A/N: Please read and review!

There was a war torn world under the light of a red sun. It was a world that had went from savage and warlike beginnings to a peaceful society, but the planet was in its final days. That was enough for some to place the old civilization back into the savageness and war mongering people they had worked so hard to move past.

It was chaos.

There was a man, and unlike many of the people on the ruling council, he sort of saw the end coming. He had something in the works to protect their only daughter and send her to a world where she would have been raised to never possess the failures of their world while achieving the great potential for their people. Among other things.

That scientist had to argue with his younger brother, and it was in those moments when he had finally seen his brother's true character which had become more pronounced in those months, since the brutal war had led to the death of his wife.

"You get everything," the younger brother was saying, and his icy blue eyes were more green. "The set on the Council. . .Lara. . ." That was new to him. He never would have guessed his brother felt that way about Lara, so he could only shake his head at his brother. "What makes you think your daughter is the only thing. . ."

"Because Lara gave birth to her," he quickly replied. "She is the only live birth."

"Elura gave birth to Kara," his brother had smugly said.

He shook his head a second time. It was beyond the following to the letter of a live birth. Beyond that, but his brother would never be able to understand that sort of thing. He knew enough to be desperate and dangerous, but he never saw the true meaning behind what was written in the Book of Rao and the ancient Kryptonian records.

"It's not just about that," he said. "You should know that."

"I had to do something to make it happen for myself," his brother said.

He stared at his brother in horror when he had realized what his brother had meant by that. A great technology was placed in the hands of the man who had created a movement to bring their civilization back to where they were in the very early days, and he realized it happened because of his brother.

"You don't deserve to wear our family crest," he said, glaring at the man he would never again consider to be his brother.

They fought each other for several moments, but the elder brother got the better of the younger. He ran to his wife and child to send their daughter to the safest place before their way of life could end. Each earthquake was becoming worse and worse with each passing moment. Father and Mother gave their final goodbyes to their only daughter, hoping the people who would find her would help her reach her great potential.

In that same moment the brother grabbed his daughter and left his dying homeworld to take her to that same planet. He was going to make sure she reach that same potential.

Smallville, Kansas

A young man and his young wife drove into the small town from his old family farm, so he could catch up on some of his business and speak to his loan officer. She spent the time in the front lobby as she had waited for him. A girl had been speaking to one of the older bank ladies while she was with her grandmother, and she had walked over to the woman when she saw her.

The girl was dressed as what she had normally had called a fairy princess, and she was holding a wand. The young woman gave her a small and sweet smile for the girl as she went to be at her level.

"Hello, Emma," she said to her.

"Hello, Mrs. Kent," the girl named Emma Willowbrook said, returning that smile. "Would you like me to grant you your wish?"

"I would love that," she said.

Emma rested the wand on her forehead. "Close your eyes and think about your wish."

She closed her eyes, and she could only think about the one thing her life had never given to her. It had been troubling her for awhile, but her husband had always been pretty hopeful over it. When she had opened her eyes, she could see her husband had watched their short interaction, wearing a mysterious expression on his face.

When they were back in his truck, her husband had looked at her and lightly kissed her cheek.

"I know what you were wishing for," he quietly said to her. "Don't worry about it."

He squeezed her hand before he went to drive back to the farm. That day had been pretty warm and decent. There had been no hint of what could actually happen that day.

He was a mile and a half away from their farm when the meteors started to hit the ground around them and the small town.

She looked around them in horror. "What's happening, Jonathan?"

He did not have an answer for her, and a large meteor rock hit the field close to them, making Jonathan lose control of his truck. It had spun around before it stopped halfway in the ditch. They were barely even conscious in those moments following their accident.

"Martha?" Jonathan had asked with some worry, and he went to reach out to her to lightly touch her cheek.

She jerked awake, and the truck started to tip towards the deep ditch and roll into it.

"Jonathan. . ." She said. "What happened?"

The truck was still tipping towards the ditch, but it had suddenly stopped moving before it was pulled back onto the side of the road. They were curious to see what that was about to get out of the truck. There was a young girl wearing red and blue clothing with an "S" inside of a shield on her chest, and she had her hands on the bumper like she was the one who had pulled the truck to safety. They would not have believed it if they had not been right there.

There was something about the young girl.

Martha immediately walked over to the girl and went to her level. The girl did not see her as a threat and immediately walked over to her to quickly be scooped up into her arms, and she had wrapped her arms around her neck and buried her face against her neck. Martha close her eyes for a moment.

