AN: I am merely writing this story, Bellice Fan came up with the brilliant idea.

Note: This is rated M. It is because of graphic material.

Hope you enjoy the next installment of My Knight and Her Steed.

I am sorry, but guys…this is the last chapter. I felt so much connection to this story and loved writing it. It could use some improvement, but its my first longer fanfiction that wasn't absolutely horrid. Haha! There will be an epilogue. If you want, you can request a sequel. I would love to continue this, but its up to you guys! Let me know in your reviews.

I own nothing. No copyright infringement intended. I just want to play with the girls a little bit.

Reviews are like little prizes. They make my day.

Bella was released from the hospital three weeks later. It only took so long because she kept ripping out her stitches since she was being stubborn. It was pissing me off, so I decided to withhold sex for a month. She immediately straightened up after that. Bella was smiling at me from her place on the bed. She just woke up and groaned when she rolled over. I watched her with vast amusement. She was such a complainer sometimes.

"Can I git some breakfast?" I sighed. Bella was used to eating whatever she felt like, however, with the blows to her ribs and the stab wound, they want her on a soft diet. At least, for a month.

"Is applesauce okay Bella?" Bella growled. I knew she was pissed.

"No! Dammit if Victoria didn't do this I could do so much more. I wanna eat what I wanna eat and I wanna do what I want. Not be stuck in this damn bed like some fuckin' cripple." I sighed deeply. The doctor warned me that the steroids would make her hormonal. She then began to sob loudly. The sounds were gut wrenching and pulled at my heart strings. I crawled onto the bed and wrapped my small arms around her. She curled into my body as she sobbed. I was honestly worried when she didn't show emotion for a long time. I was waiting for this almost. She gripped my shirt tightly and let loose a loud cry. I placed my hand on her chin and forced my love to look at me.

"No more tears baby doll. None. Look at me." She kept averting her eyes, but snapped them to me when I requested. "Darling, I love you. Victoria is gone, I am home, nobody will hurt you. We will fight, yes, but to intentionally cause you harm? No, I'd never do that. I want you to rest and get well so you can do what you want. The doctor told me to. Please Bella, rest for me?" Bella looked down. Her brown eyes were blood shot and glossy. She had a red tipped nose and her freckles were gorgeous up close. Even in her distraught state, she was absolutely beautiful.

"You are beautiful. In a month, I will ravish you like a wild animal. Do you understand this?" Bella's cheeks tinged pink. I saw the hint of a faint smile and I grinned.

"Good, Because I will.


Bella was up and walking around a week or so later. She still was on a soft diet and couldn't do much on her own. However, she was in for a surprise. Before, the stables weren't done. Yet at least. I dipped into my account and finished the building with Jasper and Jacob. Jasper taught me how to brush the horses properly because they have to be brushed in a particular manner. I just finished brushing Kent's tail when I heard,

"She's coming!" I hid behind bails of hay and Jasper and Jacob hit behind the horse…not obvious enough.

"What the hell? Alice?" I jumped out and shouted 'surprise.' She looked around and smiled. I knew Bella well enough to know that she was pleased with the outcome.

"Bella, we are fiancés now. We share things. So, I helped finish this while you have been in bed. And…Jascob get the hell out here." Jacob and Jasper came out hand in hand. Surprisingly enough, the two had hooked up. Bella smirked and was about to say something witty, but I kissed her softly.

"Bella, my love, happy birthday." Bella grinned and kissed me tenderly.

"Thanks ya'll. Lookie here Alice. I was given this ring by my muther. She wanted me to give it to my love. You're my love. Will you take it as an engagement ring? I know it ain't much. Hell its just a gold band, but…I want you to have it see? I know I am just a commoner to you, but…" Bella rambled. I took the ring and placed it upon my ring finger and smiled.

"Of course I will. You aren't a commoner Bella, you're my knight." Bella smiled and kissed me passionately.

"I love you." I didn't have to say it back because she knows.

She will always be My Knight and Her Steed who swept me off my feet without me knowing.

I hate to say it guys…but no epilogue, however I am still up for a sequel. I am pleased with how this turned out! I hope you all are. I really want to continue this. However, I won't if you guys say its good as it is. Let me know!