I hope you forgive me for the slowness of getting this chapter up. Sorry about that. I now have more time to write so hopefully the next few chapters will update more often. Please leave reviews on your thoughts of the story so far.

The drama is rising in the next couple of chapters. See what I did there? Rising? Dark Knight Rises? No? That's okay.



Chapter 9

Faceless Assassin

Bruce entered the room behind the one way mirror. "I can't get anything out of her.." He said cutting himself off as he eyed Diana and Hal helping Wally back up to his feet. The usual chatter-box was speechless as he stared at the girl through the window. "Whats wrong with him?" Bruce asked with a raised an eyebrow but the scarlet speedster was silent.

"Not sure, he said a name when he fell. Lezvie?" Diana replied.

"Do you know her?" Bruce asked his curiosity raising the volume of his voice. Wally nodded as he tried to recollect his sanity.


Batsy had finally left the room, without moving a single muscle except my eyes, I scanned the room. Dark was my first though. Is that blood by my feet? Oh please tell me that's not blood. Was my second. Oh look. An air duct! I began to maneuver my hands out of my gloves. The handcuffs rubbed unpleasantly through my gloves as tugged on them. Finally, one hand was free and my glove fell to the ground.

I used my free had to pull the second glove off and then I stared at the mirror. I began to think of the minimum time it would take for them to get in here to stop her. There was at least two doors between her and them. And at least 35is feet. I thought. If I time it just right I can make it out before they can even get in here. My eyes moved to my blade sitting in the corner and in just a few swift movements I was up in the air duct.


"Wally, if you can identify her we need you to now." Bruce said cautiously. Wally stared at the floor not sure what to do. This was his closest friend from his childhood and he had just gotten her back. People change in nine years Wally. His thoughts told him.

"Her name is Lezvie Knay." He identified nottaking his eyes off the floor. Bruce's face sank.

"Knay, Knay. Why does that sound familiar? How do you spell it?" He asked grabbing a pad and a pen.

"K-N-A-Y. Knay." Wally spelled out, his stomach felt like it was doing flips.

After writing down the name Bruce tapped the pen against the pad. "Knay, Knay. That sound incredibly familiar."

Diana ignored Bruce's loss of memory. "How do you know her, Wally."

Wally felt like he was going to hurl. "She was a childhood friend. Until she ran off. I ran into her a couple weeks ago and we caught up." Wally told only half telling the truth.

"Why'd she run off?" Bruce asked still pondering the name 'Knay'.

"Her brother and father were killed. She ran off and was declared missing for several years. Then the police kind of just gave up on her." Wally was still staring at the floor deciding on whether it'd be a good place and time to throw up or not.

Bruce picked up the pad once more. "What were their names? The brother and the father?"

Wally looked up at Bruce who was forcing Wally back through a painful memory. "Drake was the brother. And um... Demyan was the dad."

Bruce began to write down the names. His hand suddenly froze as he put it together. "She is the daughter of Demyan Knay!?" He asked with a poisonous anger.

Wally was confused. "Yeah. Why?"

Bruce smacked his palms down on the desk and was silent.

"Bruce who's Demyan Knay?" Diana asked startled by the anger.

"Demyan Knay was a key member of the League of Shadows." Bruce spat wiping his face as if to wipe away the words. "He was Ra's Al Ghul's right hand man. They called him the Faceless Assassin."

"The Faceless Assasin?" Hal asked to clarify.

Bruce nodded. "You could never put his face on his name. If you heard is name you never saw his face. If you saw his face. You were dead. Not a single one of his targets escaped. The League of Shadows honored him. Especially Ra's."

"Total Man-Crush." Wally joked even though his heart wasn't in it.

"Only one person could ever pin him in a spar." Bruce told.

"Ra's?" Diana asked.

"No. His own flesh and blood. His daughter." Bruce revealed.

Wally's stinging eyes moved to the window and suddenly his voice let out a gasp. "Bruce?"


"She's gone."