I escape into the dark night and feel the cold air against my skin. I welcome the sensation. It serves as a sharp contrast to the numbness I feel inside.

Suddenly, I feel a force tugging me back- back towards the hospital, back towards Christian. I look up and see that it is in fact Christian himself who is pulling me back, his strong arms around me, his face buried in my hair.

"Please don't do this" he begs with a breathless whimper. "Please try, please come back to me."

"I'm sorry" I say as the familiar sensation of guilt rips through me. "You can let go of me; I'm not going to run."

"Excuse me" a nurse says running up to us. "What's wrong?"

"My wife needs help" he says as he continues to hold me tightly. "She's a danger to herself. She tried to commit suicide earlier tonight."

"Christian, it's okay; I'm not going to run, let go of me!" I yell as I struggle to push him away.

"Do you think she needs to be sedated?" the nurse ask softly

"No!" I shout as I fight to get away from him. But my attempts only make the nurse's concerns grow and she's soon calling for back up.

"I'm not going to run!" I insist. "Please just let me go" I know that I'm only making it worse for myself by carrying on this way, but I'm just so desperate for Christian to let go of me. I feel so helpless.

"It's okay Mrs. Grey" a male nurse holding a needle says softly.

"No!" I scream. "No, please, I'm not going to run."

I wince as I feel the needle pierce my flesh. "It's okay" the nurse repeats.

"Just relax baby" Christian adds. "We just want to help you."

The familiar tired feeling from earlier returns as Christian finally releases me. Christian and one of the nurses help me into a wheel chair.

"Let's get you settled in" the nurse says as she begins to wheel me down the hall.

Oh God, what the hell is going to happen to me?


"Good morning Mrs. Grey" a friendly woman says, waking me from my sleep.

I startle awake as I gather my surroundings. When I realize where I am, I only feel more frightened.

"Did you sleep well?" she asks as she places a blood pressure cuff around my arm.

"I was drugged, what do you think?" I answer sarcastically.

"You slept through breakfast" she says, ignoring my comment. "Visiting hours start soon, I know you were expecting someone."

"My husband and my father" I nod.

"After that you have a session with Doctor Noblach, and then a group therapy session at 3:00."

"Busy day" I mutter.

"Your vitals are good" she says brightly. "Do you have any complaints?"

God, where do I start?

"No" I answer. "I'm okay."

"Hope you have a nice day" she says sunnily as she exits the room.

I'm pretty sure that won't be case, but I'm glad she's enjoying herself so much. I wonder if they're going to give me some of whatever she's taking. "That might not be so bad" I joke to myself, internally rolling my eyes.


"Ray" I say softly as I walk towards him with my arms out.

"Annie" he sighs as he pulls me into his arms. "Oh Annie" he sighs. "What the hell were you thinking?"

Oh shit, here it comes.

"Ray, I wasn't thinking I just-"

"You just tried to jump off a bridge!? Do you have any idea what that would have done to me, or your kids, or Christian? Have you seen the man Ana? He's a wreck!"

"Really?" I snap. "Because I'm doing fantastic."

"Annie" he cries as he strokes me hair. "Why?"

"Everything's a mess Dad" I sniffle. "I just can't pull it together."

"You could have come to me. I would have helped you, I would have done anything to stop you from-"

"I just feel so lost" I say as I stare down at the floor.

"It's going to get better now" he says softly. "Just promise me you aren't going to try to hurt yourself again."

"Okay" I sniffle. "I promise, I'm so sorry Ray."

"I'll come back later this week" he says clearing his throat. "If you need anything-"

"I'll call you" I interrupt with a nod. "I'm sorry."

"Hey baby" Christian says as he enters the room.

"I'll see you" Ray says as he kisses my head. Him and Christian shake hands and then it is the two of us alone.

"I wasn't going to run" I snap. "You didn't have to hold me down like I was some sort of escaped zoo animal."

"You tried to run" he explains softly, in a tone he uses with Ted when he's explaining to him. It's frustrating, and irritating, and-

"I just want you safe Ana, if you took off like that, you wouldn't have been."

"I shouldn't have tried to run, I'm sorry, but-"

"I'm not going to apologize for trying to keep you safe, but I'm glad you're here now. I'm glad you're trying."

"I haven't really done anything yet" I mutter.

"You're staying. That's enough for right now."

I nod appreciatively.

"Ted drew this for you" he says holding me a piece of folded construction paper.

It's a card. He drew flowers, or at least I think that's what they are, all over and he wrote "I love you mommy" in big letters. It tugs at my heart and once again I feel so damn guilty.

"I told him you were sad" Christian explains softly. "He wanted to make you happy again."

"Tell him I said thank you" I say as tears fill my eyes.

"You can tell him" he suggests. "Maybe this evening you could call him, I think he'd like that."

"I will if they let me" I shrug. "But don't tell him about it ahead of time, I don't want him to be disappointed."

"Alright" he says as he runs his hands through his hair. "You have an appointment soon, I should get going."

"Are- are you coming back tomorrow?" I ask nervously.

A slight smile spreads across his face. "Yeah baby, I'll be here tomorrow."

"Okay" I nod. "I'll see you then."

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