D/A - I do not own Austin and Ally. Any characters that I make up are entirely mine.

Chapter 1 - Um, hi?

Ally's POV

Me and my friends burst through the school doors of Klake High. Let me introduce them.
Trish. My closest friend. I would say that she's trustworthy but I can't, she's already told most of my childish secrets to the guys. Trish is an obvious fashionista, wearing leopard print leggings, a hot pink dress top and ballet flats. She's also manager for Austin Moon and hates the living daylights of our other friend Dez. Ah, young love!

Then there's Austin. The overnight sensation. He's IS the coolest out of all of us with his blonde floppy hair and amazing voice. Dez is his best friend, peanut butter and jelly. He also has a great sense of style, like his black and blue checked shirt with skinny jeans and converse. I'm his song writer, Austin sings, Ally writes. Austin is a great friend, even if he makes fun of my flaws from time to time. It's just disappointing that he uses it against me.

Dez. No where do I start? He is defiantly the crazy one! Makes us laugh in the most whacked up moments, I get why he's so close to Austin. His style so matches his personality, crazy but amazing and always tied down with suspenders. Dez always gets a beat from Trish, it's actually really fun to watch since you know they're so in love!

Finally, there's me. The nerdy, unstylish one of the group. I see they ways girls look at me and boys despise me, so don't tell me I'm wrong. I don't like these clothes, but I have to. I can't tell you why. Today I'm wearing a flowery dress with a cropped denim jacket and my signature boots. My brunette hair normal and no makeup what so ever.

So that's Team Austin!

We all walked over to our lockers which ironically were in a row, starting with Dez, Austin, me then Trish.

"So guys, what have we got today?" Trish asked while fixing her wild hair and glittering makeup. Dez took his timetable out his locker and stared.

"I think we have gym for the last period instead of Art." Austin replied. Dez continued looking at the sheet and shook his head.

"Nope don't see anything different!" Trish smirked, grabbed her sports bag and hit Dez on the head. He screamed and hid behind Austin.

"Great! All my makeup's going to sweat off! I'll feel so icky!" Trish groaned. I smiled at her.

"At least you can do sports! I can't do a thing!" They all laughed at my comment. I nervously chuckled along too, but it hurt that they weren't supportive on the fact. I mean you never judge a book by its cover right? So why judge mine? Just because they're my best friends does not mean they know me at all.

I slammed my locker shut. Austin offered his arm which I gladly took as we headed off to Maths. Trish and Dez on the other hand, fighting on their way to Science.

"I might as well fake it! I mean, I took so long doing my makeup to perfection!" I finished tying my laces and stood infront of her.

"Comon! I'm doing it! And I'm hopeless! Just come with me!" Trish giggled and nodded.

"Yea, if you can do it, anyone can!" Well, ouch that stung. I plastered a smile over my sadness and walked out to Austin and Dez who were stretching on the gym floor, leaving the Latina to get dressed. Well I guess you could say Austin was stretching and Dez was dancing around shouting out "HARLEM SHAKE EVERYONE!" I laughed and sat down crossed legged in my shorts and loose top. Austin gave me a lop-sided smile, stopped and sat down opposite me.

"Ally, what sports can you play?" Ugh not this again.

"Nothing, I can't play any!" He knew this, but always took it as a chance to pick on me. Even though he's my closest boy mate, he won't miss up an opportunity. He stood up and did an impression of me dancing. I broke my face into a forced smile and watched while girls fawned over him while trying to giggle cutely. I burst into full laugh mode then.

The bell went just as Trish walked in and a new training coach walked in. Tagging along behind the coach was a boy. Man, he was cute! I knew every girl was staring at him, while the boys looked away. I understood why, the boy was fit, tall had dark brown hair that was messed up in just the right way and deep hazel eyes to die for! I was snapped out when a whistle blew loudly through my eardrums.

"I'm your new coach for the year Ms. Lins! This is my helper Dylan!" Everyone murmured a quick hi while I froze. Trish nudged me, but I was spaced out. They actually found me! And if they didn't mean to, they soon would.

"Right! First is Gymnastics and Dance!" Everyone paired up and I saw some girls go up to Dylan asking him to be their partner. I smirked to myself, he wouldn't dare.

"Sorry girls, but I don't dance with anyone but my partner."

"But I don't see her!" I heard Cassidy whine. I heard his familiar deep chuckle.

"I haven't seen her in a year!" The girls gasped and some patted his shoulder sympathetically.

"Well what's her name? Why'd she leave you?" Kira asked, butting in nosily. I tuned into the conversation, not happy about were he was going with this.

"Her names Ally Dawson, had to move cause she was relocating." Then everyone turned to moi.

Oh great(!)

A/N - Hi Guys! This is my first A&A fanfic so reviews would be nice! What D'ya think? Thank you!

Cya Connecters!
MyKindOfStories xx