A/N: So this is my first Yaoi/M rated story so please bear with me.. Hope you like it

Takao was tossing and turning in his sleep. Tomorrow was the day... The day that Shin-chan was moving in his house. He sighed and opened his eyes, looking at the ceiling.

'How did we get here? Oh yea..' he though and started remembering.

Flashback of earlier this week

"Kazunari Takao get your ass up now or I will bring this door down" his mother's voice could be heard from outside the door.

Takao groaned and opened his eyes. Lifting himself from his pillow with a huge effort.

"I will be down in five minutes ok?" he said and got up from the bed hearing his mother's footsteps getting further away. He sighed and went to the bathroom to splash some water to his face yawning.

"What does she want so early in a Saturday morning? I just want to sleep" He whined to himself.

After he finished splashing his face he went downstairs and to the kitchen only to find his mother and Midorima sitting at the table.

"Uh Shin-chan what are you doing here so early?" he asked confused.

Midorima pushed his glasses up as usual and looked at Takao's mother. She pointed for Takao to sit at the chair next to Midorima. He sat and gave his mother a waiting look. She sighed and started talking.

"As of next Saturday Shintarou-kun will be staying here with you" she said and Takao gasped.

"Huh? Why?" he managed to ask.

"That's quite the reaction there Kazunari. Well I think I will let Shintarou-kun do the explaining." she said and got up. "Oh almost forgot to tell you that me and your father will leave this Friday for America. We have to live there for our work but we can't afford you to stop your school for that." she got out of the kitchen and headed upstairs.

Takao's mouth dropped from the surprise. Did he hear well? His parents were going away and Shin-chan was moving in with him? That was a lot to take in.

Midorima was watching Takao who was lost deep in thought and had turned pale. Well he could understand that he couldn't handle so much information, he was an idiot after all. He sighed and got up breaking Takao's thought.

"Takao lets go to your room." he started walking out of the kitchen without waiting for Takao to answer.

"Oii Shin-chan wait up." Takao ran after him only to find him sitting on his bed. He closed the door behind him and sat on the floor in from of Midorima.

"So can you explain to me what is happening here?" his gaze turning to Midorima.

Midorima sighed.

"Well you already know that I live almost alone since my parents are away all the time so your mother asked me to move in with you. She will be more at ease like that. My parents agreed so from next week onwards we will live together." he said and turned his gaze outside the window.

End of flashback

Sighing Takao turned to his side looking out the window. He looked at the moon and after a while he felt his eyes growing heavy. Just before sleep took over him a whisper left his lips.


In his sleep Takao could hear an annoying ringing sound. It sounded like the doorbell. Well whoever it was he was sure his mother would get it. He turned to the other side only to gasp and get out of bed quickly.

"Oh my god I forgot mom left yesterday..." he slapped his forehead while running down the stairs to open the door. In front of him was standing an angry Midorima.

"Um sorry Shin-chan.. I overslept and forgot mom left yesterday" he apologized scratching his head while smiling innocently. "Please come in."

He opened the door enough for Midorima to get inside and then closed it.

"What were you doing all night for you to oversleep? Its noon already" Midorima asked with the same tone he always did.

"Um thinking?" he said and smiled. "Come one. Lets show you to your room".

Takao started up the stairs with Midorima close behind him. They stopped outside of Takao's room and he pointed at the door across his own. He opened the door and got inside.

The room was very bright and the walls were painted in a sky blue color that felt relaxing. It had a big desk with a comf-looking chair and a king-sized bed. Near the door was a built-in closet.

"This is your room. The bathroom is at the end of the hallway. If you need anything I will be in my room ok?"

Midorima nodded and put his bag down. Takao turned to leave but his leg caught on the bag's strap and was falling when Midorima caught him only to slip too and he fell on top of Takao. They both were blushing from the closeness of their bodies and Midorima pulled away quickly pulling Takao's hand to help him up.

"Um.. Are you hurt anywhere?" Midorima stuttered and looked away.

"No. You catching me helped" Takao said blushing more.

The atmosphere was getting more awkward by the second so Takao decided it was time to go.

"I will leave you settle in then Shin-chan. Oh and thanks for catching me" he said before closing the door and going into his room.

He closed the door and slid down to the floor blushing furiously while remembering Midorima's warm eminating from their closeness. He cupped his cheeks and closed his eyes.

"Living with Shin-chan is going to be difficult" he whispered and got up and went to his bed. The moment his head hit the pillow he fell asleep.

Midorima was done putting his clothes in the closet. He looked at his bed and saw that the pillows wasn't on it. He decided to go and ask Takao to give him.

He walked to Takao's room and softly knocked the door. Getting no response he gently opened it and picked in only to see a sleeping Takao.

He walked to the bed and watched as Takao was sleeping peacefully. He brushed away a stray strand of hair from Takao's forehead. Takao slightly moved in his sleep and whispered.


Midorima blushed slightly from hearing his name. He lowered himself and softly kissed Takao's forehead before leaving the room.

Little did he know that Takao was awake and felt the kiss. He was blushing once more and squeezed his head in his pillow...


A/N: Arigatou for reading... Sorry for not puting any smut in this chapter but I want to take it slow R&R please... Hope you liked it...

Edit: Fixed some mistakes and phrases but nothing serious...