than he was.

*who is this amateur thinking she can kill me with that pathetic gun he he he*

Another rustle in the boshes, Alucard turns his head to see what it is along with Usagi.

"What are they?" Usagi said in a whisper but it was loud enough for Alucard to hear it…..bairly.

Usagi darts away not wanting to know what was coming. Alucard all alone again looks at these demons of the night laughs out loud pulls out his gun and starts to fire. Back were Usagi is running she could here gunshots and screams in the night.


She looks to see were her legs carried her and to her surprise in front of a church?

*How did I get here, no matter I will find sanctuary in the church, and away from that guy……whoever he was*

She runs past the graveyard opens the doors and walks in.

"Excuse me child." Usagi turns to see a man in the shadows.

"Excuse me father I wonder if I can stay here just for a bit, if that's alright."

A smile came from this simple man, but something about him did not feel right and Usagi could feel it. But, something inside of her was held in his eyes and she could not look away, she wanted to but she couldn't it was as if, she was under a spell. The priest was now visible and coming toward.

"What are you father?" Usagi question with very little energy. He smile and showed his two fangs that hung from either side of his mouth.

"A vampire…." she gasped as she said this, but also drew her gun at his forehead.

"Well you guessed it, did you know those ghouls that chased you are my servants? Yes indeed they are I have so many of them now a days, and now I will make you one of my servants." The priest bent down but as he did…….

"Now that's no way to do it."

Usagi gasped. *That voice*

"Just who the hell are you?" The priest yelled.

"Alucard, a worker for Hellsing, how dare you its assholes like you who give us such bad names. People like you make me sick, turning innocent people like her into one of us that's just sick." Alucard pulled out his gun and pointed it a the priest.

The priest pulls Usagi in front of him. "Well if you wan to kill me you need to kill her to. And also you will need to get through them."

Up came his ghouls from every corner holding guns ready to fire at command. "A million to one, I like those odds." Smiled Alucard.

"Fire! Damnit" A million bullets went into the air. It seemed like no one could survive such a beating. Each bullet hit Alucard with such force, that he finally fell to the floor. All hope seemed lost for Usagi, a single tear came to her eye

*now I am going to be one of them*

"Now, were we? Ah, yes." But, something stopped the priest.

All the smoke that was coming from Alucards corps was coming together again and before you knew it Alucard was alive again.

"Do you think wimpy bullets like those can take me out? If so guess again." Many shots were fired this time but not at Alucard but at those ghouls. All of them were dead and the gun was pointed at the priest once again.

"Police woman, I am going to fire my gun it will pass through your lung into his heart. But, I am giving you a choice here you can either, die here tonight but I don't think that's what you want, or you can come with me. Its your choice be careful what you choose police woman."

It took a moment to sink in

*What do I chose die here tonight and never see tomorrow or do I go on living as a living corps?*

" I chose…"


To be continued……

AN: Sorry to all those people out there I am just re-writing the first episode because that's my favorite one. But, the other once I swear will not be like the other episodes. I might thrown in those kids in there. I don't know yes R&R ja-na