This might be a one shot, not sure. Let me see where this goes first. The time frames is after 3.13 and four weeks after returning from UC

Again, I am very aware that TPD is not allowed to have weapons at home but for the sake of the story, we are going to say they can.

This story is Rated T

I do not own Rookie Blue, but if I did…..

Andy had just gotten off shift. The clouds were rolling in from the east and she knew she needed to get home before it started raining. Andy pulled her bag on to her shoulder and pulled her hoodie over her head. Andy liked walking home after shift. Since being back she need to prepare herself to go home. It was hard enough adjusting to being back in her real life, back on shift but she was having an even harder time being alone. She had gotten so use to having Nick with her 24 hours a day. Either at her fake job or in their fake apartment. The only time she got time to herself was when she was in the bathroom. Now that she was back, going home meant being by herself. The shrink she saw when they returned told her that it would take her a little while to adjust to it but if she formed a routine, she would feel more comfortable in her on skin again. As Andy walked down the street her phone chirped that she had a texted message.

Andy continued walking, watching the lightening in the approaching storm. She came to a stop at an intersection and pulled open her phone. The message was from Nick: Just got back to the barn, where are you?

Andy closed her phone. The shift had been busy. Busy enough that Andy just wanted to go home, eat and sleep for the next two days. She was not use to working ten-hour shifts much less running and chasing people all day. Nick and Andy had been paired with TOs when they returned by Best and he reminded them he would keep it that way for at least two months to make sure they were in the groove before partnering them back together.

Andy was a block away from her house when the sky opened up and dumped water on the city. Andy ran for her door. She got inside and discovered she was completely soaked. She closed her door and toed off her shoes. She dropped her bag and started stripping her clothes off right there in the hallway. She carried everything to the laundry room and put them on the dryer to deal with later. She then headed to the shower to get warm.

Andy closed the bathroom door and turned on the shower. She hopped into the shower and proceeded to wash the day away. She had just rinsed her hair out when the power went out. Andy let out a big sigh and she turned off the water. Andy could not believe how dark the room was as she tried to find the towel she had on the towel bar. The bathroom was pitch black and she bumped into the counter with her hip trying to get the door open. She opened the door to let in some light. It was very dark outside because of the storm but it was better than the pitch black in the bathroom with the door closed. Andy walked into her bedroom to find some clothes. She stumbled over her rug and made her way to the dresser. A flash of lightening brightened the room really quickly for a second and blinded her.

What Andy didn't see was someone standing in the darkness of her room. A man she didn't ever want to see again. A dangerous man that she thought was in jail. Andy proceeded to get dressed as the lightening illuminated her room. He moved towards Andy under the cover of darkness of her room while Andy slipped on a pair of yoga pants.

Andy fumbled with a T-shirt and walked over to her phone. Just as she picked up her phone she felt a presences near her. The lightening illuminated the room again as she whipped around looking. She sighed thinking the storm was spooking her.

She started to walk towards the living room when someone grabbed her, covering her mouth.

"Well, hello sweetheart. Glad to see you again."

Andy tried to fight him. She knew who he was just by his voice. It chilled her to the bone that he was in her apartment, trying to restrain her. She raised her foot and kicked back at his crotch. For a moment he let go of her. She darted for her nightstand trying to get to her gun. He grabbed her hair and yanked her back.

"You won't find your gun there. I have it." Andy felt the barrel of the gun on her head.

Andy turned, took the palm of her hand and shoved it up his face causing his eyes to water when she made contact with his nose. She ran for the bathroom and got the door shut. She pulled her phone out and tried to call 911. The call didn't connect. She quickly found an old message that went to all of her friends. She typed in one word, praying Nick would clue in the others. She quickly typed: Sherlock

She heard pounding on the bathroom door. She heard the wood splintering and she hit the send button. The door flew open and Andy backed away from him.

He raised the gun at her, "You better start behaving or your going to be dead where you stand."

