Final A/N

So this story has come to an end! Thanks to everyone who reviewed, favourite, followed or read! It means lot! I am going to be writing another A&A but I'm going to go back to House Of Anubis on a request. I'll be back!

Okay, I was going to list everyone's names but someone stupid (my bro -_-) turned off my laptop so everything turned off. I really couldn't be bothered to right down everyone's name AGAIN - do I'm just going to do a few shoutouts.

You guys have been amazing! Surprisingly your the ones who right the long reviews which I love! Make an account and tell me :D xx

aussly4eva - Guest
No, I'm not doing a sequel :( I don't think I have any more ideas to continue this! If you have PM me? Thanks for the interest though! xx

You have been so supportive! Thnx :D You should try writing your own stories! xx

Ally's Awesome - Guest
I know Dylan and Ally are cute together! I'm literally so proud of myself that I made a character that people wanted him with Ally instead of Austin! I will write another A&A! Promise! xx

Too all the people who read, favourite or followed this story!
You guys are the one who made this story! I swear without you guys, this wouldn't have existed! I will write another A&A but not at the minute. xx

As you can probably tell, I really wanted to make this longer but oh well. This was my first A&A and it went well. :D Also, I am going to be writing an A&A version of my Victorious Story. Don't read it otherwise it'll spoil the Austin and Ally version!

Thank you!
MyKindOfStories xx