She had just made herself comfortable with a bowl of ice cream and a bag of B positive when Bonnie called. She was exhausted, having already been through enough commotion in one day: being kidnapped by the council, Tyler being alive – fucking Klaus being in his body (she didn't even want to think about the embarrassing situation in the woods – how could he do this to her?), watching Klaus/Tyler almost rip out his heart. And while she was glad to have Tyler back again, what had happened in the woods earlier – plus her having to confess it – had kinda pulled the rug out from under her enthusiasm for "hot hybrid sex" for the day. Actually, she had played the whole thing down a little and reduced it to just kissing – she wasn't really that keen on Tyler getting himself killed when she just had him back. She would sure as hell never make the mistake to underestimate the whole werewolf-rage-thingy.

So after their reunion she'd claimed to be tired – which she was – and returned home to have herself a quiet comforting evening with all her heart desired right now: blood, ice cream and a movie.

So she didn't really break out in glee when she heard the buzz of her phone. For a moment she stared at it as if that could make it go away, then she sighed and picked up.

"Make it quick, Bon, because I am really not in the mood for any more drama right now."

"I need your help," Bonnie replied.

Caroline sat up. "My help doing what?"

"I want to trap Klaus in the tomb. After everything that happened today he won't suspect us trying anything. We have to get rid of him for good as long as we have the chance."

"Wait – what? Bonnie, hasn't the spell that kept vampires in there been lifted? You don't have any magic right now, remember?"

"I do very well remember. I also remember that Klaus made me do something today that resulted in my gramps being tormented by angry spirits eternally. Witches stick together in these matters, Care. I know someone who is willing to do the spell."

"And what do you need me for?"

"I need you to lure him there."

"Bonnie, that's crazy! If something goes wrong – and excuse me, something always goes wrong – he's going to kill me! Fuck, he's going to kill all of us. This is a very bad idea."

She heard a sigh on the other side of the line. "If there's anyone he won't kill if something goes wrong, it's you. And I have to make him pay for what he did today. He's not gonna stop, Caroline. If we let him walk free, he's going to continue terrorizing all our lives. He's trying to build an army of hybrids, as if he wasn't the most powerful creature on earth, anyway. His mere existence is against the balance of nature."

Caroline frowned, still not all that happy with the idea. She didn't really know what she was supposed to think, she struggled with conflicting feelings regarding the plan. On the one hand: he deserved it. Bonnie was right, he was a raging psychopath. She could not even begin to estimate how much damage he had done since he arrived in Mystic Falls. Today alone he had sexually assaulted her, almost killed Tyler and hurt Bonnie beyond comprehension. She had already been through far enough. She had already lost her grandmother once; the second time had to be almost unbearable. On the other hand he had saved her today, again, with no ulterior motive – well probably – one couldn't even be sure about that. And the risk involved was also something to consider. Weighing all her options she decided.


"Good, we'll do the spell and I'll call again." With that Bonnie hung up.

Caroline got up, put the ice cream away and got dressed again while suckling on her blood bag.

It had been a long day, but it was not about to end anytime soon.

By the time Bonnie called Caroline had already looked up the best possible route that led from the Mikaelson mansion to the tomb. She'd put on a dark jeans, a top and a denim jacket as well as some sneakers. Her hair was pulled up into a ponytail; she didn't want it to get in her way while running. "The tomb is spelled. Have you thought of a way to get him there?"

"Uh, I'm not that good of an actress. So I just thought I'd show up at his door, ask for help and run for it. I'm pretty confident he'll take the bait."

"Sounds decent. We'll be waiting by the tomb. I'll have her do a hiding spell so he doesn't sense us."

"Good, I'll be off then."

"Okay. And Caroline – be careful."

First she wanted to give a sneaky retort but then she decided against it. Instead she replied, "See you soon."

Then she hung up, left her house, and took off to the Mikaelson mansion at full vampire speed.

As she arrived, she was once more intimidated by the mere size of the house. Why did anyone need a house that big? Not that Tyler's house was any better, but it wasn't as if he'd had a choice in that. Klaus, on the other hand, had. She wondered what kind of inferiority complex he tried to compensate for.

Focus, she needed to look really distressed right now. Something bad had happened. How should she do this? Maybe she should, like, think of some terrible memory to draw from. But all the memories she could think of were too painful to be taken into consideration. Maybe she should just draw from her current situation. There sure as hell was enough desperation. She needed to go for it now, to ambush him so he couldn't ask any question. Or he'd notice her standing around, and that might make him suspicious. She rang the doorbell.

In an instant the door opened, she supposed he had sensed her presence or something, because he showed up personally, not sending one of his hybrids.

He stood in the doorway, cocking his head to the side. "Caroline, to what do I owe the pleasure of your company?"

Alright, looking distressed was no problem at all. The whole situation made her more than uncomfortable. "I need your help," she exclaimed, and without hesitating a second she turned on her heels and started running full speed.

She only got as far as a few meters when he caught her by her elbow and turned her around. He appeared worried. "Caroline, what's going on?"

Still looking properly desperate (hell, she was desperate - she was this close to being found out) she replied, "You need to follow me. Klaus, please, it's urgent!"

He released her arm, a frown on his face. The next moment they were running again.

Quickly they arrived at the tomb. She jumped down and then halted and turned around. He landed beside her.

Sounding distraught and out of breath (even though she didn't need to be, just for the sake of dramatics) she gasped, "In here."

She started to run towards the entrance, using vampire speed, praying to god he'd take the bait. He did.

Abruptly she halted just in front of the entrance while he dashed inside. Relief washed over her.

A few steps inside he stopped, too, and turned around. "Caroline?"

She opened her mouth, but she couldn't bring herself to say anything.

Slowly his frown deepened. He walked towards her and hit the invisible wall.

His head darted up, shock crossing his features, followed by realization.

"What is this – what have you done?" he shouted, his face contorting in anger.

She flinched. Yay, déjà vu. She hadn't liked this scenario the first time around.

"I'm sorry, Klaus," she answered, honestly.

He stared at her, his expression unreadable.
Just as she was about to lower her eyes, his pupils dilated.

His tone of voice was cold and menacing as he said,

"Please enter, sweetheart."