Authors Note

Bruh... Its been so long hasn't it? I bet all of you guys are mad at me. Hahahaha:( Well I just thought I'd give you guys an update on both stories. I feel you guys at least deserve to know whats going on. So for one, I haven't abandoned them, not at all. I actually am going to school and working right now and I literally only get weekends off. And on those weekends I tend to laze around and just rest.

I guess what I'm trying to say is I'm still trying to get used to my schedule. But so far its starting to get better and my body doesn't feel as tired any more so I'm going to try and start typing the weekends I'm off. So for those who have been patient with me, I sincerely thank you. You don't know how bad I feel to see people constantly message me asking when are they going to get a new chapter.

But foreal, I promise I will get those chapters out there. They're like somewhat typed, but I still have a long way to go. But for those who are supporting and still waiting for those chapters, I will get them out. Till then.
