Hey everyone,
It took a few months and I had to re-read pretty much every chapter of this story to make sure I remember everything correctly and that my epilogue doesn't have any facts in it that go against what is written in previous chapters, yet I am pretty sure that what will be written in this epilogue will be to your liking.
I will admit that, with the posting of this epilogue, A Cooper Family will be taken off the site, yet it won't mean the absolute end of A Cooper Family. It might be that, in a few months from now, I will get my inspiration for A Cooper Family back and I will continue that, repost its chapters and delete this epilogue.
Okay, enjoy,


Muggles and Magicals

Six years later
Harry's POV

Seated at the conference room of the Confederation of Mundane Arts and Life, my official Potter Lord robes covered by a sash that has the Cooper Symbol shown on the left side, do I smile at all the people seated around me as there are over 200 men and women seated around the room, which is divided into several sections.
One of this sections is for the Most Noble and Most Ancient houses, which no longer counts for only magical families as a special developed salve, created by one of my closer friends, allows for Muggles, Squibs and Magicals alike to actually find out who in their ancestry is magical or Muggle and how far their lines can even go back.
This had been an amazing breakthrough in the eyes of so many Halfbloods and Muggleborns and while some Purebloods had been against the salve becoming nationwide, had the Wizengamot of the time taken down all of their arguments and had it even become illegal for newly found Muggleborns to not purchase this salve.
However, it also became legally demanded that, once the newly found Muggleborns came to Hogwarts, they were to head for the Hospital Wing or their new Head of House in the first week of class and have either the Healer or their Head of House present when applying the salve upon an opened or new-caused wound.

Some parents had requested for them to be present as well and after a visit from Bill Weasley, a few Goblins from Egypt and several from our own Gringotts, had my brother's friends Panda King and Guru actually found a way to change the runes around Hogwarts into ones that kept only certain kinds of Muggles out.
Since then has it become usual for newly found Muggleborns to get a small sting attack their wrist upon their first entrance, which would make it easier for them to, at a later time that same week, apply the salve and find out about their heritage, but it would also register them and their parents into the Hogwarts charter.
This had allowed for Muggle and Magical parents to come visit their kids whenever possible and while some Purebloods had been slightly against it, had Hogwarts slowly but surely changed from a full-out Boarding school to a boarding school where it was no longer required of kids to stay all year round, holidays not included.
This fact, the fact that parents could just pick up their kids and spend time with them as long as the visits were arranged a week beforehand, had made many Pureblood parents very happy and the fact that they now have more chance to teach their offspring about their heritage had taken down any last complaints or protest.

That had been the biggest and best change that had happened to the world I lived in, yet the smaller changes we had been working on to make sure Muggles at least suspected magic to be real before the big reveal had been a lot of fun, had mostly come from ideas I had come up with and had made the whole transition so much easier.
Yes, there had been quite a few groups of Muggles that had wanted to see us burn in hell, be trialed as a whole and sentenced to death and who had even gone so far as to demand of the House of Law to bring back the Death Sentence, yet none of them – not even the Christians – had been able to bring a stop to the union of worlds.
It had definitely taken these groups the longest to get used to the two worlds merging together, yet thanks to most of my ideas, such as the merging of candies, books and crafts in stores and libraries as well as the improvement of curing medicines in both the Magical and Muggle world, had even the Christians come around.

Then my musings, which happen most of the time during the end of the sessions we hold here, get interrupted by the Head of the Confederation as Lord Cedric Diggory knocks his gravel and says: "And with that agreement between House Goyle and House Carmen do we hereby end this session of the Confederation.
Congratulations, Muggles, Magicals, Creatures and Beings and I hope to see you all again in 10 minutes in the Courtyard of Buckingham Palace." This alone makes me have a lot of trouble to keep the happiness and glee out of my smile as I know better than anyone here what will happen there and then I stand up.
The Lords and Ladies around me, who are all of Pureblood lines or who are Muggleborns who have enough Purebloods in their lines and enough magical potential in their blood to call themselves Purebloods, all stand up as well and we all bow to everyone else before moving out of our section and out of the room.
We are, I know, followed by the Purebloods of Noble, Ancient or Noble and Ancient Houses, which are followed by Halfbloods of all lines and then the Beings, Creatures and finally the Muggles as those still have most of the knowledge regarding the security measures that have been set around our House of the Confederation.

