Just a little prologue to start things of... I guess I need to give a spoiler warning as I mention something that we learned in episode 13.16, but it's nothing big! :)

"Hey, Greg, listen up, I got a question for you."

Greg looked up when Russell entered the breakroom where he was having lunch with Morgan and Sara.

"There's this big convention about DNA in San Francisco at the end of the month and I was wondering if you would like to go," Russell said, handing Greg a printout with the information. "The department has enough money to send two people and since Henry can't go, I thought you might like it."

"Yeah, sure!" Greg nodded excitedly. Even though he loved being a CSI, he still enjoyed learning new things about DNA and doing the occasional DNA-test to help Henry out.

"Great! And because it's in San Francisco, maybe Sara would like to join you," Russell continued, looking at Sara now. "You used to live in San Francisco, right? I thought maybe you'd like to go back for a few days… A little change of environment perhaps."

By the look on Sara's face, Greg could tell she wasn't as enthusiastic about going back to San Francisco as Russell was.

"Come on, it'll be fun!" he tried to help his supervisor. "You and me, San Francisco… What could be more fun?"

"I'll start making a list," she teased him. He smiled, knowing she meant well.

"If you're not going, I'll go," Morgan suddenly spoke up. She looked at Russell. "If that's okay with you of course…"

"I didn't know you were interested in DNA," Russell said, slightly raising his eyebrows.

"I always love to learn new things," Morgan explained her sudden interest. "And it could become my thing, don't you think? I mean, Nick's the bug guy, Finn knows all about blood… I could kinda become the back-up DNA specialist. Or the back-up back-up DNA specialist, since we've already got Greg as back-up in the first place."

She smiled warmly at him, which as usual made his heart start to beat a little faster. He wasn't quite sure what to think about her suggestion, though. On the one hand he would love to spend some time with her away from the lab and their colleagues, but on the other hand the thought scared him too. What would happen if they were together away from the lab? Would something happen at all? Or would things be the same as here? He wasn't certain he really wanted to find out.

"Well, I'll ask, but I'm sure it's no problem," Russell told Morgan. "Especially since the department will be saving money then as you'll only need one room instead of two…"

Greg immediately felt the blood rush to his cheeks. From the corner of his eyes, he saw Morgan looked a little embarrassed as well. Sara just grinned quietly.

"I'll call the sheriff and tell him I'm sending you two, then I'll let you know if he's okay with it or not," Russell finished the conversation as he left the breakroom. Greg looked at Morgan. "You don't think they're actually going to get us one room, right?"

"My Dad still thinks I've got a thing for Hodges since I told Immigration I think he's a great guy," she told him. "So I doubt he's really going to have us share a room!"

Hodges, right… How could he forget about him? The last few weeks he started to believe more and more himself that she actually felt something for their Trace lab tech, but every now and then he tried to forget about that for a while. What usually helped, was thinking back to that moment they had shared in the breakroom when they were working on Alison's case. She had given him all kinds of compliments, which basically came down to that she thought he was a great guy. And now she had said the same thing about Hodges? Well, that made him feel very special… He could barely hold in a sarcastic smile. Why worry about being away from the lab with Morgan? Things would never work out between them, they'd never be more than just friends. And as much as he hated it, he just had to accept it.

"Even if you have to share, I don't think there's anything to worry about," Sara interrupted his thoughts. "Those conventions are usually held in hotels with beds big enough for the entire team to sleep in, including Henry and Hodges!"

"Sleeping in the same bed as Hodges?" Greg looked at Sara with a horrified look on his face. She laughed out loud. "Sorry, bad example!"

Morgan looked at her phone, which had just vibrated to let her know she had received a text message. She shook her head. "Speaking of Hodges, he has some results for me! Hmm, I wonder what he'd say if I ask him about what he wears at night…"

"Blue footsy pajamas?" Sara suggested with a grin. Grinning as well, Morgan left the breakroom. As soon as she was out of sight, a sigh escaped Greg. He smiled apologetic at Sara. "Sorry…"

She smiled back at him. "You don't think Russell and Ecklie will actually make you two share a room, do you? And even if you have to, what's the big deal? I thought you were so crazy about her!"

"I am, but it's just… not going anywhere!" he explained his sigh. She smiled at him again. "Oh, yes, it is. At the end of month you are going to San Francisco! And anything can happen in San Francisco," she added as she started to leave the breakroom.

"I thought anything could happen in Vegas!" he called after her. She turned around halfway down the hallway and smiled at him for the third time. "Not when you already live there… Mark my words: anything can happen in San Francisco!"

Greg leaned back into his chair and sighed again. Sara was probably right, anything could happen in San Francisco. But what exactly?