Thorin Oakansheild sat in the soft glow of the sun just outside his café, Erebor. The three tables and six chairs made up the café's front and allowed the sitter to see the crossroads of the small main street. Giving off a sigh he started down at the papers in front of him. Accounting was not his strong suit. Plus the warming sun on his side was only adding to his disdain of the growing numbers in front of him. Putting his pen down in defeat he filed up the papers and stuffed them in the folder. He could balance later, there wasn't a rush anyway. He cracked his neck and frowned at his own stupidity, a sunny mild day was not a day to be working on numbers outside.

He pushed open the door to the surprisingly empty café, while Wednesdays were not their busiest, it was a rather off sight to the manager of the best little café on the block. Not that he would brag.

"Ori, would you mind watching the counter a while longer while I go fax these to Balin?" He asked off handedly.

"No, of course not. You finished already Thorin?" The young college student asked. Thorin didn't really having college students as employees, but Ori was family….distantly. He worked hard though and that was all Thorin cared about.

"No, but I'll send him the ones that are…"

"There'll be no need for that laddie." Another voice popped up as the sound of the door closed behind it.

"Balin, what are you doin' here on you're day off?" Thorin asked raising an eyebrow at his oldest friend.

"I came here to give you this; it was in the café's post box. I figured you'd want to take a look at it." Balin said, his voice harsher then it should have been and that set alarms in Thorin's head. He already knew what Balin carried.

"I don't care what that wyrm says. He's not getting a single finger on this business. Why has he not dropped this ridicules idea yet." He said threw gritted teeth. His day turning sour in a single swoop.

"I don't know." Balin said. "But we can't ignore this Thorin." Balin answered sternly. The elder knew that if it was up to Thorin the letter would already be down the shredder. It wasn't professional but Balin always checked the Café's post box everyday for these letters knowing that Thorin would not take a second look at them.

"I know." Thorin said sagging his head. "Is there anything we can do about it?" He asked.

"I haven't opened it lad." Balin said holding out the envelope.

Thorin gave Balin a amused look before taking the letter with a rather dramatic and rough sigh. Opening it something fell out and dropped to the ground. Balin raised his eyebrows before picking it up. Behind Thorin both Ori and Bombur had come out to investigate what had distressed their manager.

"What is it Balin?" Thorin asked curious.

"It's a, a key." Replied Balin, turning the object over in his hand. He held it up for the rest to see. It was an old skeleton key, off grey metal glinted in the light.

Thorin only made a short humming noise in the back of his throat before he let his eyes dart back to the letter. Ori watched as the vain in Thorin's temple grew the longer he read. Bombur sensing that things were not going to be welcoming in the next few minutes flew back to the small kitchen.

"That…That…vile." Thorin sputtered. He clenched the paper in his hands the urge to tear it up into little pieces growing.

"What is it lad?" Balin asked concern evident on his face.

"Here." Was all Thorin was able to manage before all but throwing the paper at Balin.

Balin grabbed the paper from him, Thorin, not wanting to destroy something sat down in a chair. He rested his chin on folded hands and waited for Balin's verdict.

"What in Gods name…."

"I would never have thought of Thanduil sinking that low." Was all Thorin could mutter.

"This has to be some mistake. Thanduil would never back out of a promise like this. The man has to have some sort of black mail on him or something." Ori piped up, he'd been reading the letter from behind Balin's shoulders.

"Well even if that was the case, what do we do now?" Thorin said shaking his head, sighing. "We can't do anything."

"Oh I wouldn't be too ready to give up yet Thorin." Balin said.

"We are 2000 behind on our lease because of the kitchen renovation Balin! We need Thanduil's loan or else we're out of business." Thorin growled.

"We can raise the money ourselves laddie." Balin said putting down the paper and holding his head in hand. "It's not the end of Erebor yet."

"What's the key got to do with anything?" Ori asked suddenly. Both Balin and Thorin looked at him then back at the letter. What did the key have to do with it?

'I don't kow lad." Balin said.

The conversation ended abruptly at the sound of the door opening. At the door was an elderly gentleman, not as old as Balin but his peppered beard and hair spoke of many years.

Ori immediately perked up and went over to greet the man hands flying everywhere in eagerness. "Oin!" He called, knowing that Oin couldn't hear him, but the greeting was nevertheless welcomed.

"Is it that time already?" Thorin asked, though not expecting an answer. Key and letter momentarily forgotten as he waved to Oin.

