Chapter 1

Jack Frost flew through the sky, laughing to himself as he thought of his latest prank. Freezing and melting snow to make mud in the Warren. Bunny's gonna have one hell of a time trying to take a bath. Chuckling, he came across a small town.

"This place hasn't had snow in a while. Fall is almost over. Lets see what kids live here. Wind take me down!" Jack said happily. Swooping down he went around the city, watching the children laugh and play. He came across the front of the orphanage, where he saw a girl sitting on the steps with a young boy. Curiosity getting the best of him, he settled down in a nearby tree.

The boy just sat there looking at a picture in his hands. The girl just stared at him. Jack, feeling like he recognized the girl, watched carefully as she tried to place her hand on the boy's shoulder. It went right through him and she sighed. After Jack saw this he finally remembered where he saw her.

At the meeting last week, with the other Guardians, the Moon let them know of a new spirit.

'Probably hasn't been able to talk to anybody.' thought Jack as he floated out of the tree. Seeing as the boy seemed sad, he wanted fix that. With a flick of his wrist, he sent a snowflake into the boy's eyes while also grabbing the girl's attention. With a small laugh, the boy put the picture away in his pocket and joined the other children that were playing nearby.

"Haha, hey your new aren't you? My name is-" Jack was cut off.

"Your Jack Frost. I knew you were real but now I can actually see you. My name is Allie Carter. Or according to the Moon it is now Allie Temerity. Either way call me Allie." she said as she extended her hand. Jack gave it a light shake and turned to look at the young boy playing.

"You know that kid?" he asked.

"Yeah, his name is Aaron. He's only twelve. Delivers the newspapers around town. He's like the little brother I never had." said Allie as she looked down. Jack noticed her sudden change in mood.

"Hey what's wrong?" he asked worried. Allie looked back up and she was close to tears.

"Why can't anybody see me? Why can't anybody hear me? Why am I still here if I'm supposed to be dead?! Aaron and all the other kids I love can't see me! Why?!" Allie yelled, asking herself more than Jack. Shaking her head she quickly ran up to Aaron, leaving a shocked Jack. "Why can't you see me?! I'm right in front of you! Don't cry because I'm not here! Don't cry! I'm right in front of you damn it!"

Falling to her knees in tears, she just watched as the children continued they're game. Jack quickly ran up behind Allie and placed a comforting hand on her shoulder.

"Hey, it's ok. I know what your going through, sorta. I know it's all really confusing and strange but it's ok. I have some friends that will explain this a whole lot better than me. I could take you to one of them if you like?" Jack asked, in a calm soothing voice. Allie took one look at the children and one look at Jack. Taking a deep breath she stood up, wiped away the tears, and said,"What have I got to lose? Lets go."

"Great, I would take you to Bunny but he is still probably mad about the whole mud thing. Tooth and Sandy are probably busy with the west side. There are still a few more months till Christmas so I'm sure North won't mind. C'mon!" Jack said with a smile as he offered his hand to Allie. With slight hesitation, she grabbed his hand only to be flown thirty feet into the air.

"Sshhiioot!" Allie yelled, catching herself before she swore. "A little warning would have been nice!"

"Sorry, just hold on tight and I have to warn you. Where we're going its gonna be cold." warned Jack.

"Wait, where are we going?" asked Allie confused.

"We're going to North's workshop. You may know him as Santa Claus." said Jack before he flew into the clouds, pulling Allie with him.