[Ooh the editing thing changed. Have not been here for a long time. Today, is Mother's Day on Guam, but my mom sees it as a regular day, so all I did was doodle Slenderman... Anyways here's a special I hope I can finish up; I apologize for using cuss words last extra, I replaced it, and only used cuss words the time b/c I thought it suited Marshall's personality]

"Morning, Toast Prince, Breakfast Prince," greeted Fionna as her and the gang, er, family, approached the entrance of the Breakfast Kingdom.

"HI!" squealed a drooling Blaze who began bouncing with excitement upon seeing the food that makes up the castle.

"Are you sure he didn't drink any of the coffee?" whispered Flame Prince to Cake.

She shrugs.

"Welcome Fionna and friends!" welcomed Breakfast Prince. "Please, help yourself to anything you like."

"The others await inside," smiles Toast Prince.

"FOOD!" yells Cake and Blaze as they don't wait for Toast Prince to lead them and run past him. "OUTTA THE WAY GUMBALL THIS BEATS YOUR CANDY!"

Flame Prince groans and is about to walk inside to stop Blaze from losing control, but Fi grabs his hand. "Flame-OW-Prince," she blows on her hand. "Just let him act his age."

"He's ten, he should be disciplined by now. Like...how my mother did so to me," he pauses. "Uhm, maybe you're right."

She grins, pulls metal gloves from her bag and placed it on his hands, "Stop forgetting to put those on."

"Best breakfast ever, huh, sport?" asks Marshall Lee while tossing a piece of bacon in Blaze's mouth.

"Yeah! Mom doesn't make-" he meets his father's stare and stops talking. "...Never mind."

Gumball whispers to FP, "Are you and Blaze fighting or something?"

"No, I've just been training him, like a father does."

Gumball sighs, "You don't have to be like your mom."

"Who says I am?" he flashes a glare and then pauses once more. "..."

"By the way, did you get anything for Fionna?"

"What? Why? What for?" he stuffs bacon and eggs in his mouth.

"Well, it is-"



His smile turns upside down when Gumball tells him, "It's a special day for mothers everywhere."


"It's a day to show respect and how much you love them-"

Marshall bumps in, "Psh, don't listen to him FP, you don't have to do smack. Plus, it doesn't apply to you in getting a gift for her, it applies to your mini you."

"So, really I have to get a present for...my mom?" FP cringes.

"Ha, I know right? See, Gumball doesn't understand our situation."

PG frowns, "Well, it is a suggestion. They won't be there all the time you know."

"Mine will," scoffs the vampire.

"Oh, stuff it."

"Wait, how come I haven't heard of this event until now?" questions Flame Prince.

"Oh, I just made it up," Gumball sips his coffee. "Ahh..."

FP glances at Fionna who is currently holding Blaze upon her lap while stuffing her mouth with Cake's food and bacon. Lots and lots of bacon.

He and Blaze meet eyes. He calls him over and sets him on his lap, "You love your mom right?"

"Yeah!" he's so hyped up right now.

"Well, today's a special day."

"Her birthday?"


"Your birthday?"


"Uncle Marshall's birthday?"

"No, he's not special," Marshall makes a sour face. "It's er...Mother's Day? So, we should get her a special gift."

"Or make it!"


"Remember? You taught me how to make glass out of sand! Let's make mommy jewelry!"

Gumball joins in, "I can make colored sand so all you guys have to do is mold it."

"Well, I'm not really artistic..." mutters FP.

Blaze looks up at him, "I want to try daddy..."

"How can you avoid those darn eyes?" says Marshall with his eyes big as well.

"Ugh, fine, don't do that again...Marshall."

Blaze gapes at the different colors of sand that Gumball laid out in glass bowls. Immediately, Blaze takes pink and red sand to shape into a heart. FP watches over his shoulder and grimaces at the messy heart his son was making. He looks at his hands, forgetting his metal gloves once more.

He helplessly watches as Blaze burns the sand with high expectations, coming out with a very uneven heart.

Frowning, he starts again.

This time, Gumball comes over, "Here, if you want to make it even you have to do this..."

FP watches feeling bad he couldn't help and out of boredom, quickly grabs some sand with his fingers which suddenly shaped into a sphere. "Ooh! Daddy you can make beads for the necklace!" cheered Blaze.

"All right!" smiles Gumball as FP shyly continues to do his job. He glances at Marshall who was muttering to himself in the corner while strumming softly with his bass. He leaves FP and Blaze alone to check on the vampire. "Oh! Are you making a song for your mom?"

FP holds in his giggle when Marshall turned, revealing his pink cheeks, "Sh-Shut up! I just thought I'd get into the spirit, ya know."

Gumball laughs and then looks back at FP, "What about you? Are you going to do something for your mom?"

FP pauses and looks at the perfectly made heart his son made, "...Sure, I guess."

"Is that Grandma?" Blaze stares at Flame Queen sitting at her throne. Her eyes opened wide when she saw her grandchild.

"Is that...?"

Flame Prince keeps Blaze behind him and presents a huge red heart to her messily tied with metal string. "Here," he blushes with embarrassment as his old subjects stared at him in awe. He tossed the badly made necklace to her.

"What is this?"

FP turns around, "Uhm...happy Mother's Day I guess." He tugs Blaze by the hand, who has not taken his eyes off his grandmother.

Innocently, he says, "Bye bye."

"MOM! MOM! LOOK WHAT WE MADE YOU!" Blaze jumps up and down right when they came home. "LOOK! LOOK!"

"Hm?" Fi approaches him, but Flame Prince, who found his gloves, covered her eyes. "Ack! Flame Prince!"

He smacks a kiss on her cheek as Cake lifts Blaze to put the necklace around his mother. "Happy Mother's Day!" he chimes.

"Oh! It's so cute!" she quickly kisses Flame Prince on the lips, and wraps Blaze with her arms. "Thanks guys! I didn't even know of a holiday like this."

"Love you," smiles FP.

[Sorry it's short, but I hope you enjoy it and HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY!]