Chapter One

"Trapped in a Techie Dungeon"

"Hey Spence," JJ said as she walked into the BAU.

"Hi, Jen," responded Spencer Reid trying to unsuccessfully hide that goofy grin that spread across his face whenever Jennifer Jareau passed by him every morning. He sheepishly looked down at some leftover paperwork he had been working on when JJ walked in. He took a risk to look up and see if anyone noticed. Unfortunately, he caught technical analyst Penelope Garcia's eye. The sly grin that stretched across her face was enough to tell him that she definitely noticed.

She dashed over to his desk, grabbed him by the wrist, and pulled him along as she said, "You're coming with me!"

"Wait. . . What? Garcia, where are you taking me?" Reid spluttered.

"Haha. Hey, Pretty Boy. Where are you dragging him off to, Baby Girl?" SSA Derek Morgan asked. The sight of Reid tripping over his own feet was almost too much for him to handle, so naturally, he had to be a part of whatever was going down.

"You. My office. Now. We have things to discuss," she directed toward Morgan as they bordered the elevator.

As the elevator stopped and the doors opened, they stepped out at the basement level. Morgan followed along as Garcia continued to drag Reid along. He figure she still had the grip on his wrist to make sure he didn't try to escape, but he could tell it would probably be easier to follow along for now.

"Welcome to the glamorous cave of Penelope Garcia. Guard the door, Hotness. He's not getting out of here until I get some answers," Garcia said pushing Reid into a desk chair.

Morgan chuckled and asked, "What kind of answers are you looking for, mama?"

Penelope looked over at Reid and said, "I couldn't help but see that grin on your face when a certain Miss Jennifer Jareau came in this morning. Rumor has it you two went to a football game a while ago. You're crushing hard on JJ, aren't you?"

Oh, Pretty Boy has a crush now, does he?" Morgan laughed.

"What? Wait, what are you even talking about? Gideon gave me those tickets before he left and suggested that I invited JJ to go with me. We're friends. Just friends," Reid stuttered.

Derek cut in, "That's an awful lot of stuttering there, my man."

"You know you can tell us anything, Reid. I saw the way you were grinning when she said good morning," Penelope pressed.

Without thinking, Spencer replied, "That's only when she calls me Spence. So what if I like her? She's just perfect. She's brilliant. The way she smile lights up and room, and her hair falls perfectly on her shoulders. She's confident enough to command the attention of the room without coming across as arrogant. She's absolutely beautiful," he trailed off realizing how much he had said.

"Finally, some details and a lot of them," laughed Morgan.

With a knock on the door, Morgan stepped out of the way and JJ walked in asking, "Hey, what's going on in here? Am I missing out on something?"

"No, not at all," Spencer replied almost too quickly.

"Haha. Alright. Hotch wants all in the conference room. Briefing in five. We've got a case," JJ said, "He sent me down here after you three because he saw Garcia dragging Reid out of the office."

As she left the techie's office, she shot a look of curiosity over at Garcia.

Following JJ out of the room, Reid mouthed, "Not a word," to Morgan and Garcia. What Spencer didn't see was the look Penelope gave Derek. She was most definitely going to be meddling soon.

They hadn't been back an hour after solving the case, but since all of the paperwork was done already, JJ decided to slip out early.

Spencer was the only other person still there, so as she walked out the elevator, she smiled and said, "Good night, Spence."

"Good night, Jen," Reid replied with that same goofy grin that had spread across his face earlier that week appearing again.

He almost offered to walk JJ out to her car, but he couldn't quite get the words out of his mouth before Garcia stepped out of the elevator.

"JJ! I'm glad I caught you before you left. Emergency meeting in my office with Prentiss, now," Penelope exclaimed as she dragged JJ down to her office much like she had dragged Reid along merely five days ago.

As he walked out to the elevator, he witnessed the scene at hand.

"This cannot be good." He thought to himself.

"So what's this "emergency" meeting all about?" JJ laughed sarcastically.

As JJ sat down, Prentiss locked the door behind her and said, "Hey, don't ask me. I'm just following instructions."

"One question. Three words. You and Reid?" questioned Garcia.

"What about me and Reid?" responded JJ as she tried to keep herself from blushing. Sometimes working with profilers could be a pain. Any little bit of information and Garcia would be meddling with things as soon as she got a chance.

"What? What do you mean by that?" Garcia shrieked, "He grins like crazy whenever you walk in and say good morning. The way you call him Spence. The way you are totally blushing right now."

"Prentiss, can you believe this?" JJ retorted slightly sarcastically.

"JJ, you can't really deny it. You are blushing," replied Prentiss.

"Ugh! Details! Details! Details!" yelled Garcia.

"So what if I do like him? He's genuine, sweet, and his quirkiness is adorable. There aren't many guys like Spence, and a guy like Spencer Reid would definitely treat a girl right. I'm so over guys who only want that one thing," JJ spilled without really being aware of what all she was saying.

"That is the sweetest thing I've ever heard," Penelope whispered with the excitement in her voice growing.

"I could definitely see you two dating," Prentiss added.

"Alright, alright. Now that you know, can I go home and get some sleep?" asked JJ.

"Yeah, of course," Garcia answered with a smile on her face.

With that, JJ got up and opened the door. Just as she was about to leave, she turned around and said to Prentiss and Garcia, "Not a word to anyone. Especially Spencer."

After JJ closed the door and walked far enough down the hall, Garcia and Prentiss looked at each other and said, "Yeah, right."

Garcia pulled out her phone and immediately texted Reid: *Did some interrogating. JJ likes you too.*