
Chapter Five: Free falling

"Come on don't be a wuss."

"I'm not a wuss," she interjected. Looking up at the sky scrapping coaster, Mercedes gulped. Fear of heights did not make you a wuss, she told herself again. It was a common fear among people.

Besides she only agreed to this stupid outing on the terms that she wouldn't have to ride.

"You so are." The blonde teased, brushing her shoulder, "but its okay. You can hold my hand."

"I don't want to hold your hand."

Lifting his arms, Chris took a step back, "testy, I see. It's fine, I guess I'll have to go at this one alone." Not that it mattered, he knew that she'd object but it never hurt to try. Walking ahead, he stopped behind a group of teenagers, when he felt her presence beside him. He didn't say anything, but he didn't have to with the sly smirk he knew was sneaking onto his face. A smirk that was met with a roll of her eyes.

"I'm only doing this because Quinn ditched me to be with Joe, and I rather not stand out in the heat for an hour waiting on you to ride this thing."

"Whatever you say sweets."

"Don't call me that."

"Got it Toots."

"Win a prize for the lady?" Another carny asked, as Joe walked by with Quinn on his arm.

He stopped for a moment before she was pulling him along again. "No thank you," she called back to the man dressed in stripes." She gave Joe a pointed look, "I've got enough to last me for a while."

A blush colored his tan cheeks. "So I went a little over board."

"A little -? Joe, what am I going to do with ten stuffed animals?"

He shrugged, "keep them as precious keepsakes."

"I'll keep one, but really Joe while I appreciate the gesture - I can't keep all of these. I don't even know how I would get all those back to Connecticut."

Silence fell over the two. This would be the first mention, since finding each other, that she wouldn't stay for long. Already a month had come and gone, only a few weeks left."

Joe, he didn't want her to go but new it was a far stretched idea that she would stay. I mean he was only one guy - he couldn't really offer her anything whereas Yale... it was her future and it would lead her on to great things like friends, a career a family ...

"I guess that makes sense."

Quinn tugged at his arm, bringing him in closer, the late evening breeze getting to her. "Oh," Joe shoved his jacket off, placing it over her shoulders. Quinn bundled further into the jean material, relishing in the smell of him. A scent between pine, his detergent with an underlying scent that was undoubtedly Joe Hart.

"There you two are!" A yell reached from over the crowd. Mercedes pushed her way through, Chris hot on her heels to reach the friends they'd come with.

"Hey man," Chris pumped knuckles with Joe, "Quinn." He acknowledged curtly.

"Not to be the sour patch of the group," Mercedes intervened. "But is everybody ready to go?" She started walking towards the exit before anyone could answer, mumbling something about grease and puking.

"... I guess that means it's time to go."

"I had a really good time suga." Chris leaned in, his arms trapping Mercedes in between them.

Shoving him aside, she pushed open her apartment door. "I thought I told you not to call me that."

"Nope. Toots and sweetie yes. But never suga, suga." Chris winked, stepping away from the door. On the walk down the steps he passed Joe and Quinn walking up. He pointed over his shoulder, "she soooo wants me. Night Quinn," he waved. "I'll be in the car J."

"That boy is delusional if he thinks- I would ever even consider-"

"We get it," Quinn said, trying to get her friend into the apartment, "now go away. I'll be inside in a minute."

"But I-" Quinn cut her off discreetly gesturing over her shoulder, where Joe stood.

"Oh" Quinn nodded. "Sorry, I'll just be going now." The scowl disappeared off Mercedes face, to be replaced by a huge smile. "G'night Joe."

He gave a small wave.

"Good luck," she whispered, before slamming the door in the blonde's face. Quinn turned, a blush reaching her cheeks. "I'm sorry that she's so-" she trailed off with a light laugh, Joe joined in.

"No. I mean I remember all the feisty fierceness that came with Mercedes Jones, from high school." He left off with a shrug. "I really should apologize for Chis though, somethings wrong with that kid."

She waved him off, "it seems such a long time ago though right?" Quinn crossed her arms walking over to the rail, leaning against it. Joe joined her.

" What high school, yes it does. Sometimes anyway."

Especially when I think about all the things I left unsaid...

"What?" Quinn could feel the blush redden as Joe stared at her.

He shook his head. "Nothing. Um - It's pretty late, I should probably go," he tilted his head to where his parked car set, "Chris is waiting..."

"Of course." She stood off the rail. They moved closer to her door. "I had a really good time tonight Joe."

"Me too."

"So... I guess I'll see you tomorrow?"


Quinn moved in slowly at first, wrapping her arms around his shoulders. She couldn't stop the smile from spreading, once he wrapped his longer ones around her waist, squeezing her just a little tighter. "Good night Joe." Her lips brushed his cheek in a soft kiss. She pulled back slowly, and he could feel his heart beat speed up.

All the things I never got a chance to do ...

His lips met hers, in a light kiss, just enough for him to feel their softness and taste the faint hint of strawberries.

"Good night Quinn."

to be continued