Here's the last chapter for you all! Thanks to everyone who followed the story and of course thanks for all of you who reviewed, especially AA - MamaBirdCat, who I think reviewed every chapter. Thank you so much, I really appreciate it! :)

Refusing to believe it had all been a dream, Greg stared at the television clock. It was 3.39 and the date… He tried to wake his brain up. It was only the first day! They had arrived in San Francisco hours ago, but the convention hadn't started yet! Morgan's plan had never happened: there hadn't been anyone in her room, there hadn't been any flowers and he hadn't confronted her which had led to her confessing her feelings for him. What did happen then? He started to think back. If it was the first night, then the flight had happened. They had had dinner together after checking in and… the walk to the lake, that had happened for real as well! He thought back. They had talked about Ellen, because Catherine had told her about what had happened… and the advice she had given him. The advice… In his dream Catherine had talked to him on the phone about the conversation she had had with Morgan! Was that for real or had he dreamed that as well? He checked his phone, even though he already knew this wasn't the right time to call her back. Should he just try his luck then? He hesitated. Suddenly he thought back to what Sara had told him: Anything can happen in San Francisco. But nothing would happen unless he undertook action himself… Come on, if you really like her, then do something, the voice in his head shouted. Do you really like her or not? Yes, I do, he answered his own question. I'm crazy about her and I want nothing else more than for her to be my girlfriend! His answer made him jump out of bed and rush over to Morgan's room. The sound of her breathing told him she was fast asleep.

"Morgan? Morgan, wake up!" he whispered. He slowly walked over to her bed. "Morgan, are you awake?"


He softly shook her shoulder. "Morgan… Morgan!"

"Greg? What are you doing here?" She sat up in bed, clearly not completely awake yet.

"That talk we had outside, about Ellen and Catherine… What did you want to say?" he asked with a stringent tone in his voice.

"What? What talk?" She ran her hands over her face through her hair and then rubbed her eyes. "What time is it?"

"The talk we had outside by the lake," he reminded her. "And it's 3.42."

"3.42?" she repeated. "Why on earth are you here at 3.42 talking about something you think I wanted to say?"

"Because I need to know!" he insisted. "Why did you ask Catherine if I had a girlfriend?"

She gave him one of her famous I-think-you-already-know-that looks. He felt a wave of relief rush through his body. So not everything had been a dream!

"For the record, she thought I was right for you," she reluctantly confessed. He shook his head. "Why are we doing this then? Why can't we just give in to it?"

"Don't you think it's a little complicated since we work together?" she reminded him. "I think that over the past year I've worked more cases with you than with anyone else!"

"If other couples can do it, then why can't we?"

"Because we wouldn't be like other couples!" she said, obviously hating every word she said. "It's too complicated, there's rules and issues and everybody would get involved and my father… It's just too complicated and…"

He pulled her close and kissed her with so much love and passion that he almost felt his own heart stopping to beat. When they broke apart, she looked at him breathlessly.

"And totally worth it," she whispered before she pulled him close again. Just like in his dream, they ended up spending the night together in the same bed. This time it was in her bed, though, and sleeping wasn't exactly the word they would later use to describe the night…

The rest of their time in San Francisco wasn't anything like in Greg's dream, but yet it felt like a dream to both of them. They spent their days learning more about DNA of course, but after the last meeting of the day their time together began. They had dinner together in the restaurant of the hotel every night, then walked over to the lake, where they talked about pretty much everything, including whether or not to hide their relationship for the rest of the team. When it got too cold to stay outside, they went back up to their rooms, where they continued to talk and do a few other things of course… They never hid their feelings for each other when they were around other people and except for an occasional second look, no one seemed to care they were colleagues and dating. Unlike in Greg's dream, they never saw Wendy and he realized she must have been in his dream only to help him figure out Morgan had made the whole thing up.

When they finally went back to Las Vegas, this time with seats together on the plane, they both felt nervous. Their nerves were put to the test straight away after they had landed as Morgan's father was waiting for them in the arrivals hall.

"Dad, what are you doing here?" Morgan asked surprised while giving her father a quick hug.

"Before you left, you asked if I could pick you up, remember?" Ecklie laughed.

"Oh, right… I forgot…" Hesitantly, Morgan looked from Greg to her father and back. "Actually Greg was going to give me a ride home, if you don't mind…"

Greg could see the sheriff was disappointed after Morgan's words.