Jonathan had been pretty busy checking out his field to see the damage to his corn. He turned to look back at Martha, and he saw her reaction at holding the girl.

"Martha. . ." He said. "We can't keep her. . ."

He carefully climbed into the ditch, and he carefully helped her after him. She was not going to let go of the young girl. The young girl shyly looked up at him, and her eyes were an icy blue. They were curious and lost, and he could see why Martha was never going to let go of her.

They carefully walked through the ruined field before they found a large crater in the middle of the field, and there was a strange spaceship in the middle of it. The little girl giggled and pointed at the ship.

"Well. . ." Martha said. "If she does. . .they're not from Kansas."

Jonathan looked back her, and he saw her hug the girl even closer to her. He did not have the heart to tell her anything else about it.

"Sweetheart," he had to tell her. "We can't keep her. What are we going to say to them? We found her in a field?"

Martha was thoughtful for a moment, and she thought back to that wish that had been bothering her for a long time. She started to wear a hopeful smile as she held the young girl close to her.

"We didn't find her," she said. "She found us."

The Hunan Province of China

There was a doctor working to help the impoverished village people with their medical issues. It was just that doctor and the daughter he had always doted on but kept out of view from most people around them. Father and daughter had been very close since tragedy, destruction, and a sense of betrayal had brought them there. Even during his work, he could only focus a little of what he had been working. Something else would catch his attention for moments on end.

People would notice he would watch the skies. It was like he had been expecting something pretty important to happen. There were people who could tell he and his daughter were different from the people around them, but they were not sure why or how that was even possible. They could somehow sense that.

There came a day when he had to leave. He never said why, but he had made sure his greatest and most prized treasure, his daughter, was in the care of some people he knew would be able to protect her, and he could trust. Then, he completely disappeared.

The girl was sleeping in the small bed as the wizened old woman looked on. She was one of the few people in the whole world who really knew what was going on with that father and daughter and in the world at large. She knew who to get a hold of to get the girl out of there and away from the dark man who was her father.

The doctor's eyes had bothered her. They were soulless.

"You will make sure she stays hidden and unnoticed?" She had asked the mysterious figure. She had grown attached to the girl, seeing her as family.

"Yes," he said. "They will think it was a mission for their own. They will make sure she stays invisible."

"She is like her father."

"I know what I'm doing," he said. A look of pain and grief passed across his face for a moment as he thought back to something else. "An old friend taught me how to do it."

The old woman nodded, and she had allowed him into the room. The girl quickly woke up when she had realized he was there, and she immediately recognized him and was not threatened by him.

"I'm going to take you some place safe, " he quietly said to her, reaching one hand out to her.

The girl took it without hesitation because she could still remember him as an old family friend. When she had touched his hand, he carefully made sure to lock away her true nature. For her sake as well as the whole world's.

The Kawatche Lands in Kansas

That doctor came to the old lands he remembered his grandfather and uncles spoke about when he was growing up. He knew that in the moment that meteor shower had hit the surround countryside, he would have been able to steal certain things for himself and his daughter if he was going to be able to make her the one to create that create era for their people. Whoever may have been left. . .

He went to walk into the Caves, but he was surrounded by two wolves. Before he went to act, he had realized there was something more to those wolves. That had confirmed another thing about those old family stories. They could turn into wolves.

They went to attack him. At first, he was not concerned, but they were able to scratch and bit him and leave behind marks. He really had to struggle against them. They yelped in pain when his eyes glowed red at them as the smell of burning flesh filled the air.

He was able to be in the Caves, and he bellowed in anger. All that was in the Caves were the paintings of their great myths and a stone altar that had only the symbols from his old world.

Nothing. . .

New York City

An older man had to shove aside his suspicions over what had been going on within the organization he was forced to create in the years following World War II, and he had been watching the news.

There was a meteor shower that had been hitting a small town in Kansas. It was total devastation and chaos, but that was not why he had paused.

It was all very familiar for him and a few others he had known.

He pulled out an old notebook that had a strange symbol on its cover. People like him went West and would later pass on their interesting stories through the years. They met a group of people known as the Kawatche who had a story of a great hero that was closely tied to their origin myths. They believed them, and the Veritas Society was created to help make it happen.

The meteor shower was supposed to start it all. Traveler had arrived.