Disclaimer: I owe nothing you recognize.

Warnings: Slash. More detailed mentions of slash but nothing too graphic. Other warnings still apply.

AN: Thank you so much for the continued support! Your reviews make me really happy and I am pleasantly surprised at how long a lot of them are. I know for me to write a long review I have to be invested in the story so, thank you! Sorry for the long wait between updates but I moved six hundred miles up north and the process of moving into a new place and getting everything organized meant that I couldn't sit down to write anything. Hope you guys continue to enjoy and review to let me know if you like where this is going. Lots of love!






Chapter 12: First Day, Dinner, and Family

It's a long but productive day and Tony is certain that his team is a solid one. They are all extremely qualified for their positions and a bit of digging into previous case loads has given him an idea of what to expect from the members of his team and where he can best use their skills.

Already, half formed plans for dinner and get together are swimming around in his head. It startles him a bit to realize he's willing to include them in his life so soon but he muses that its nice to have a team that doesn't look a him like he's the odd man out; like he's the only one that doesn't deserve to be there.

He is really looking forward to working with them.

Considering its their first day together and all newly formed teams must take at least one week to settle in and get familiar with each other, Tony decides to let them go home at a reasonable hour, right at 5.

It's a Monday so he'll actually be home before Tor for once.

He packs his things away and waves at Vivian, call me Vivi, as she leaves with a "See you tomorrow boss!" He sits back in his chair and looks at their workspace. It's the same size as the MCRT but with a slightly different set up. They had all given their input on where they wanted the mobile tools of their job such as the evidence boards and main screens.

It feels good to sit there in his chair and look out at his space, yes he knows it belongs to his team but it still feels good to be able to call it his own, to be team lead. Tony is only slightly surprised at how good it feels to be the one leading.

He shakes his head and picks up his bag, waving goodbye to a few agents as he heads down to the garage. It's only as he is opening the door to his car that he finally realizes he's gone all day without telling his mother about his promotion and new team.

He groans out loud and pulls out his cell phone as he gets into his car and makes the call, knowing his father has already made the call for him.

She'll be thrilled to see him leave team Gibbs but she will give him a dressing down for failing to inform her and allow her to prepare some sort of celebratory dinner for him. She doesn't have to and Tony is still unused to having people care about things like that; he's never really had someone to tell these things to or share with.

"Hello? Mom?" Tony laughs as Jackie scolds him for taking so long to call and answers all her questions patiently.

She sounds excited about planning something for him but Tony knows its too late to really plan anything for today but he does know the owner of Gina's on Main St. and he knows she would be more than happy to give them a table at her restaurant.

He hangs up and makes the call and as he expected, Gina is more than thrilled to do so for him. It's been his favorite Italian restaurant since he came to Virginia and eating anywhere else almost feels like betrayal whenever he has had to do so. When he had mentioned it to Gina she had only laughed and called him a good boy, adding another slice of tiramisu to his plate.

He loves it there.

He looks at the time and thinks he can make it to pick up Tor at school and sends her a quick text.

He might have to wait a while and it'll give him the opportunity to see how she's doing with her arm out of commission for the next few weeks. She's probably been forced to sit out and do homework and study but Tony can already see her pouting and trying to convince anyone who will lesson that she's fine and more than able to participate in practice.

She was stubborn and Tony wasn't sure if she took more after him or Mina in that respect. Both of them had been incredibly stubborn when they set their minds on something and maybe that had been a problem, he only hoped she wouldn't be so stubborn as to injure herself further.

He cursed at the thought of her injury and forgetting to let Gremlin and Ducky know about tonight. He debated with himself and thought about whether he really wanted Ducky there.

Ducky hadn't been as bad but he had said a few things that had hurt and ultimately, Ducky was Gibbs' man and Tony was loathe to tell him about Tor. He wanted her kept secret a while longer until everything sorted itself out and he felt she wouldn't be hurt because of him. That had turned out brilliantly so far so he didn't know how that would go.

