Please review! This story is going to be a little different from my other ones.

Olivia stepped outside shivering from the cool night air. She just wanted to go home and crawl into bed. She couldn't wait to see Elliot tomorrow. Three years, he had been gone from SVU. He had called her that night and promised that he'd come see her soon. Now, they were going on their second month of dating. She smiled as she realized that fact. She never thought she could be this happy.

She started walking towards her car. Olivia suddenly felt like she was being watched. She pulled out her phone and looked around. He picked up on the first ring. "Hey baby! What's going on?"

"I just wanted to call you. I'm walking to my car and...I don't feels like someone is following me." Olivia breathed pulling out her keys.

Elliot felt his heart rate quicken. "Okay, why don't you drive to my place? That way, I know you're safe for the night."

"Okay." Olivia said putting her key into the car door. She felt herself be pulled back by her waist. The phone fell from her fingers and landed next to her car. "No!" She screamed as she tried to pry the attacker's hands off of her. "Elliot!" She screetched before he covered her mouth.

The perp took her gun and thrust it into her side making Olivia whimper in pain. She watched as he grabbed the phone while keeping her held at gun point. "Sorry pal, she's going to have a little fun." He hung up the phone and threw it on the ground by her car. Olivia struggled as he pulled her into the alley. She already felt his hands working at her clothes while keeping the gun to her head. "No misbehaving. I'd hate to kill you." He seethed into her ear as he pushed her against the wall. Olivia already felt the tears streaming down her face. He had a gun pointed at her and already had her against a wall with her pants down.

"No. No. No." Olivia repeated over and over again as she heard him unzip his pants.

"Shut up!" He shouted as he pushed her harder into the wall.

NO!" Olivia screamed as he thrust into her roughly. He was already panting in her ear harshly. She felt the gun push harder into her back as he continued. She clamped her eyes shut as he grunted. She prayed that Elliot would get there soon.

He soon finished and ran off with her gun in hand. She pulled her pants up with shaking hands and curled into a ball leaning against the wall. She sobbed as she looked at her watch. Seven minutes. Elliot wouldn't have had a chance to get there in time. It seemed like forever before she heard a car door. She looked at her watch. Five more minutes. "Liv!" He yelled. "Liv!" He ran over to her car in front of the alley.

"Elliot!" Olivia called hoarsly. She let out another sob as he turned to her. He had tears in his own eyes as he ran to her.

"Liv!" He breathed as he squatted down in front of her. "I'm so sorry, Liv."

Olivia shook her head as more tears ran down her face. She wrapped her arms around his neck. "Just get me out of here, please." She felt him lift her up.

"Do you want to go into the squad room or to the hospital?" Elliot asked.

Olivia paused. "It should only be Cragen and John. Let's go to the squad room." She gripped tighter to his neck as he adjusted her. Her body was aching.

"Sorry." He whispered before hurrying up to the right floor. His heart broke every time Olivia shook and tightened her grip on him. Once they got to the floor, the elevator doors opened. Cragen and John were coming towards them.

"El, what happened?" Cragen asked noticing Olivia's tear stained face. He and John followed Elliot as he walked into the squad room never letting Olivia leave his arms. He had tears running down his own face at this point. "El?"

"I don't know what happened." Elliot admitted. He was losing his mind. "Liv called me and said she felt followed. Before I know, she's screaming as her phone drops. I drove here and found her in the alley crying."

John's heart broke as he saw Olivia visibly tremble in Elliot's arms. He carefully laid a hand on Olivia's back. She flinched slightly. He moved so she could see him. He looked into her tear brimmed eyes that were tucked into the crook of Elliot's neck. "Liv, were you raped?" He knew he had to ask the question. Knowing her, she'd want to get this done with as soon as possible.

Olivia's eyes darted to look into his. The look told him everything. Her eyes squeezed shut. "Yes." She whispered as she let more tears fall. Her fist tightened on Elliot's jacket.

The one word made every heart in the room shatter. The brave Olivia Benson had become broken. Cragen stepped forward into her line of vision. "Liv, we need to take you to the hospital. We're going to find this guy." He promised. The woman he thought of as a daughter nodded as she let out a sob and hid her face in Elliot's shoulder.

"Liv, can you walk?" John asked as he noticed that Elliot hadn't put her down.

Olivia shook her head. "I-I tried t-to, but it hurt t-too much." She stuttered. "Can we please just get this over with?"

Cragen nodded and put a comforting hand on her shoulder. He was slightly relieved when she didn't flinch at his touch. Elliot leaned his head on hers. "John, could you drive us in my car?"

"Yeah." John breathed as he took Elliot's keys that were dangling on his finger. "I'll go start the car." Elliot watched as he jogged out of the squad room. He started walking with Cragen towards the elevators.

Just then, Elliot thought of something that needed to be asked. "Liv, do you know who did this to you?"

Olivia shook her head. "No, but I heard his voice. H-he had a tattoo of something on his hand. I couldn't see it clearly though."

"What'd he say?" Cragen asked.

Olivia whimpered only loud enough for Elliot to hear. "N-no misbehaving. I'd...hate to kill you." Her lip trembled and she buried her face back in Elliot's shoulder.

"Did you see anything else?" Cragen asked gently feeling his heart break and crumble into ash.

Olivia wiped her eyes with her sleeve. "Not a whole lot. He was behind me the whole time." She looked up slightly to find Elliot looking at her with tears in his eyes. He dropped his forehead to hers. "This isn't your fault."

"It's not yours either." Elliot whispered. He looked into her eyes and saw the pain, the horror, that she had just been forced into. He vowed to find the guy that did this to her and make him pay. He felt her fingers run across his neck. He focused in on what she was making with her fingers. She spelled out Love You on the side of his neck. He drew a heart on her stomach to tell her he loved her too. This was their way. There didn't have to be words. Looks and gestures worked much faster. But, the look she was giving him, told him of the heartache she was dealing with. He just wanted to take that pain away from her right now and live it himself. He'd do anything for her.

Please review! I told you guys this story was going to be different.