After receiving some, interesting, reviews from my last Hansel and Gretel fic, I decided to try another story.
I hope everyone likes this one, and don't worry, it's not going to end like my other one.
Like always I own nothing that you recognize, I only own Alice and the parts of the plot that are not apart of Hansel and Gretel.

Keeping high in the trees, watching the witch hunters below.

It's been three weeks, and they still haven't noticed I'm following them.

As if they could here my thoughts the man looked up at me.


Climbing higher as I heard the tale tale click of his gun before it fired at me, missing me by inches.

Gotta move faster.

Seeing the woman aiming her crossbow at me I grabbed a branch, using it to block the arrow with ease. Dropping to the ground in one smooth motion running through the forest as I heard the hunters give chase behind me.

This is bad, master will not be happy.

Dodging through the trees as fast as my feet would carry me, turning I moved to jump back into the trees when I felt one of the hunters grab my foot. Sliding under the woman I forced my feet into her stomach and off of me. Jumping up I took off running again, not knowing what I was going to do. Feeling a bullet whiz past my head I glanced back to see the man with his gun aiming at my head. Just as he pulled the trigger I dropped to the floor, flipping back on my feet as soon as the bullet cleared me, running again until I felt something sharp tare into my ankle. Falling to the ground I screamed in pain as I reached to pull the arrow out of my ankle since it went clean threw.

"Well, she's not a witch."

Stopping I looked up at the witch hunters, who were looking down at me in rage.

"Who are you?"

"I'm not telling a witch hunter anything."

The woman smirked, kicking me in the head. Growling I grabbed my head in pain, glaring daggers at the woman while the man knelt down in front of me.

"Why were you following us?"

Turning I was about to give a rude reply until I looked into his clear green eyes, feeling oddly flustered before I knew it I was truthfully answering his question.

"My master told me to trail you two."

He looked up at the woman for a moment before focusing back on me.

"Who is your master?"

Biting my lip I weighed my options, tell the hunters and risk being punished or even killed by my master, or not tell them and risk dying here and now. The pair watched how I was acting closely.

"He…He's a warlock, he was wanting me to lead you two into his lands."


"You're a threat to him, and he takes care of any kind of threat."

Speaking a little bitterly, which didn't go unnoticed by the hunters.

"What's your name?"

Sighing I looked up, meeting the man's curious gaze.


He smiled as he nodded.

"Well Alice, I'm Hansel, and this is Gretel."

I nodded, reaching to pull the arrow out again, only to stop and wince in pain.

"Let's make a deal."

Instantly I became cautious of the pair again.

"What kind of deal?"

"You lead us to your, master, and."

"We won't kill you."

Looking up at Gretel in alarm as she pulled the arrow out of my ankle.


I know it's really short, but tell me what you think anyway?