Well this is it guys! We've had an amazing response from you all! We both want to thank you for your amazing dedication to our story, especially through the long waits for overdue updates! It's been a long road to get here but we made it!

Don't worry; the epilogue is only the start of a new beginning! It's left us with the opportunity to both post a series of oneshots set in this universe! Woohoo!

So if here's something in particular in this universe you want to see, send us a prompt!

But for now my friends, go forth and read.

Until next time!



One Week Later:

It had been an emotional week for both girls, not to mention a very difficult one, but now everything was back to the way it should be. Chloe's recovery had been coming on leaps and bounds, even just in one week and Beca's voice had suddenly returned to her. They had confronted Chloe's father, and he had apologized for everything he'd done and said. Chloe couldn't forgive him yet, but they were working on it.

Beca held Chloe's hand tightly as they made their way back to their old room. It felt like a lifetime since they'd been here together.

As she pushed open the door Chloe gasped, swiftly turning to Beca and pulling her into her arms. Somehow, in the week where she hadn't actually left Chloe's side Beca had managed to rearrange the whole room. The beds were now pushed together, making a double for them to sleep in, and she had already put all of Chloe's belongings and pictures back in the room. She'd even managed to get hold of some fairy lights which outlined the bed's frames.

"I love you." Chloe said as she stared into Beca's eyes. "I think it's definitely fair to say that I wouldn't be here without you. So thank you. I love you Beca Mitchell."

"I love you too Chloe Beale", Beca grinned, kissing Chloe on the lips gently.

"And I'm never letting you go ever again. I promise."


6 Months Later:

"There", said Nurse Kay as picked up the papers and stacked them neatly in two piles. "All done."

She got up out of her seat and walked around to the other side of her desk, watched by two other Doctors and Chloe and Beca's parents. Once she reached the girls who were sitting in their respective chairs in front of her, hands tightly linked across the gap, she stretched her arms out and beaconed them in.

Emotionally, both girls jumped up out of their seats and flung themselves into Nurse Kay's arms. A tear rolled down her cheek as she pulled them in even closer. She shouldn't really say this, but they were her favourites. Nurse Kay had watched both Beca and Chloe come so far and it had been a privilege to be part of their lives. They were both absolutely incredible, and she knew that no matter how much longer her future in nursing was, she would never find two patients that she loved as much as the girls in front of her. She felt like they were her own.

"I'm going to miss you girls so much. You'd better come back and visit me now or there'll be hell to pay!" she said, her voice cracking at the end of her sentence.

"Of course we will", Chloe promised. "We'll be back once every two weeks for therapy anyway, and you'll have to come and visit us as well!"

The girls continued their goodbyes; Beca quiet as usual, preferring to let Chloe do the talking for her.

After returning to the ward, they began to say their goodbyes to the other girls. Amy hugged them both and said, "Be careful of the crocodiles.", which they both couldn't help but giggle at, as well as being pretty confused as usual.

Stacy gave them a rather touchy-feely hug and whispered in Beca's ear, "If you ever get sick of her then you know where I am." Beca moved away quickly and latched herself back on to Chloe.

Chloe was slightly concerned at just how quiet Beca had been. Over the last 6 months there had been pretty big improvements in Beca's condition and she could now hold conversations with a number of people at the facility. Nurse Kay, Dr Nicks, Amy and Stacy being several of them. When her and Chloe were alone she wouldn't shut up, Chloe just liked to think that they were making up for lost time. She still struggled with physical contact with everyone other than Chloe, but it was something that everyone had learnt to deal with. Everyone simply knew not to touch her. But now she was so quiet and regressed. Chloe thought that it was probably just the emotion or the amount of people getting to her, so she held Beca's hand just a bit tighter and carried on making their way around the room.

When all the goodbyes were finished and the girls were making their way down the steps, Beca detached herself from Chloe and walked back up the steps towards Nurse Kay. Chloe turned around, wondering what Beca was doing.

She watched her girlfriend walk up to the top step, slowly and gently picking up the older woman's hands into her own. She held them within her palms as she looked up, directly into Nurse Kay's dark brown eyes.

With everyone watching, Beca stared into the nurse's eyes and said, "I just felt like I needed to say, out loud, thank you. Thank you for everything. You're the reason that we're both here right now, so yeah…thank you, you're amazing."

Tears welled up in Nurse Kay's eyes and she whispered something in Beca's ear. Whatever Nurse Kay said must have meant something to Beca because she laughed, grinned ear to ear and kissed Nurse Kay on the cheek.

"I will", Beca said finally, before turning round and walking back to Chloe.

"What did she say to you?" asked Chloe nosily.

"Oh it doesn't matter, it was nothing", Beca said whilst opening the door of the Range Rover.

