AN: I am extremely sorry for this very late update! Things, good and bad, had occured during this whole time! University has also took most of my time, leaving little for me to breathe!

I would like to thank all who messaged me! You guys made me feel so guilty that I had to post the new chapter as soon as possible! And thank you for those who favorited/followed this! I love youuu! ; 7 ; I'll be updating 'KnB drabbles' with 2 chapters soon as well, a chapter will be AoKaga and the second one will be GOM/Kagami as requested!

Disclaimer: I own nothing!

The next morning, Aomine found himself standing before Kagami's door, having already gotten his address from Momoi the night before. He checked the nametag next to the door just to make sure he's actually at the right place. "Kagami, so it's the tight address.. Her database sure is frightening.." He took a deep breath before pressing the doorbell, and after a few minutes no one is answering, his patience runs off and he's banging on the door. "Oi Kagami! I know you're in there! Open the door!" Aomine was lying, he didn't actually know, but he was feeling both annoyed and nervous and he wanted to get this problematic situation done and over with. Little did he know that Kagami could actually sense him behind the door, with his supernatural , there was no answer, so Aomine glared menacingly at the poor door, before growling and turning around, his feet stomping loudly on the floor. No sooner than he did that, the door opened behind him. "..Sorry for making you wait." Aomine heard a voice behind him saying, or more like muttering.

When he turned around, he saw the red head standing next the door, his face turned away from his. Aomine had a lot of unanswered questions, he wanted to ask, to get his nerves setteled, but seeing the other had triggered something in him. Soon he found his body moving forwards quickly, he pushed Kagami back by the collar as his contained feelings leashed out. "You sure got the nerves to disappear after that incident! Leaving me there traumatized! How the hell do you expect me to do in a situation like that?! You own me a fucking explanation, ya hear me?!" yelled Aomine, whilst Kagami's face was looking down, an expression of guilt was on his face."Lets sit down and I'll explain everything.." Kagami suggested after the other had calmed down a little, and they both moved to the living room and sat down on the couch. They were sitting far away from each other as possible, Aomine with his hands crossed and Kagami was fumbling with his. The vampire sighed before adjusting his position to a more proper manner, knowing that Aomine was actually aware of everything he's doing despised his angry demeanor.

"I'll start from the beginning.. You see, my family and I are vampires. We've been like this since ancient times and are one of the leading vampire families. We-" Aomine interrupted Kagami by asking, "But you don't look like a vampire to me.." "You don't have to look like Dracula to be a vampire" Kagami replied with a somewhat exasperated tone before continuing, "As I was saying, we don't necessarily have to drink human blood to survive. We depend on artificially made blood, though it doesn't make us feel powerful as human blood does. We are also trained to have a generally good control over our blood lust but.." Kagami's hand fumbling as returned, and his face flushed red. "Then why did you attack me that day?" Questioned Aomine, feeling slightly curious by the other's change. "W-well you see.. Vampires' urges get stronger and they have harder t-time controlling it when they meet their.. m-mates.." It's as if time had stopped for Aomine when he heard these words as his eyes widened slightly in disbelief. "Wait.. So you're telling me I am your m-mate?"

That word was weird for Aomine to say for some reason when he asked, 'Who uses the word mate anyway? Isn't it lover nowadays?' Aomine couldn't help thinking. The tanned man's attention was brought back to Kagami's face when he noticed how the redness on his cheeks has darkened and he understood what the answer would mind hasn't fully realized his situation but he wanted to get an answer to question nagging in his head. "Will I turn to a vampire after the bite?" Aomine asked as he found himself staring at the redhead's mouth as he spoke, seeing his overly sharp fangs, and how they moved. Kagami shook his head, "No you don't.. There's a certain ritual you have to do if you want to turn into a vampire.." Aomine let out a short 'aha' as a respond.

A few minutes has passed in silence, as Kagami let everything fully sink inside Aomine's head. The tanned man, however, couldn't stop himself from asking a question that Kagami has already anticipated, but still think of it as a stupid one. "Do vampires hate garlic? And can they be killed with a wooden stake to the heart?" The red head smiled a little, Aomine really did seem curious about everything. "Sorry to disappoint but these urban legends aren't true! Garlic is just like any vegetable to us and a silver bullet is the only way to kill us" The two of them had moved closer to each other, they didn't notice how their shoulders slightly brushed, both were lost in their thoughts. Things seemed to happen better that what both of them had expected, and they were relieved since each thought the other guy was interesting and they didn't want their relationship to end before it even started.