Andy raised her hands up in the air showing she would not fight.

Everything swirled through her head. How did Steve find here? How was he not in jail?

Steve yanked Andy by the hair and pulled her out of the bathroom into her bedroom. He grabbed her phone and threw it across the room. "No one is going to save you. Your mine Bitch!"

Nick got back to the barn with Noelle and sent a text to Andy. He was supposed to give her a ride home and since he was three hours late because of the last traffic accident, he knew Andy didn't wait. Nick had hoped she had been smart enough not to walk in the rain all the way home, so when Andy didn't answer him, he thought she might be at the penny.

Nick quickly changed and headed to the penny.

Nick arrived at the penny and darted for the door. He got into the penny and shook off the water. He scanned the room and saw Oliver, Best, Marlo and Sam sitting at a table on the right of the penny. He looked further and saw Traci, Dov, and Diaz sitting over at a table in the back of the penny. Nick let out a sigh of relief that Gail was not there. All Gail and he had done was fight since he returned. She even took to throwing things at him. Working with her was completely not an option and outside of work all she did was lobby insults at him. Nick noticed Sam glaring at him as he walked to the rookie table. Nick smiled at Traci as she waved him over. The night would have been so much better if Swarek was not here thought Nick.

Nick reached the rookie table, "Hey guys, have you seen Andy? She didn't answer my text."

All of them shook their heads. Dov offered up a reason for her absents, " Oliver said they had a rough shift. He saw her before she left, she said she was heading home."

Nick sat down between Diaz and Traci, "Thanks Dov."

Chris motioned towards the bar, "Want me to get you a drink Nick."

"No thanks. I still trying to get a routine going so I need to knock off the alcohol until I have my bearings."

Soon the rookies were chit chatting at the table about their day.

Nick looked at his watch and realized he had been there for over and hour and still nothing from Andy. He took another sip of his water when everyone at the table received a text message.

Nick watched as everyone pulled out their phones. Nick looked at his. The text message was from Andy. He opened his phone as he heard confusion from the rest of the group.


Nick shook his head, no, could she be. He quickly hit speed dial 2. It went straight to voicemail. Nick jumped up out of his seat knocking over the chair. Everyone in the bar, especially the TO's, looked Nick's way to see what all the fuss was about.

Nick almost shouted, "Traci get help to Andy's place now. I have to go. Andy is in trouble." Traci stood, opened her phone. "Nick what do I tell them?"

"Tell them Andy gave her code word for in danger from her UC. Send everyone to her house now." Nick started running out the door.

Traci spoke into her phone as the TO's moved over to where Chris, Dov and her were. Traci started packing up, throwing money at the table and giving her keys to Chris. "This is Detective Nash we have an off duty officer in distress at 1515 York street. Send a team now."

Oliver looked at Traci, "What?"

Traci flipped her phone around to show Best, "all of us just go this text from Andy. Nick freaked and ran out the door." Best eyes flew open wide when he saw the text. He snapped at the rest of the TO's. "Suit up now. She is in danger."

Everyone raced out of the Penny.

Nick was driving 30 over the speed limit to Andy's place. He barely stopped for the stop signs or the lights. When he arrived he was not sure what he was going to find. Nick grabbed his gun from under his seat and raced upstairs.

Nick pulled out his keys and unlocked Andy's door. He peaked in and saw furniture over turned, lamps broke and blood all over the floor. He heard screaming coming from her bedroom. He saw the living room was clear and entered. Nick heard a familiar male voice screaming from the bedroom. Nick couldn't believe it was him. How did Steve get out of jail? How could he have figured out where Andy lived? Nick cleared his head and peaked into Andy's bedroom.

Nick saw that Steve had his back to him. He was on top of Andy beating her. "You will answer me, where is my stuff."

Nick raced across the room and placed the gun to Steve's head. "Don't move or I will kill you. Do you understand me?"