He made a quick stop at the market and picked up a basket. Tor was injured and proper etiquette dictated he provide comfort food. Tony wasn't too sure he should be providing her with more sugar but he figured it was his prerogative as her father to spoil her a bit. Surely even normal fathers who had raised their daughters spoiled them when hurt or sick? And Tony had years to make up for.

He scanned the aisles until he got to the candy aisle and pulled a few chocolate bars onto his basket and a few bags of sour patch kids and sour gummy worms. That done, he headed over to the frozen food aisle until he came to the ice cream section.

He hummed to himself as he grabbed a couple of small tubs of ice cream: mint chip, chocolate chip, rocky road, and butter pecan, their favorites. Maybe they could have a movie night tomorrow since it was an early day for Tor?

Yeah, they should do that. He looked at what he had in the basket and wondered if he should take more but decided against it. He would pick up Tor from his grandmother's after work and they would both pick their goodies for their second annual movie night. Yeah, that would work.

His distraction made him ignore his surroundings and so he crashed into someone and dropped his basket. Steady hands gripped his forearms and Tony look into the nose of the man he had bumped into, an apology on the tip of his tongue and looked up into warm hazel eyes.

He felt a blush creeping up his neck and furiously stamped it down.

"Ah, hello Aaron, sorry about that," he said as he bend down to pull his things back into his basket and avoid the piercing gaze of the man he hadn't been able to get out of his mind since Saturday night.

That and he felt a bit hotter than usual and wasn't entirely certain he wasn't blushing. Better to be on the safe side than embarrass himself further.

He heard the warm chuckle of the man he had crashed into and startled as a hand landed on his, reaching for the same tub of ice cream as him. He looked up into amused hazel eyes and smiled hesitantly, feeling out of sorts despite his normal charm and ease around people. Even people he found himself very attracted to.

"Is this for Victoria?" Aaron asked curiously as they stood and he looked at the contents of his basket. "Or are you just craving something sweet?" There was a glint in Aaron's eyes that made something warm curl up in his stomach and Tony laughed a little breathlessly.

"Yes. No—I mean, yes it's mostly for Tor and no, it's not for me. What are you doing here?" He asked as he tried to peak into Aaron's basket. He failed and looked back at the man, noting he still had that amused look in his eyes, his lips quirked into a very slight smile.

Tony had the feeling he didn't smile often and felt a bit of satisfaction in pulling that smile out of him. "Just picking up some things for dinner. I'm not quite sure what I'm having yet," Aaron said as he stepped outside and allowed Tony to look at his nearly empty car. "As you can see, I'm mostly just getting some basic things, I figure I'll throw something together once I get home."

Tony took in his response and bit his lip uncertainly. He was well aware of his brother's schemes and knew just why Toby had been so determined to have Tony meet Aaron but maybe this was a bit too much too soon. "Would you like to have dinner with me?" He said before he really thought it through; it kind of just slipped out. Aaron's eyes widened slightly in surprise, as he hadn't expected the invitation but he seriously considered it. "It uhh, it wouldn't be just us. Tor, my parents, Toby and nieces and nephews would be there too. So, you don't have to worry about—" Tony trailed off as he realized he was babbling.

Nice going, genius Tony thought as he shook his head slightly. He was sure Aaron was going to say no. "Are you celebrating something? Or do you normally all get together for dinner on Monday's?" Aaron asked curiously.

He knew from personal experience how difficult it could be to have a weekly anything in their line of work and he couldn't imagine it would be any easier for Tony, Toby, or Director Vance.

Tony felt slightly uncomfortable answering the question. He and Aaron had just met and Aaron knew Leon was his dad, surrogate but all he knew was that Leon was a father figure for him. Aaron hadn't really had the chance to know him and he was worried he would take his promotion as favoritism.

Tony liked Aaron, really liked him and didn't want him to think badly of him or make assumptions without knowing him.

