Title: Eye Candy

Fandom: Avengers

Characters/Pairing: Loki, Thor

Word Count:

For: Shadowfaire on ao3

Warnings: 695

AN: I kind of went off of the plan for this but it's cute. I like it. It actually plays into a couple of stories that I have in the works. So yay for that.


Playing with the page of the book he was reading, Loki looked out of the charmed window that showed whatever part of Asgard he wanted. He lifted a hand and flicked his fingers, changing it to the training grounds, finding the male that he had called brother for so long punching at a training dummy.

Settling back in the wooden chair he had, he watched Thor attack and jab at the dummy, mind turning slowly over whatever it wanted to think about.

He had been stuck in the prison for the last six months, working his way through certain books that his mother had snuck him about mental manipulations. Some that even Thor had brought back from Midigard, allowing him to learn about how it could have happened to him. Odin was still unwilling to listen to his mother, and she had happily turned him out of her bed until he heard what she had to say and thought about it.

Thor just knew that he was grumpy about something but wasn't sure as to what that something was. But Loki knew it was because he missed his wife and was a day away from listening to all of the information that Loki had been able to tell her during their visits.

Loki shifted and crossed his legs. He flipped the book closed and put it to the side with a thunk. He wasn't looking forward to that particular conversation down because it meant that he was going to have to let his mother talk about all that she had found in his mind. She had used special magic that copied everything that he consciously and unconsciously remembered. She had spent the next day working through them, selecting the memories to use when she confronted her husband about how he dared to treat both Loki and Thor.

Sighing, Loki flicked his fingers and found his mother working on a bit of knitting. He knew that it was a new blanket for his cell, his last one burned by an overzealous guard who hadn't known about Frigga's rule about the items in his cell. He smiled as she quickly and easily looped and twisted around the needles, the click of them a soothing sound to the trapped deity.

Sighing lowly, Loki allowed himself to relax to the sounds, eyes falling shut, closing his eyes and resting his chin on his hand. He allowed himself to fall into his magic, feeling the tiny curl of power that sat in the plant on his desk, waving happily under the conjured sunlight and soaking up all the nutrients that it needed.

He chuckled when the power nudged at him, taking just a tiny bit to feed off of before returning to it's dormant state as it processed it. "What an interesting creature you are, Stark. Hiding such power, even from my brother," he mused, catching sight of his mother giving him an amused look through the window as she set her knitting to the side. He huffed when she flicked her fingers, sending his view to Tony Stark as the man teased another man with red on black eyes.

Loki smirked at the obvious flirting going on between the two men as Stark allowed a small child to happily braid his long hair into many tiny braids. Another man sat, lounging back in a recliner with the twin to the child braiding on his lap, reading from a book and helping the small one figure out books. He chuckled, knowing that the two little ones, called Weather Witches, loved Thor when he came to visit and had the moment that Stark had introduced them all to the X-Men.

Shifting, he flicked the screen back to Thor, unable to help himself. He so did enjoy watching gold skin shine with sweat even though he doubted either of them would ever want to sleep with the other. Blood or no blood, they had been raised brothers and they had no urge to go beyond that now that they knew the truth of their bonds.

Still, Loki did enjoy a good bit of eye candy and Thor did provide that so nicely.