Steve backhanded Nick and the gun launched across the room. Nick bolted forward and tackled Steve off of Andy. Nick and Steve rolled around on the floor beating each other. Nick finally got Steve pinned to the ground and started pounding on him. Nick was so focused that he did hear or see anyone enter the bedroom.

Sam, Best and Traci made it to the house first. Traci was running behind Sam as they made it to her apartment door. Sam could hear the screaming from the bedroom and bolted for the room. Sam raised his gun and peaked around the corner into her bedroom. Traci covered his back at the door when he saw Nick beating the crap out of someone and Andy on the bed. Sam ran over to pull Nick off of who ever he was pounding.

Sam grabbed Nick from behind as Traci went to check on Andy. "Nick, Nick stop."

"NICK, STOP." Sam yelled.

Nick was flailing everywhere trying to get to the man on the floor. Sam picked up Nick off the man quite roughly. "Nick stop, its me. " Nick looked around the room. Best was at the door, Traci was on the bed trying to check over Andy and there was Sam restraining him from beating Steve.

Nick huffed and pulled his arms out from Sam's grip. Sam bent down to check the man on the floor and then stood up. He turned to see Nick holding Andy while Traci was trying to perform first aid. Traci gave a weak smile to Sam.

Sam leaned back down and cuffed the man on the floor. He rolled the man over and took a good look at him. "Frank, you may want to take a look at this guy." Frank moved towards Frank as the paramedics rushed in to Andy.

Traci took one look at Nick, "Nick you need to get looked at too, you're bleeding." She moved towards him with some gauze. Nick shook his head, his voice broke as he said, "No, take care of Andy."

Best took a look at the man on the floor and found Steve, head of the drug operation that Nick and Andy just brought down. Best turned to Traci. "Traci please call Luke. I need he needs to meet us at St. Mikes."

One of the paramedics put Andy on the stretcher and started to take her out of the apartment. The second one started to lead Nick out of the room towards the ambulance by foot.

Best stepped over to Sam, "Sammy, I am going to have Marlo take Steve in to the station. Go with Traci to the hospital. I need one of you to stay with Nick and one of you to stay with Andy. Do not leave them, do not let them get out of your site and make sure they talk to no one until I talk to Luke at St. Mike's. Got it?"

Sam and Traci agreed. They quickly let the room to follow the ambulance.

Sam got behind the driver's seat of the car and started to follow the ambulance. "Sam, how about I take Nick. I know you don't like how close they have gotten but really, they are just good friends. Good partners. But I think it would be best if I take Nick. Can you please get along with Andy."

Sam glanced at Traci. "What kind of monster do you think I am? She just was attacked. Nick barely survived trying to save her. I am not going to freak out and go to town on either one of them. Yes, it is no secret that I am not fond of their friendship but I am not going to cause problems. I do still love her Traci. We just don't like each other right now."

Traci snickered, "Ok. Ok. But I am still taking Nick."

"Did you text Gail and let her know. Even though they are not talking, she is going to want to know at least about Andy."

"Already did. She had dinner with her mother tonight. She said she is trying to act normal and as soon as dinner is over she is coming up. And to answer your question she does know about Nick. She is coming for both of them."

"The ice queen thawing?"

"It would seem. She misses Nick so much but she so hurt he left. We all have pointed out that she was going to leave him with out a second thought so she needed to chill. I think time and space is helping them."

Sam smirked, time and space doesn't always fix things he thought. But it sure does help you remember that things are not so bad. Sam smiled and pulled into the parking lot. Sam and Traci rushed over as they removed Andy and Nick from the ambulance. Sam and Traci showed their badges to the security guard and followed them in.

Traci and Sam smiled quickly at each other and followed their assigned Officer to their room. Sam patted Andy's hand as they wheeled her into the room. As they started to cut away her yoga pants Sam held her hand and whispered in her ear.

"I got your back sweetheart."