Meanwhile, in an alternate universe, a small planet in a far-off galaxy is under attack. The planet is called Kuron, and it was at one time home to a most sophisticated race of humanoids with technology far more advanced than anything we could ever dream of. Now it isn't even a shadow of it's former glory. It's cites are now ruins, it's forests are now endless patches of dust, it's culture, it's people, no more.

The pirates who invaded it left nothing for even a sole survivor to live on. They took anything and anything of value, and decimated the rest. Away from the planet they flew in their massive starship, unaware of the stowaways on board.

A petite boy, the former Prince of Kuron, sat in the cargo hold, clutching his eye and lamented how he got here. This day had started so ordinarily. He woke up, just as he would any other day. He got dressed in his usual black and blue suit, just like any other day. He ate breakfast with his family, just like any other day. He went to school, came home, did his homework, and played outside, just like any other day.

But this wasn't any other day. It was the day that Kuron would be invaded. It's oceans would dry up, it's forests would burn, it's cities would crumble, and it's people would fall. That wasn't like any other day. They boy remembered the last time he saw his parents.

"It'll be alright, Si-El. Ti-An will take care of you." they said, before they were killed by a barrage of bullets. Si-El had escaped with his servant, Ti-An, and it had only cost him his right eye. His left overflowed with tears for one of the many countless times that day he had cried.

He heard a sliding door open behind him, and hid behind one of the many piles of goods that the pirates had stolen from his world. His body tensed up, as he clutched the gun that Ti-An had given him, stolen from a dead pirate, of course.

"My Lord?" a voice called in a hushed tone. Immediately recognizing the voice, the Prince peeked around the pile to see if it really was him.

Ti-An stood before the boy, dressed in the garb of one of the fallen pirates in order to blend in and steal supplies. In his hands were medical supplies and food.

Finally, the boy came out of his hiding place and stood before his servant. Ti-an is a "S'bas", or in English, a "servant" or "butler". Si-El trusted this man with his life. After all, the man was S'bas Ti-An, the El household's most loyal and skilled servant. The man walked over to the bluenette boy with his stolen goods.

"There you are." he said. "Hold still, I need to treat your eye. Move your hand." Hesitantly, the boy lowered his palm, wincing at the sting of air hitting his tissue.

"Now I'm going to warn you, this is going to hurt." Ti-An said to the boy before adding: "A lot."

The servant applied the disinfectant to the lad's injury, causing the boy to let out a painful "hiss", and clench his fists. It stung, it burned, yet he stood his ground. Before long,Ti-An wrapped a bandage around the boy's head to cover the ghastly injury and to let it heal. After he did, he handed the bluenette some of the food he brought. Only a small loaf of bread.

"Here," he said. "It's not a lot, but I couldn't sneak much without noticing."

Si-El turned he nose up at the offering. He couldn't even think about eating right now. He was too distraught at the moment. His parents were gone, his home was gone, his planet was gone too. That is a lot for a young, teenage boy to wrap his head around. He hadn't spoken a word since arriving.

"My lord, you must eat. If you ever wish for your injury to heal..." the man began.

"It won't ever heal." the boy interrupted. "My eye is gone, Ti-An. Just like everything else."

"Please don't say that. We're alive, that's all that matters right now. We need to keep up our strength so we can stay that way." the servant said, offering the food once more, only to have the boy angrily slap it out of his hand.

"What's the point?! Everything is gone! Everyone! Everything! Annihilated! What is there left to live for?!" Si-El shouted.

They both stared at each other. The man stared at the boy in shock, and the boy stared at the man while he tried to catch his breath. Only for some reason, it wouldn't come. The boy coughed and wheezed before falling to his knees and coughing and wheezing some more.

"My lord! Are you alright?!" Ti-An called to his master, with concern. He put his hand on the boy's back trying to discover the reason behind his attack.

"The air... It's so heavy..." the boy said between coughs.

"The pirates breathe oxygen. There's small amounts on Kuron, but not enough to have much of an effect." the servant said. "It's still breathable, but try not to get excited."

