cause when the daylight bends, I'll follow you

This story has been adopted from abbyli, this chapter onwards belong to me.

Disclaimer: I do not own Vampire Diaries or any of it's characters.

After saying goodbye to Caroline, Damon returned to where Celia was sitting in her highchair. She had the biggest pout on her face, Damon chuckled and ruffled her hair.

"Don't worry squirt, she'll be back and you guys will play and cuddle and stuff".

He noticed how she seemed to brighten at his words as if she understood. He picked her up and whilst walking with her to the living room her found himself thinking about how Caroline and Celia had interacted with one another. He felt a smile tug at the corner of his lips and found himself thinking for the second time that day that she really needed a maternal figure to be there for her.

Later that night after he had put Celia to bed he heard his phone ringing. He quickly glanced at the caller I.D. before answering.

"Hi mom"

"Hi honey, how are my darling grandbaby and son doing?"

Damon chuckled lightly "We're fine mom, we even found a nanny for Celia today".

"You did?...That's wonderful darling. How is she with Celia?"

"She's great mom. Her name is Caroline and Celia practically purred when Caroline pushed her hair to the side of her face and gave her a huge hug" he said whilst laughing a little.

Antonia laughed at the lightness of her son's voice and found herself smiling at the sound of her son's laughter, which she had not heard in a long time. "That sounds adorable, I'm glad that Celia seems to like her so much – it seems like a perfect match…Is she aware of the situation?"

"She is, I told her this afternoon".

Antonia heard the change in her son's voice – the lightness that was there a minute ago was gone and she found herself immediately regretting the question. She hated hearing her son in pain.

"So when does this Caroline start?" she asked trying to move the conversation away from the area she had almost dragged it into.

"huh?...Oh she starts on Monday. You know what mom, I'm pretty tired so I think I'm going to go to bed".

"Ok honey, I love you. Give Celia hugs and kisses for me"

"Will do, I love you too. Night"

"Goodnight baby".

Damon hung up the phone and found himself reminiscing over happier times when his brother and Elena were still alive. A tear slid down his cheek. He missed them so much! When he had heard about the accident, he had felt his heart shatter and every time he thinks of them he feels it break just a little bit more. Just thinking about the fact that Celia would never know Stefan and Elena caused him to gasp in pain. He didn't understand why such bad things happened to good people, his brother and sister in law didn't deserve to die. They were good people and had hardly lived – had hardly gotten to know their baby and now they never would. He felt more tears make their way down his face. He would never have admitted it when they were alive but Damon loved his brother more than anything in the world and it killed him that he never told Stefan.

He looked up and made a silent promise. He would prove that Stefan and Elena putting Celia in his care was the right thing to do. He liked to think that Stefan and Elena were watching over him and Celia and could understand his promise.

"I miss you brother"

Another tear made its way down his face before he hastily wiped at his face, took a swig of scotch and made his way to bed.

The next morning Caroline sat at the breakfast bar, with her coffee , watching Matt who was busy pacing back and forth.

"But Care, how much do you really know about this guy? He could be be…. I don't know…someone dangerous or something"

Matt looked at Caroline with concern etched across his face.

"Matt! His brother died, like a month ago. He is now caring for his niece on his own. He needs help, and I could be the one to do that. Do you really think someone would leave him a child if he really was dangerous? Besides aren't you always the one that has to find the best in people? Where'd that guy go? He would show me support."

Matt sighed at the slightly pissed off blonde across from him.

"I'm sorry, I just want you to be careful. This is New York after all and there are a hell of a lot of weirdos out there."

"Oh quit bugging Caroline. She can take care of herself – she is a big girl after all."

Matt turned to look at his girlfriend, who had just entered the room, with a look of annoyance. But before he could say anything he was interrupted by a triumphant looking Caroline.

"I agree with Bekah. I am perfectly capable of taking care of myself. I…"

Rebekah gave her a sharp look before cutting her off. "Before you go and get all smug, he does have a point. You do need to be careful."

Caroline rolled her eyes "Ok mom, dad" she said looking at each of them in turn before starting to make her way out of the room.

Matt sighed and ran a hand through his hair. "Don't be like that. I care about you and wouldn't be able to forgive myself if anything happens to you."

Caroline's expression softened and she went over to him to give him a hug. " I care about you too. You're my best friend and I love you. I promise to be careful and if I need you I will make sure to call, Ok?"

Matt smiled at her words and nodded.

"Hey! What about me?" Rebekah asked indignantly.

Caroline laughed at the other blond "Get over her, you big dork".

"I am not a dork!"

"I'm just teasing Beks, chill. But I love you too".

"Hmmph" was the response Caroline received.

Matt just laughed at the two blondes in his arms. "You are both big dorks, but I love you anyway and wouldn't want that to change". He gave Caroline a kiss on the forehead and Rebekah and quick kiss on the lips before telling the both that he had to get into work and left the two alone.

Rebekah looked at Caroline "So is this Damon guy hot then?"

Caroline laughed "And with that I'm going to have a shower and get dressed".

"That's a yes then". Rebekah said as Caroline left the room.

"Goodbye Rebekah" was the muffled reply from the closed door.

Ok, so next chapter will be Caroline's first day with Celia and there will be some Damon/Caroline interaction.

What did you guys think of this one? Constructive criticism please.