Once we exit, does one of the Lords of the Most Noble and Most Ancient Houses approach me and Lord Sirius Orion Black slaps me on the back as he asks: "Remembering all our changes again, pup?" I shrug and say: "Why not remember that which makes you happy, right Lord Black?" The man nods and then whispers:
"Go, I'll cover." I nod at the man, smiling as he and I worked together on the project that will take place at the courtyard and after taking a quick glance around the rest of the Lords and Ladies around me, all of them conversing with each other and glancing at me before looking away when they see Sirius, do I sneak off.
The fact that I am still part Raccoon, that I now change on a daily basis when not having to be at official functions such as the Confederation and that my Destined Soulmate and wife also has a Raccoon Animagus form that she changes into upon my return home after meetings like this, helps me sneak out unnoticed, making me smile.

I then take my cane off my back, Sly having made me a holder quite like his own and Alicia having charmed it to blend with my robes whenever I am wearing official cloths and the cane lengthens back to its original size as it shrinks whenever it needs to blend with my robes to make sure I can move freely without being noticed.
I then, like I usually do when the after-meetings become too much for me to handle, reach out to one of the air vents in the room, pull myself in and happily sneak through, feeling completely in my element as my Inner Raccoon has become just as much a part of my person as my magic over the years, to the joy of my family.
I climb out of the vent at the back of the whole building and while jumping down the two story building, do I feel my body changing, fur growing all over and do I touch the sash, my magic changing it into a mask that I wrap around my upper face before landing on my four Raccoon shaped paws and then start to dash.
Several Muggles and Magicals pass me on the roads I run through, some of them shocked and wide-eyed, others smiling and greeting me and I send them a quick smile while continue dashing and five minutes later do I reach the Courtyard, which is covered by a giant cloth that is wrapped around the entire outside fence.

I smile at the covering and then use the bottom part of my cane to hit the bars next to the front fence entrance in a certain pattern, a Raccoon with a wild-western look and a cowboy hat on slightly move the curtain open, smiling at me and saying: "Hey there, partner, you came just in time. We've just set up the last part of the course."
This makes me smile widely as working on the Integration, my House, my wife and family and the House of Confederation were not my only responsibilities, my godfather, brother and wife making sure I also did several things I enjoyed when not on duty and what is hidden behind the curtain is definitely one of those things.
Tennessee, my ancestor from the late nineteen-hundreds, then opens the fence for a small bit and I use my form to sneak in between the gap before he locks the fence again and leads me through the curtain, the two of us happily walking between the different parts of the course we have been setting up for the last week or so.

Several minutes later is the whole area around the outer fence completely filled up with practically every citizen of London and the several towns and villages around the city and the excited muttering and buzzing of voices makes my Raccoon fur bristle with excitement, my brother on my left side and my wife on my right.
I had personally not been entirely sure if Alicia should be part of this event, yet she had convinced me that, because she was only 3 months pregnant of my first child, she would not be in any danger and that, after the first jump, she would keep herself to the more easier-based parts of the adventure course that we have set up.
Sly and Carmelita had also assured me that things would be alright and when Bob had even promised he would be with Alicia at all times during the course, did I feel confident to agree on having my wife with me, part of me very relieved as I had been, silently, battling myself with my joy to be with her and my fear for her child.

Then, to the shock of all those outside and the happy glee of my family and me, does the entire curtain vanish, light making the curtain disappear and starting at the bottom before moving on with small bangs that are all thanks to the Weasley twins and their Disappearing Firework invention, which they created two years ago.
The Weasley twins have definitely become an amazing name around the English Isles as they didn't just conquer and take over from the Zonko's Prank Product Company, they did the same for Silly Jokes and merged together with a few more minor Prank shops, which allowed them to make great name in smaller villages and towns.
The sparks and lights caused by the fireworks excite the audience and under huge applause and screaming, does my family and I appear on the top of a huge ramp that is at least a floor higher than the Palace, the fountain that stands in the middle of the courtyard makes for the ramp to part into several other parts.
These all stand for, not just the many countries that my ancestors have come from, but also the incredible things that my brother has been able to teach me ever since we became a family in 1994, something I have grown to love to show to all those I care for and later for larger and larger audiences, which has lead to this.

