A/N This is my second fanfiction and I am as always open to any constructive criticism. I do not own The Walking Dead, any of its characters or its plot. I only own my OCs.

Thanks and as always, read, review, follow and favorite!

By the way, Hayden looks like a younger Kate Mara and Sean looks like Jake Abel.

And a special thank you to x XRoweenaJAugustineX x for letting me know you didn't understand the first few paragraphs, I hadn't known I had had a problem.

"Rick, why are we even looking for her? We both know Sophia's-" Shane was ranting as he and Rick walked through the dense woods. He merely paused when his former partner raised his hand but when Shane didn't hear anything he continued. "Rick, it is not that that I blame you its just-"

At this Rick put his finger to his lips and gestured forward with his other hand.

"Please, just let me go! I won't ever bother you or anything, just please don't kill me!" A male voice was pleading though at the end his speech was impaired by a sob.

"Shuddup." Another voice barked and the sound of flesh hitting flesh reached the former officers' ears. Glancing at each other, Shane and Rick proceeded cautiously forward, stalking through the undergrowth. Through the trees, they could see a man on his knees facing them and two shapes facing the man. One shape was tall and lean with short hair and a crossbow in its hand while the other had long wavy hair and was average height but was very thin.

"Please just let me-" The man's cries were silenced when the first shape raised its crossbow and shot a bolt directly into the man's head. The smaller shape snorted and stepped into the sunlight to pull the bolt from the man's head. Shane and Rick noted that the shape was a girl with big brown eyes and auburn hair.

"Ah think we oughta head back home and see if Daddy and Uncle-" The girl drawled as she went back to where she had been standing, but the other raised their hand.

"Hayden, we can't." He murmured softly and after exchanging a look with Rick, Shane launched himself onto the girl, forcing the machete from her grip and wrapping his arms around her as Rick emerged with a pair of handcuffs.

"LET HER GO YA ASSHOLES!" The young man exploded and raised his crossbow at Shane and in response Rick placed the gun to the back of the writhing girl's head.

"Do it Sean." She ordered him. "Stop bein' such a pussy and take the damn shot. Ya know what Daddy would say if he saw ya hesitatin'? Rip ya a new one that's what Daddy would do."

"Shuddup!" Shane snarled and walked over to the young man. "C'mon lets be peaceful about this."

The young man, Sean lowered his crossbow and Shane cuffed him with his cuffs. Rick put their weapons in a bag, even finding the hidden knives in their boots before he began to march them back to the farm.

After twenty minutes of walking they walked into the farm where everyone ran over. "Rick who are these people?" Lori asked.

"Dunno, found 'em executing people in the woods." Shane spoke up.

"We wasn't ex-" The girl, Hayden started to say but Shane kicked her in the back of the knees effectively knocking her to the ground.

"Shut up nobody asked you." He snarled in her ear as he pulled her out of the dirt roughly. Carl found himself staring at the girl and her brother. She was beautiful even though she was covered in blood and dirt. But she was a bad person he reminded himself.

"Take them to the shed." Rick ordered and T-Dog helped Shane take them to the decrepit shed in the corner of the property. Once they were out of earshot Rick spoke again. "They killed a man, and she laughed."

The two were chained to opposite walls in the shed and T-Dog kept watch until Daryl returned and listened to their conversation.

"Ya shoulda shot tha damn fucker bafore he coulda taken us back here Sean! Daddy always said ya were a fuckin' pussy, ah guess he was right." The girl was saying.

"Shuddup Hayden ya dumb bitch! Dad isn't here now is he? Nah he 'n his brutha lit out first chance those fuckers got." Was the snapped reply.

"Don't ya dare talk ill of our family Sean!" The girl barked angrily.

"Or what'll ya do to me Hayden?" Sean taunted and the girl began to fling herself against her restraints. "Hit me? Ah'd like ta see ya try."

Shane entered with Rick not long after and saw the two bickering among themselves quite loudly. They stopped when the two men walked in and they sat up straighter and locked their gazes on the former cops.

"Where's your group?" Rick asked loudly but the said nothing.

"We ain't got one." The boy replied.

"I am going to ask you one last time, where's your group?" He shouted but gained the same response.

Rick shook his head, sighed and walked out of the shed leaving Shane alone with them as he kneeled down in front of Sean.

"Now where's your group?" He murmured but they each stared ahead, their faces stoic. Full of anger at not being answered as well as plain anger against Rick, Shane pounded his fist into the restrained young man's jaw. The girl whimpered slightly before looking away.

Twenty minutes later Sean was reduced to a pulp of bruises and blood. The girl, Hayden, had been screaming his name ever since Shane had left but she gained no response. "SEAN! Ya wake up ya hear me! SEAN DIXON WAKE THE FUCK UP!"

T-Dog had been tired of her screams and was daydreaming. He hadn't heard a word of her screams.