Hey guys!
So, when I was reading your reviews, a lot of you guys mentioned the riddles, which made me think a bit about the maze. Let's just say, in short, I am going to make it a little more different...

Disclaimer: As per usual, everyone belongs with their owners, and I own absolutely nothing... (Yet.) XD

And we shall begin!

Opening the maze...

"Wow..." Mega said with widened eyes, stunned as he stared at the peculiar room.

"How... W-What do we do?" Chika asked upon gazing at the room. Maybe she wouldn't admit it out loud, but this really freaked her out.

The entire room was empty space; it seemed to go on forever and ever with no end. There was absolutely no definition of walls or floors. Everything seemed to float around hopelessly forever and ever. It was a strange feeling to be standing on nothing... Truth be told, it probably wasn't... Even though it felt like so.

"Whoa!" Kyo coughed, waving the air from her as she covered her mouth and nose. "Do any of you guys smell that?"

However, no one answered her as the majority of everyone pondered and attempted to explore the strange new setting. Some poked around, even jumped up and down but no one really tried to walk away from the group.

"There is almost nothing here. Literally." Sheri added, with a dubious look at her friends. After all, how did they expect to find the answer to some sort of riddle answer in a white, empty, space?

"How are we EVEN standing here?" ML asked, staring at the ground.

" I don't know..." TNFG answered, scanning the area. " We should definitely be careful. I have never been in this kind of situation. It might be a trap."

"Great." Chris groaned. "This is just our luck."

"But then again, none of us have been in this kind of situation, either." Kaiimi answered. "There has to be some kind of thing in this room. Secret lever, light switch. Let's just look around. And try not to fall." She tried her best to sound cheery and positive.

"Well, in that case, guys, I think we found something... It's not a lever though..." Vinny called out to everyone. "It's just a mirror, really."

"Nonsense!" Anna chided with a slight smile, "Maybe there is a lever on the mirror."

ML, Chika and Kaiimi hurried to check it out. Champ scanned the area, for any possible marks of a trick before coming towards the group.

"Kyo, are you coming?" Anna called to her. Kyo had nodded, but still edged away from the huddle of her friends, holding her shirt over her nose, coughing a bit more violently.

"If we aren't drugged, how can this be possible?" Champ wondered as he walked closer towards the huddle. "A-A-ACHOO! Sorry." He sniffled lightly, rubbing his nose.

"Beats me." Kaiimi replied, crossing her arms, "All I know is that I feel horrible."

"Same." Laguz agreed, lightly holding her stomach, "I think we still have that hallucinogen in our system."

"No, because at the end Chris noticed that it was no longer made of water." Mega reminded her. "It stopped in that room."

"Still..." Ace lingered on his word, unsure as he spoke slowly, "It could have been possible."

"Guys, check it out!" Chris said, directing everyone's attention towards it. That's when Kyo caught her first glance of the tall, rectangle mirror that had a border of vines and leaves that wrapped it up and down, until near the top, where a green bud had opened briefly, before closing. What the heck?

"Christopher, it is just a mirror with a light." Zeena spoke quietly.

"I realize that. But why would you put a mirror in the middle of space?" He continued with a slight tone of impatience, "It has to be a part of the riddle."

"What if there is no riddle?" Mega interrupted. "Maybe it's... Possibly... A secret door? Uggghh, I don't even know anymore." He put his face in his hands.

"Hey Ace, could you check the letter?" Sheri asked with a slight grimace. "Let's find out if you are right, Mega."

"Yeah, I'm getting it." Ace tugged the letter out of his pocket forcefully when-


"Are you serious? I can't believe it!" Ace grimaced as he held up the two pieces of paper, ripped in half.

"What are we going to do now?" Kai piped up as she ran her fingers through her hair, with a heavy breath of anger mixed with frustration.

"Hey! It's not like he did it on purpose, okay? Calm down a little!" Anna called towards her, delivering to her the Stink-Eye stare.

"Obviously not!" Kaiimi yelled back. "Do you think we chose to be here, either?"

"Don't give me your attitude! Why don't you go back to the troll, then if you don't want to be here?" She hollered in response, taking a step forward, closer to the flower, near Kai.

"Guys, calm down-" Mega had overheard the situation from near the door, and tried his best to stop the commotion.

"I DON'T WANT TO CALM DOWN!" They both bellowed at him.

"THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT!" Chika shouted furiously.

"I JUST WANTED TO PARTY!" Laguz hollered, throwing her hands up in the air. "BUT EVERY TIME, SOMETHING HAS TO HAPPEN!"

"WE SHOULD HAVE NEVER-" Vinny said, shaking his fist.

"YOU THINK I WANTED THIS-" Mega suddenly spoke again, yet with a different, more irascible voice.


"Stop, everybody!" Champ pleaded.

"Oh, SHUT IT!" ML hollered at him, clenching her fists.

"Don't be mean to Champ!" Child defended, when ML launched towards her.

Suddenly, a mass brawl began between the friends. Fists were flying, hair was being pulled, everyone acting completely wild. Kaiimi and Anna were going at it, kick for kick and punch meeting bite. Child and ML were rolling around viciously, tackling each other. Chris and Ace were battling it out too, each striking each other maliciously. Even Zeena, who was always so quiet, was dodging and throwing hits at Laguz, who was throwing miscellaneous things she could conjure up. Sheri roared at Chika, who was riding her, clinging on while Sheri snarled in retaliation. Mega and Champ were delivering uppercuts and kicks at each other. TNFG suddenly jumped Vinny, conking him on the head furiously, who was pulling her hair. It seemed like even the mirror was involved, when the green flower began to spat out spores at only seemed to bring upon even more chaos. For example, Kaiimi and Anna, who both seemed to take a big inhale before turning around viciously, facing Vinny and TNFG before tackling them both automatically.