"Morgan, it's okay if you wanna go with your Dad," he quickly said. "He came here to pick you up and he probably wants to know all about the convention."

Morgan took his hand and pulled him away from her father.

"This could also be our chance to tell him," she softly said. It hadn't been until they were on the flight back that they had decided they couldn't hide their relationship from the LVPD. Greg just hadn't expected that they would have to tell their secret so soon.

"Come on," Morgan said. She took his hand again and pulled him back over to her father again. "Dad, before we go home, there's something we have to tell you."

"That the second room we booked for you two was a total waste of money?" Ecklie said to their surprise. Greg blushed, Morgan just smiled shyly. "Yeah, that's pretty much it, yes… Are you okay with it? With us working together as well that is of course…"

"Prove to me that it's possible for you two to work together and have a relationship and I'll be more than okay with it," Ecklie said, holding out his hand to Greg. "Welcome to the family, Sanders. I'm sure we'll get the chance to talk on a more personal level very soon, or won't we, Morgan?"

"I think we can discuss the possibility of the three of us having dinner some time, yeah," Morgan suggested with a little nod. Ecklie smiled at her. "Let him take you home, M, I don't mind. Besides, I've got to get ready for my dinner appointment with Olivia anyway."

"No double dates!" Morgan quickly said when she saw her father opened his mouth again to talk. He smiled. "Alright, alright, I'll go on my own! Why don't you figure out what you're going to tell the rest of the team in the meantime?"

"Oh, I think we already have an idea how we're going to tell them, don't we, Greg?" Morgan looked at him with a huge smile on her face. He grinned as well. "Oh, yeah!"

The next day they arrived at CSI together and walked straight over to the breakroom, where the rest of the team was gathered to await their new assignments or just to get coffee. Nick was the first to see them.

"Hey, how was San Francisco?" he asked.

"Great, we've learned loads of new things!" Morgan said, her eyes beaming with excitement. Henry made a face. "Does this mean you're going to replace me?"

"Don't worry, Henry, I've also learned that I'm very far away from being a DNA expert!" she reassured him. She sat down next to Greg and took the coffee he had gotten her. Sara curiously watched them. "And the hotel? You both seemed worried about the possibility of having to share one room…"

"Hey, I was only joking about that, remember?" Russell said. "I booked two rooms for you and I just put in a request if they could be near each other, that's all."

"Oh, they were," Greg nodded. "That was actually quite convenient, wouldn't you say so, Morgan?"

He looked at Morgan, who immediately nodded. "Yeah, absolutely! It meant I didn't have to walk that far every evening, so that was really great!"

She put her hand on Greg's and smiled warmly at him. From the corner of his eyes, he saw Sara, Nick and Finn raise their eyebrows almost in unison. Hodges put down his coffee mug a little too loud and Henry didn't quite seem to understand what was going on yet.

"Are you guys kidding now or is this for real?" Nick asked, a suspicious look in his eyes. Morgan smiled, still looking at Greg. "Take a guess…"

And right in front of everybody else, she kissed him. It wasn't a very passionate kiss of course, but it was enough for the rest of the team to understand what was going on, even for Henry.

"Well, I guess that's…" Finn started, but she didn't seem sure on how to finish that sentence.

"Time for us to get our assignments?" Greg suggested. "Russell, any crime scenes for us to process?"

"No, I had you two on paper work since you just got back," Russell said, still sounding a little surprised. "But…"

"Great, we'll get to work then!" Morgan said happily, getting up from her chair. Greg did the same and left the breakroom together with her, leaving the rest of the team behind in total surprise. In the hallway, Morgan grinned. "Too bad we can't do that again! Did you see the look on Henry's face when he realized what was really going on between us?"

"Yeah, too bad we didn't bring a camera with us!" Greg said, grinning as well. He then stopped Morgan and looked at her. "This isn't a dream, right? Because the last time I thought we were together, I suddenly woke up in an empty bed…"

He had told her everything about his dream, also because she had wanted to know how he had realized what she had wanted to say the first time they were at the lake.

Morgan looked sweetly at him. "It's not a dream, but I know how you feel… For me it still feels a little like a dream as well… But hey, there's nothing wrong with a little dreaming, right?"

He smiled at her. "Right. And right now I'm dreaming that you're going to kiss me, even though it's not the smartest thing to do in the middle of a hallway…"

"Hey, who says dreams can't come true?" she said before kissing him so passionately that he knew this was too wonderful to be a dream.