The girls got in the back of Chloe's parents' car. They waved frantically to everyone as they pulled out of the driveway.

They were free from Barden Abbey forever.


They'd been driving for about an hour, and Chloe didn't recognise where they were going. They'd missed the turning for her parent's house a while back and she was getting pretty confused.

"Mom, where are we going?" Chloe piped up from the backseat, nudging a sleepy Beca off her as she sat up to get a better look out of the window.

Beca's eyes opened slowly and she yawned, stretching her arms out and almost hitting Chloe in the face in the process.

"Well…" Mrs. Beale said nervously, "We wanted to keep it as a surprise, but I guess we didn't manage to fool you."

"We're here", said Mr. Beale who had been quiet for the majority of the journey due to not quite knowing where he stood with his daughter after everything that had happened.

Chloe looked around and noticed that they were parked outside a nice looking apartment building. It had hanging baskets on the porch and through one of the windows she saw a family watching TV in a beautifully modern living room.

Mrs. Beale continued, "It was actually your father's idea. We wanted to say sorry, for everything. We also wanted to congratulate you girls on just how far you've come."

Chloe looked to Beca and then back to her mother again. "Are you for real?!" she said excitedly. She jumped up and down in her seat and grabbed the hand of the girl next to her, who had a grin on her face the size of the moon.

"Ready to see your new home girls?"


As they shut the door behind them the girls looked around speechlessly. Hand in hand, they walked through the kitchen and dining room before moving to sit down on the sofa.

Beca dropped herself down and relaxed back into the plush cushions. She closed her eyes and allowed herself to breathe. She couldn't believe any of this was real.

She opened her eyes again when she felt Chloe sit down next to her, and she held her arms out wide, welcoming her girlfriend in.

"This is incredible", said Beca quietly. "We have a house Chlo, a home. It's ours."

Her girlfriend looked up at her through long eyelashes before snuggling back into her chest. Beca thought she heard a muffled, "I love you.", but she couldn't be sure.

"How about dinner then?" Beca said, "I'm sure your parents have stocked up the fridge too, they seem to have thought of everything!"

"Dinner sounds good." Chloe said sadly.

"What's the matter Chlo?"

"I just…I cant believe I'm here. I'm out Beca. We're out! We're out of that place and now we have a home of our own. It's just…I…There were moments when I thought, hell I even hoped that the only way I'd leave that place was in a body bag. I just think back to everything in there, and everything before and realise how stupid I was. I was so fucking stupid. But then I think, if I hadn't been put into Barden, I would have never met you. Everything happens for a reason I guess. And you know what? I don't regret a minute of it, because now I have you."

Tears ran down Chloe's cheeks as Beca pulled her into her body. She enjoyed hugging Chloe these days even more than she had before, because now she didn't have to worry about breaking her. Beca ran one hand up and down Chloe's back whilst entangling one hand in her hair and stroking it gently.

Beca began, "Let me tell you something. Before you arrived at Barden, I thought I'd be in there for the rest of my life. I didn't know what was wrong with me any more than they did. There were moments where I just wanted to break out of that shell so badly, but I couldn't. And then you turned up, and you pulled me out. I barely even had to try. I don't know how it happened Chloe, but what I do know is that both of us actually being here, today, is a miracle."

Chloe pulled herself out of Beca's embrace and looked straight into her big brown orbs. As she pecked her gently on the lips a smile broke out on Beca's face.

"Do you want to know what Nurse Kay said to me today?" Beca asked, knowing that Chloe had probably been wondering all day.

"Yes!" Chloe said excitedly.

"She said that I'd better make sure I went through with my plan."

Chloe was confused, "What was your plan?"

Beca removed her limbs from Chloe's and got off the sofa. She stood up, and closed her eyes whilst taking one deep breath and reaching in her back pocket.

As she got on her knees, Chloe's eyes lit up and her jaw dropped.

"Chloe Beale…"

'YES YES YES YES YES!' Chloe thought to herself. She wasn't sure she could hold this elation inside.

"Chloe…will you marry me?" Beca said shyly, looking at the floor.

Before she even had time to lift her eyes from the floor she was being yanked onto her feet.

"Yes! YES YES YES. Yes I will marry you Beca!" She yelled as she picked Beca up off her feet and span her around.

Once the initial excitement had faded Chloe put Beca back onto the soles of her feet. Beca pulled the ring from the box and put it on Chloe's finger.

"I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you", Chloe said whilst holding the most electrically charged gaze she had ever had with Beca.


"And now do you know what we can do?" asked the ginger with a sly smile on her face. Beca simply raised her eyebrows in response.

"Christen our new bed", said Chloe mischievously, before turning away and dragging the brunette towards the bedroom.

Beca didn't think she'd ever been happier than she was in that second. But there was one thing she did know. Even forever with Chloe wouldn't be long enough.