Suddenly, the door Ti-An had entered from opened again, and two pirates appeared from behind it. "What the-?!" one of them cried, "We've got stowaways!"

That was all he managed to say before being shot in the head by the servant. He shot the other one too, but not before he was able to call for help.

"Come on, get up. We need to move!"

Weakly, Si-El obeyed, balancing himself with difficulty. He followed the servant through the hallway, around several corners, and into a large gathering of pirates. This wasn't going to be easy.

Eventually, Ti-An ran out of bullets, and had to resort to fisticuffs to defend both himself and his master. He cocked back his shoulder before releasing it like a spring into an unsuspecting pirate's jaw, sending him flying across the room, and killing him. Now this was new. Kuronians didn't usually have such strength. Everyone in the room stared at the man in shock. Even he was shocked. Why did this happen?

Suddenly, it occurred to him. It had to be the only new environmental variable they had been introduced to. It was the oxygen. Inhaling the gas must be having an effect on the two.

He jumped to dodge an enemy attack, but never came down. He was floating in mid-air. He looked to his master.

"My lord! See if you can do it too!" he called.

The boy hit the nearest pirate with all of his strength, and as with the servant, the invader was sent flying across the room, and to his death. He kept hitting the pirates while Ti-An tried to figure out how to change direction in the air. Succeeding, he grabbed the boy and flew out of the room, locking it behind him.

Once it was sealed, he pushed the button that released the air-lock, hurling the invaders out into the dark, loneliness of space. For the first time in a few hours, the corners of Si-El's mouth twitched, trying to become a smile. His amusement at the demise of the pirates was short-lived, however, as his servant grabbed his wrist and led him.

"Where are we going?!" he asked the man.

"The control room. With this kind of strength, we can take over the ship." Ti-An said plainly, walking briskly, with purpose.

Upon arriving, they found more pirates manning the ship. Upon noticing the two, the invaders attacked, most dropping what they were doing previously in order to do so. Shots were fired, and bones were broken as the battle waged on. Soon, it appeared as though the two Kuronians had won.

The man picked up one of the pirates by his collar and interogatted him. "How do you fly the ship?!" he ordered. In response, the pirate just smiled, and pressed a button on the control panell. Red lights flashed, and an alarm went off, startling the stowaways.

"What's happening?!" Si-El shouted over the alarm, holding his ears.

"I don't know!" his servant said back, looking at a screen on the panell for some insight as to what was happening.

It said: "Warp Drive Activated. Prepare for entry."

"'Entry'? Entry to what?!"

"Ti-An!" the boy shouted, gaining the man's attention. Si-El pointed at the window.

Stars were moving past them at unimaginable speeds as they were coming into a whole new galaxy. The screen now read: "Prepare for Entry in 3... 2... 1..."

The stars stopped moving, or slowed down at the very least. Now what could be seen was a blue planet coming up fast, and they had no way of steering past it.

"Hang on! We're going to crash!" the man shouted over the alarm as the planet grew closer.

They entered the planet's atmosphere, bits of the craft fell off upon entry. It was suddenly warm as the ship's exterior heated up. Now instead of blue, they saw green grow closer, as they were now over a wooded area.

The ground grew closer and closer and finally, they crashed through the trees, leaving a scar on the planet's surface, as they made contact.

"My lord, are you alright?!" the man called, after finally regaining his senses.

Si-El rubbed his head. "I'm fine." he said back. He stood up and looked out the window, his eyes widened. "Where are we?" he asked the servant.

Ti-An stood silent for a moment, gazing upon the lush forest. "I... don't... know..." he said. He was at a loss for words.

The Kuronians would soon find out the name and nature of the planet, and the people on it. The planet is called "earth", and it is home to the "humans".

A/N: Hullo. Welcome to this shit.

The idea punched me in the face when a friend and I were joking about a "Black Butler Justice League". HAD HAD TO DO IT.


Until the next whatever, my duckies...