It was, in other words, massive chaos. Things only worsened when one of them pulled out a large hammer.

"STOP IT! EVERYONE! YOU ARE TEARING THIS FAMILY APART!" Kyo screamed, suddenly rushing towards the madness with outstretched palms between the fighters, her shirt still over her nose.

All of the malicious fighting halted to a complete stop. Everyone stared, some with raised fists or hammers, others with their hands in front of their face, hands curled around each others hair. There was silence, as each person stared at Kyo, not even uttering one word.

Kyo cleared her throat. "We-"

"GET HER!" Someone shouted from the fight and almost immediately they all dropped what they had been doing and ran towards her, with bloodshot eyes and manic smiles.


They all paused once more, whipping their heads around, staring.

"It couldn't..." Vinny walked closer up to the mirror, curiously.


Vinny backed up, with a slightly frightened expression on his face.

Silence emitted throughout the room between the rest of them. Some were curious, some were anxious and some were just a little scared.

But their thoughts were all the same.

What in the world was that?

It couldn't have been...


I wonder who'll be at the party besides us-

Well, most of them.


A long, thin crack began to form across the mirror.

The mirror began to shake slowly, and faster.

The noise changed.


It became an eerie sound, as if it was a laser.

It suddenly halted again.

No one moved.


Suddenly, the mirror erupted, chunks and shards of glass all flying everywhere in the endless space, forever and ever. Some chunks were luckier, piercing the vines rather than falling to their 'doom.' Child yanked down ML, as she flew towards the ground. Chris flung himself towards ground, escaping into his shell. Ace ducked, barely missing the shards. Everyone else either clutched their heads and fell to the floor, ducked, or covered each other.

One particularly fat glass piece had flown directly towards the plant and jammed into the green plant, smashing against it forcefully enough that it knocked it off of the vine, and tumbling down the space, until it faded away into limbo.

And just like that, everyone felt some kind of jolt run up their spines, lifting their mood with them. Kyo stared, her eyes huge but empty as a thousand things rushed through her mind at that moment.

"I...Am so sorry, ML." Child looked truly devastated when she turned her head towards ML, the tough girl who had been grasping her hammer. "I had no idea-"

"It's okay, Child. I should be apologizing." ML spoke, lowering her hammer.

Chris turned to his buddy. "I'm sorry too."

Ace nodded his head, "Same here. I just have no idea what happened to us."

"I do."

Champ, Ace, Chris, Zeena, ML, Child, Kai, Mast, Laguz, TNFG, Chika, Anna and Sheri all turned their attention to the sudden voice.

He peeled off his green hoodie, revealing light brown hair and blueish-green eyes.

"Mech? Long time, no see." Chris greeted politely, with a nevertheless, puzzled expression on his face. "Why were you...?"

"It's a long story. But guys, listen. That was no hallucinogen. That was-"

Vinny suddenly face-palmed. "Of course."

"You know?" Mech questioned.

"THAT'S IT!" Kyo interrupted, quite out of nowhere. "IT WAS THE SMELL! I TOLD YOU GUYS I WAS SMELLING SOMETHING!" She shook Champ excitedly, "I KNEW IT!"

"But how come only you smelled it?" Chika asked curiously.

"Hmmm... You know, the mist back in the other room may have had an affect on our sinuses. I know it did mine." Champ rubbed his nose again.

"Champ, you are right." Mega cut in, his eyes widening. "Kyo, you were the first one out of that room and one of the last to go in, so that must be why..."

"Or I just have better senses than you." She smugly grinned. "Kidding."

" Well then, I was half right." Vinny grinned slightly, continuing, "I thought it was Ivy. Poison Ivy." He groaned, "I can't believe we didn't see that coming."

"None of us did." Sheri comforted, "It's okay."

"Let's just be glad none of us actually killed each other." Child spoke quietly, still a bit shaken. ML patted her shoulder a bit, nodding.

"Yet." TNFG reminded her, with an attempted grin.

"I half-expected her to jump out of nowhere." Chris replied earnestly.

"Everyone, we have to stay on task. Mech, was there anybody with you?" Zeena reminded everyone seriously, focusing the attention back towards Mech.

But Mech wasn't listening anymore.

Mech's face had paled and he swiftly turned around.

"Wait!" Chika called. "Mech? Come back!"

He had vanished after he said one last thing under his breath.

"Oh no."

Hey guys! I know this is an usually short chapter, and this really isn't a proper ending.
I am taking a vacation from FF for a while, and I don't really know if I will be back for a long time. It's not drama or anything, I promise. C: I really wanted to finish this story before I leave, but there isn't enough time. So I think this might be the last chapter I post for a while. If out of nowhere I get hit with an extreme need to write/finish this story, I'll come back to post it. But this is the last part for a while (As if before that you guys weren't waiting forever) So with that, I'll see all of you sometime hopefully, if I can.

Bye guys!

This was one of those few times that didn't save my work, and forced me to restart. -.-