"Well, I best be off." Balin said. He picked up the folder and winked at Thorin and Thorin could only smile to his friend. Balin was far better then he was at accounting. He would have to remember to pay him back somehow. As Balin passed the door he clapped the elder on his shoulder and smiled and was out the door.

"Ori would you like me to tell Bombur to start tea?"

"Yes please!" Ori responded all the while never breaking eye contact with Oin.

The two sat at the table and began their Wednesday ritual. While Oin was not deaf, only hard of hearing they could talk as normally but Oin preferred signing. Holding up and tweaking his hearing aid was tiring and even Thorin could tell that Oin was grateful of Ori's eagerness to sign. Thorin sat on the stool behind the counter after telling Bombur that the meeting was beginning.

Thorin never participated in these meetings, but oh how he enjoyed watching. He could pick up a few things here and there, but as fast as Oin signed he could only catch so much. It had started a few months ago. Bombur's cousin Bifur was deaf and after learning that little tid bit, Ori had practically begged Bombur to bring him by the café for him to meet. Ori's major was English, but he had been taking sign classes on the side as that intrigued him.

So after a few weeks. It was set that every Wednesday Ori would meet with Bifur to practice and to just chat. It was only a few days after that Oin joined. Bifur and Oin had been close friends in college and although a lot older then Ori they enjoyed meeting the younger every Wednesday.

Thorin didn't mind. In all he really enjoyed the small gathering. 15:00 every Wednesday. It was habit now and that only made his newer predicament only worse. He wouldn't lose Erebor. He couldn't.

Bombur bustled out of the kitchen about the same time Bifur walked threw the front door. They stopped to greet before Bifur joined the small table. Bombur smiled and set out tea before heading back to the kitchen.

"You're welcome to sit and talk Bombur, we're empty." Throin said motioning for Bombur to sit with his family.

Bombur smiled bright before taking another chair out. Thorin sat and started re-stocking the counter before he got entranced by the group. The expressions of their faces and the wild gestures brought a lot of life. Thorin continued to watch as Bifur began telling a story witch only ended up in laughter. After realizing that Thorin really should be working if he was going to pay to keep them open began working on cleaning the counter and other small things. Only stopping to put the letter and key in the locked drawer under the cash register. He would deal with that later. He was not going to let that ruin a good Wednesday meeting; however, he couldn't let it slip from his mind. It was already taking hold a burning a rage into his very soul. He should never have trusted that vile scum of a bank holder…

"Throin!" Ori called.

"Hmmm?" Thorin hummed back. His brooding broken by Ori's voice.

"Oin says that Gandalf is going to bring someone else to join us, is that okay."

Thorin looked up from his work. All four of them were looking at him expectantly.

"Of course."

Ori smiled and passed on the news.

It was only a half hour later that the door opened again and Thorin looked up from his work. At the door was Gandalf one of Erebor's regulars and an old family friend. Beside him was a short man, He wasn't young, but the years had treated him well. He smiled as he saw Oin and Bifur wave happily.

Ori jumped up to greet the newcomer, apparently already knowing his name, he watched as they already were signing like old friends. Thorin didn't know a lot about the deaf community but he knew enough to know they were all close.

Ori steered the curly hired man away from the door and towards Thorin. Sitting up straighter Thorin smiled and gave a small wave.

"Thorin, this is Bilbo." Ori said signing his words for Bilbo.

'NICE TO MEET YOU." Thorin signed. He could greet and tell them his name. Ori had seen to that weeks ago. 'MY NAME T-H-O-R-I-N"

Bilbo's eyes lighted up and began signing. Already more than Thorin knew. He had to shake his head and look a bit apologetic. Ori tapped Bilbo on the shoulder and speaking out loud for Thorin said. "He doesn't know a lot, Thorin is the manager of Erebor."

Bilbo turned back to Thorin and grinned wide. Before signing 'NICE TO MEET YOU, MY NAME IS B-I-L-B-O B-A-G-G-I-N-S'

"Nice to meet you, my name is Bilbo Baggins." Ori said.

Thorin could only nod. Ori then steered Bilbo to the tables. Bilbo looked back one more time smiling and giving a small wave at Thorin.

Thorin felt a small flush catch in his cheeks. Okay so maybe he'd have to learn a bit more signing in the future.

Thank you for reading the first part in this story. It's really more a prologue than anything. R&R Please, I do like to know how I'm doing. Be it bad or good. I am very much aware that I am horrid at English even though I was born to speak it. If someone would like to beta that would be grand.