My brother, his wife, my own girl and I all happily waving to the crowd, while Tennessee and Bob are on another ramp a few feet below us on our left and Riochi and Galleth are on the other of the same height as the one of Bob and is on our left. Last of them all, Otto Van Cooper, is standing on a raised dais at the front of the courtyard.
Yes, some time ago did I lost one member of my family as my ancestor Salim had died of old age only last year, yet the raccoon had definitely gone out with an incredible bang, one that will surely go down in history as he had organized an amazing Firework and Dinner show before on New Year of 1999 before dying in his sleep.

Then Otto draws everyone's attention as he shouts: "Ladies and Gentlemen! Welcome to the Cooper Ancestry Extravaganza! In this show, my ancestors and Heirs will show you several tricks and abilities that have been passed through all of our ancient line. All the way from our Caveman ancestor, Bob!" And he motions for the beast.
Bob himself has a huge smile on his face as he has grown to see this as a way for him to provide for the tribe and while we sometimes had to hold him back while building the ramps and parts of the obstacle courses, has he come to enjoy each and every show and his excitement quickly made him the favorite of the younger ones.
Otto then goes on and says: "To our most recent heir, your own Lord Harry James Potter!" To this everyone who has come to the show and had gone to school with me over the years cheers with vigor, some of them even going so far as to shout with glee in their voice: "WE LOVE YOU, HARRY!" Before laughing as they cheer.
To this Alicia and I shake my head as no one, after my fourth, doubted the bond between me and her – other than Ronald, who just remained stubborn in his beliefs – and then Otto shouts: "And onto the future, to his own heir and brother, Sly Cooper and his wife Carmelita!" To which my brother and his wife wave to the cheers.

"Now, everyone, get ready, grab your seats and hold onto your horses, as we start – NOW!" And with that do Sly, Carmelita, Alicia and I jump down from our ramps, Sly and Carmelita reaching for the floating acrobatic bars that sling from side to side above our heads, while Bob, Tennessee, Riochi and Galleth join Alicia and me.
Alicia and I dash down from our ramp, our hands linked together for half of the ramp, yet the two of us letting go when we reach my ancestors and while Tennessee and Alicia switch places, do Riochi and I do the same, me running down the rest of Riochi;s ramp with Galleth and Alicia running down Tennessee's with Bob.
The four of us jumping between ramps causes for people to gasp and cheer and then, with large, excited smiles on our faces do we start the show, jumping from one ramp to another, catching each other when one jumps at the other and uses all kinds of tricks such as the Ninja Spiral Jump and the Sliding Dash and the Rail Slide.

The whole time Otto commentates our tricks, jumps, dives and other moves, while the crowds cheer, scream, gasp and show us how excited and happy they are to see us perform like this and then finally does Sly end it all by double jumping over the actual metal fence and landing in a special part of the audience, to all of their shock.
There he smiles, his arms wide as to show the end of his trick before he moves in a flash and takes a small, five year old Raccoon that has the fur color of his mother, yet the tips of his ears are colored like his father, just like his tail, which is actually furred like his mother and while the kid shouts in shock, does Sly ask:
"Did you enjoy that, birthday boy?"And while those seated around the seat of the little Raccoon gasp in shock to hear about him having his birthday, does the little creature then wave his arms in glee as he shouts: "THANK YOU, DADDY! I LOVED IT!" And while we all smile, does Sly happily hug his son close to his chest.

Yes, I am Harry James Potter. I was once known as the Boy-Who-Lived, yet thanks to all my work of the last few years has that title been replaced by other more enjoyable reputations. And best of all, I have my wife, my upcoming child, my brother and – as of 1996 – my grandfather, Albus Dumbledore, back in my life.
My life has not been the best after my parents died in 1981, but after the search for my brother in 1994 has my life only gone uphill and since then have I been able to integrate the Magical World into the Muggle and vice versa, have I become one with my inner Raccoon and have I become a Lord and an artist my family can be proud of.

And I am happy.

The end

Well, that's it!
Now, I will admit, that I might do my best to use this epilogue to work out more chapters for A Cooper Family, but for now am I just going to consider this story done and finished and will I remove A Cooper Family from my story list. It won't be gone for good, but it won't come back in the coming months.
Now, as for the jobs I gave Harry, I was always intrigued by the whole Most Noble and Most Ancient Houses that are being spoken about in one of the chapters of Order of the Phoenix and I always believed that, if Sly didn't become a Master Thief, he could really use his abilities to become famous – so yeah.
Hope you enjoyed,
