
Weak and Sunken Eyes

'God knows what is hiding in those weak and sunken eyes
A fiery throng of muted angels
Giving love but getting nothing back...'

— "People Help the People", Birdy


When she reached out her hoof, he flinched, scooting further away.

"Don't touch me," he hissed, keeping the left side of his face hidden in the darkness. He hugged his knees tighter, keeping his eyes locked on the cold floor beneath him.

Queen Chrysalis narrowed her eyes. "Just let me see—"

"You did it again." It came out as a hoarse whisper, with no ounce of malice that Chrysalis expected. Instead, his voice cracked as he spoke, "I don't know why I keep letting you push me around like I'm some pet that you can beat whenever you feel like it." Discord turned his head to face her now, his empty yellow eyes staring at her. All she could see was the purple and black that colored the skin around his left eye. There were more of those colors on his body, some old and some new. For whatever reason, the blows to the face were the most painful—the ones which made Discord realize that the beatings weren't right.

His words rang in her ears, and she resisted the urge to hit him again. "Need I remind you that I'm all you have in this world?"

Discord lowered his eyes once more, slowly turning away from her.

"They all left you." Chrysalis moved closer, slowly lifting her hoof toward Discord. "They don't need you. Nopony needs you. You can't do anything right except cause chaos, and nopony wants that around. I, however..." she pressed her hoof against his right cheek, but Discord found her touch to be more forceful than comforting. "...do want you around. I am all you have in this world. I am the only one who actually cares about you. Celestia didn't care about you... she hated you—"

At the mention of the sun princess he once loved, Discord turned back to face Chrysalis quickly, as if to protest her words. "She—" A red flash appeared in his eyes—followed by a searing pain—as her hoof collided against his face another hard blow, knocking him to the floor in the process.

Chrysalis stood over him now, seeming to stand taller than she actually was. He wanted to cower away from her lingering form, but instead he lied there, keeping his throbbing cheek rested against the cold stone floor as he stared up at her with weak and sunken eyes. "And if it takes a few bruises to make you realize that, then so be it." There were a few moments of silence between the two as the Queen Changeling breathed heavily, trying to calm the anger running through her veins.

Taking a deep breath, Chrysalis turned away, about to head toward the open door a few feet away. "Just remember that I am doing this for your well-being. To teach you. Before a student can move on with their studies, they need to know what they are doing wrong first." She silently left without another word, the door slamming shut. The battered draconequus was alone in the darkness.

'Behind the tears, inside the lies
A thousand slowly dying sunsets.'

A/N: I hate this pairing. A lot. I don't support it, but I decided to write my take on how I think this pairing would work if it were real. It would probably have a lot of abuse (on Chrysalis' part). She's no good for Discord. No good! Discord loves to have fun and cause mischief; Chrysalis is cold and calculating. She wouldn't even let him have any fun.

This is AU, btw. In case you missed the memo.

Anyway, I wrote this after listening to the song "People Help the People" by Birdy. The lyrics I used at the top inspired this little drabble. So... yeah.

Please review if you liked this.

P.S. Expect a funny Discord one-shot as my 100th fanfic. :D