Okay, so if you see anything that needs fixing, just let me know. I hope you enjoy this fanfiction (first GajeelxLevy). Sorry it's so short.

I do not own Fairy Tail, Hiro Mashima does.

Black, White, and Red

All I see is black, white, and red.

She was white, I was black, and her blood was red.

I still remember that day when I attacked, and hung her up on a tree for the world to see her whiteness, stained with red, red like my eyes. And yet, her whiteness, her purity, her beauty, accepted me, forgave me, and seeped onto my blackness.

She added bursts of color, dammit. Wasn't this a colorless world, except for red, the red of blood?

Somehow, somehow she had painted color into my life, and, somehow she made me see the color life could be too. She pulled me out of my grayscale lifelessness, and into a world of color, a world where red didn't always represent the blood on her body.

But still, my memory is stained red, the red of her blood. But even that blood is fading as she paints my memory with color, paints my life with color, covering the inky blackness of my soul with her beautiful white and her colors.

Maybe I can see in color too...