He pushed forward though because he trusted Toby and knew the man wouldn't lead him astray. "Our weekly dinners are on Sundays but today we're celebrating my promotion to team lead." He said as he studied the man in front of him carefully for a reaction.

Aaron simply smiled, knowing that Agent DiNozzo was considered a very good agent and was sought out by several agencies. In fact, Gideon had once made a mention of how disappointed he was in missing the opportunity to bring DiNozzo onto the team.

Aaron may not know the man well and he may not have worked with him but one did not receive praise from a man such as Jason Gideon often, much less easily. He had no doubt that Tony was a capable agent at the very least.

His eyes reflected his easy acceptance and belief that Tony deserved the post, although Tony was somewhat baffled as to why the man would have such faith in him and really, that's what Tony saw in Aaron's eyes, faith that Tony was capable of doing his job.

He shrugged it off and chalked it up to Toby putting in a good word for him. I mean, he was trying to set them up.

"I would love to have dinner sometime but perhaps another time? It would be more appropriate for you to celebrate such an occasion with family and close friends. I wouldn't want to impose." Tony laughs a little to himself and shakes his head.

"You actually have a point. I wasn't thinking." It's said more than a little self deprecatingly and Tony finds himself looking into warm brown eyes as Aaron reaches out a tentative hand to cup his face and his breath catches at the action.

"The first time I take you out, I'd like to have you all to myself." He says and Tony feels something in him stir and wonders what that voice would sound like in the throws of passion. His breath hitches as Aaron's thumb rubs his cheek gently before he pulls away.

"I'll let you get going, then. May I call you soon?" Tony can't do anything but nod and puts his number and contact info into Aaron's phone almost on auto pilot. He isn't functioning normally and blames it on the proximity of the man in front of him.

Tony knew he was bisexual but he had only ever been attracted, truly attracted to three men in his life and Aaron was, well he was something else entirely. Tony had never had this reaction to anyone before in his life, ever. It was kind of invigorating and addicting knowing that he could respond to someone else this way. Even better was knowing the feeling was returned.

And it was returned. In this he had no doubt, he thought as Aaron looked at him like, like that. It was a primal look of desire combined with an interest he had never seen directed at him.

It was—novel for him.

They said their goodbyes and Tony paid for his things and drove home in a daze.

Tony was used to people wanting him for his looks, the money people thought he had to spend in abundance, or something entirely superficial but this, this was different. Toby had told Tony all about Hotch—Aaron, and the man was not the type to take relationships of any kind lightly. Tony was kind of surprised he was being so, so open about this and his reactions to Tony.

He was bold and Tony liked it, he really liked the attention he was getting from Aaron, even if it had been very brief.

Aaron looked at him like he wanted to know him, intimately and all of him without reservation. He shivered slightly as he remembered the look in those eyes. Aaron wanted him, not just physically, no. He wanted all of him.

Tony shook his head and tried to dislodge those thoughts. What was he thinking? He barely knew the man and already he was waxing poetic and thinking he was seriously interested. He tried to push the ridiculous thoughts away. They had only met twice now and it was too soon to be thinking about any of that. He shouldn't be getting ahead of himself.

Tony picked up Tor and they met up with the rest of the family for dinner. He tried to focus on the moment and placed his arm on the back of his daughter's chair and squeezed. He reveled in the feeling of love, safety and warmth that surrounded him and felt himself tear up. Him, Anthony DiNozzo was tearing up, in public!

He jumped slightly and met the warm eyes of the only mother he had ever really known. "It's alright son. Just take it all in, we're here for you," she whispered and Tony closed his eyes as she cupper his face with her gentle hands, worn and weathered by age and the care she had given to her children, and kissed his forehead gently.

Tor hugged him around the waist and Tony opened his eyes to see Leon and Toby, father and brother to him now, look at him with warmth and understanding in their eyes. He smiled and let himself feel. "Thank you." He said and knew they heard the wealth of things he wanted to say but couldn't find the words for.

