
Chapter One: Melted Shakes

Smalls beads of condensation dripped down the plastic, passing the green slogan until it joined a pool at the base. Reaching over the blonde placed a napkin under her cup, hating the thought of leaving a ring on the wooden surface, even though far worse had been done.

Wind blew in from the ocean front swaying gold hair into her eyes, pushing it back for what felt like the hundredth time, she leant down placing the straw at her lips to take in the cool smooth taste of chocolate and banana. She wasn't much of a coffee person.

"You know by the time you finish that it'll be milk right?"

She smiled across the table to her friend, who was happily munching on a sugar cookie, and nodded. The smoothies at Starbucks were the best, she intended to savor it.

"What's the rush?"

A year of college had finally come to an end, and as summer rolled around Quinn wanted nothing more but to bask in her freedom of grueling schedules, grouchy teachers, and stressful test taking. Having worked and studied harder than she ever had before, she was happy to take things slow for once.

"Oh I don't know…" The darker girl smiled. "It might be the fact that we've been doing the same thing since you got here. Aren't you ready to go exploring? There's so much I want to show you." Coming out here right after graduating, Mercedes called L.A. her home away from home, and loved every single thing about the city. She was the reason Quinn found herself sitting beachfront instead of at home in boring, old Ohio for the summer.

"Someone's moody today."

"Am not."

Quinn smirked, letting it go. "What do you want to do then?"

Mercedes wiped the crumbs left over by her cookie on the ground, before dusting her hands. "I heard about this hot new club that just opened. I say we go."

"Then we'll go." It was as simple as that. Quinn didn't know too much about L.A. only ever-living in two places all her life, besides Mercedes just wanted to show her a good time. She didn't see any harm in that.

"I should've suggested this earlier, huh?"

"You should've." The blonde confirmed, twirling her straw around her previously predicted milky shake. More wind blew in from the beach, sweeping her hair across her eyes. She racked it back, wishing she'd brought a hair tie. She would remember one for next time. "So what do you want to do until then?"

Her friend took a moment before answering, watching as pedestrians walked by on the sidewalk lost in their own world. "Jenny's is having a sale." Jenny's was a small local shop that Mercedes visited frequently whenever she had left over cash. "We could get new outfits for tonight?" She smiled, on the balls of her feet, hoping Quinn would say yes.

Seeing how she was practically almost out of her seat Quinn couldn't say no, besides it had been a while since she bought something nice for herself – or gone out for that matter. "Fine."

Mercedes eeep caused some unwanted stares but made the girl's giggle nonetheless. Their laughter settling some when breathing became harder.


The bell over the door sounded, catching Quinn's attention as it had every time some unknown would walk out.

Her breath caught.

It couldn't be.

He must have felt her stare, because he looked up from his cup straight to her. She wondered briefly if she looked as stunned as he did. She couldn't hear her name leave his lips but she knew he'd said them. She watched his mouth move enough in high school to know.


"Wh – what are you doing here?" Joe couldn't believe his eyes. Never in a million years did he think he'd see Quinn Fabray again. But here she was in the flesh, still as beautiful as ever.

"I could ask you the same thing."

"University." He said, nervously tucking a strand of hair behind his ear, "I just finished my first semester at UCLA."

Quinn's brow rose, "really that's amazing." He felt his heart flutter when she smiled, and he found himself doing the same. Their eyes met, taking each other in fully for the first time in what felt like forever.

From what he could tell, not much had changed. Quinn's hair was a little longer and lighter, but her skin was still as flawless as porcelain. His hand itched to know, if hers were still as soft as he'd remembered.


Joe blinked, his thoughts momentarily disrupted, to find a familiar face as the source. "Mercedes, hi!" A blush rose to his cheeks, recognizing his former God Squad leader and friend. "I didn't see you there."

"I noticed." She said crossing her arms. He smiled, recalling the sass that eluded from the diva and how much he missed it.

"It's nice to see you to."

Reaching down he wrapped her into a quick hug. "Mhmm." She pouted before standing up. "I'm gonna head to the restroom Q, be ready when I come back?" Quinn nodded, waiting until she was out of earshot, before turning back to Joe.

"So how've you been?" She found herself asking the only thing that came to mind.

"Good," he nodded. "You?"


"That's good." You're an idiot his conscious screamed.

"So um-"

He nodded. "It wasn't always this awkward between us, was it?"

She smiled, "no – no we use to-"

"Yeah." He finished, knowing exactly what she was thinking. There was once a time when they could just talk, no awkward pauses or filters included, but distance, and lack of communication could damage such a thing.

He felt his phone buzz in his pocket. He knew who it was, without looking and loathed having to leave, especially on a note like this. "I have to go."


Joe could see her smile slip, even though slightly, and regretted it. "But," he reached into the pocket of his jeans, producing a napkin from the establishment and a pen; he set his coffee down and scribbled his number. "I don't know if you still have it." He said, scooting the napkin over, "but give me a call. Maybe we can catch lunch or something?"

"Yeah," she nodded. "Definitely."

"Righteous. I look forward to it." Picking up his coffee, he smiled once more as a way of goodbye, before exiting the gate that separated the dining area from the sidewalk.

Quinn waved as she watched him get lost in the sea of people.

"You ready to go girl?" Mercedes reproached the table, hoping the sexual tension between her friends had lessened upon her return. "Where's Joe?"

"He had to go."

to be continued