Jackie gave him a final kiss and squeezed his free hand. "Now, why don't you tell us what has you so distracted you can't fully focus on dinner?" Tony paused and gaped slightly as he heard Leon and Toby laugh at the look on his face. He looked at them for help and got nothing. Traitors.

Tor laughed and poked him in the side, leaning over to peak at her grandmother, "Distracted? Nana, he had this really silly look on his face when he picked me up. And he was humming on the way here, I don't even think he heard what I said on the way here!" She said as she gave his betrayed look and innocent smile. "Right daddy?" His own daughter, betraying him so thought as he put a hand to his heart and mock fainted to peals of laughter, hoping for a distraction.

Jackie's eyes became entirely focused on him and Tony knew that look well. She straightened in her seat and pinned him with her 'mom stare' as he had dubbed it. It was the worst. Really, anything would help at this point.

He coughed uncomfortably and looked around desperately for an out. It came in the form of a waiter that was going to get the tip of a lifetime, "Would anyone like more wine?"

"Yes!" Tony exclaimed a little too loudly as the waiter leant back a bit in surprise and Tony flushed. "More wine for everyone!" He continued at a normal tone, "not you Tor," he said as he saw her open her mouth. She smiled innocently like, who me? But Tony wasn't fooled.

The distraction worked and Tony was grateful. The rest of the dinner went by smoothly and he had a really good time. They head over to his house to have the dessert his mother had made and it wasn't until they sat around the table, him sitting with his back to the wall and father on one side, brother to the other and mother across from him that he realized his mistake.

Tor was giggling off to the side as she played with the kids and looked over at his panicked face, peach cobbler forgotten in the face of the inquisition he was about to face.

"Now dear, why don't you tell us their name? And really," she continued as he opened his mouth to protest, "you should be a good boy and answer my questions before I do something drastic." Jackie said this all with a sweet smile on her face and sugar lacing her voice.

Tony gulped and debated the odds of him making him to the door before his dad and Toby dragged him out and further, what the odds of him getting one over his mother were. He determined the odds and decided to do the smart thing.

He spilled.

It was as embarrassing as he imagined and even better than he had hoped as Jackie pumped him for information excitedly and Leon and Toby teased him about his interest in the FBI agent.

This, this was exactly like he had always pictured a family would be like.

Only now he didn't have to lie awake at night and wonder if he would ever have this, if he would ever be worthy of this. Tony couldn't imagine being anywhere but here.

"Son, you should invite Agent Hotchner over for dinner some time soon so we can meet him," Tony looked over at his father as he said this and wasn't sure he liked the look in his eyes as he did. "I have heard some things about his team and I want to clear up a few things."

Tony looked at Leon strangely as something dawned on him. "Are you—are you going to threaten him?" He asked disbelievingly.

Leon huffed and rolled his eyes, "Of course not son. I'm a grown man and the head of a federal agency." Tony sagged in his seat, relieved that this was not a thing he was going to have to deal with. He wasn't a damsel in distress that needed protecting.

"Of course I'm not going to threaten him," Leon continued entirely unruffled and as a smooth as a cucumber, "I'm simply going to discuss my experience out on the field and of course, the resources at my disposal. It'll just be talking shop."

Tony groaned and banged his head against the table as Tony broke out into full bellied laughter and his mother chuckled.

"Dad, dad. Hey dad!" Tor said and Tony just waited for it as he continued to bang his head on the table. Wait for it, just wait for it.

"Yes, Victoria?" He said, never ceasing the banging on the table.

"You really should stop banging your head on the table. Did you know that you kill brain cells every time you hit yourself on the head? I just think you need to preserve the brain cells you do have, you know?" Tony stopped banging his head on the table and looked over at the floor where she was still sitting playing the game with his mouth open.

As everyone broke into laughter, Tony banged his head on the table one more time.

Yup, she was definitely his alright. She was most definitely his.




.The End.

Hope you guys enjoyed that and thanks for all the love you've shown so far. Mwuahh, love you guys!

