Here we go the final chapter, enjoy.

Sirius hadn't stopped grumbling since the doctor's had chucked him out of Harry's room, saying that they needed to check on Harry's condition. Why they couldn't check on his condition while Sirius was in the room, Sirius didn't understand.

Remus, who was sick to death of his friends grumbling, had decided it was time to change the topic.

"Sirius do you remember Harry's first birthday?"

"Of course I do, why?"

"Harry's first word."

"Yeah, Paggy wasn't it. He couldn't quite manage Padfoot"

"Oh lets not get into this argument again."

"What, it was." Sirius insisted.

"No it wasn't it was Moony, but that's not the point."

"There was no way he said Moony, or for that matter Daddy, like James was convinced he said."

"It was Moony." Remus muttered under his breath.

"I heard that."

"Heard what?"

A doctor coming out of Harry's room interrupted the conversation. Sirius rushed over to her.

"Can I go in yet, or am I stuck out here for another two hours?"

The doctor ignored his comments. "Harry has regained consciousness but…" Sirius interrupted her.

"What is he awake, can I see him?"

"He is awake but he's very weak and tired. He probably won't even acknowledge your presence."

"So," he pushed past the doctor and entered the room. Harry's eyes were shut and he was propped up on several pillows.

Sirius sat on the chair next to the bed; he brushed a stray piece of hair out of Harry's eyes. The same eyes blinked open, revealing for the first time in days the emerald orbs behind the eyelids.

"Hi Harry." Sirius said softly. Harry looked confused.

"How did I get here? And where exactly is here?" He said weakly.

"You're in a hospital," Harry said nothing but was very careful to avoid Sirius's eyes. "How do you feel?"

Harry shrugged. "Harry," Sirius started before he faltered. He had no idea what to say to him, what do you say to a godson that you barely see and barely know, who's just tried to kill himself?

"I'm tired." Harry said suddenly.

"The doctor said you would be, maybe you should sleep." Sirius didn't get a response; he sat watching Harry as he slept. What could he say to Harry, he couldn't exactly go, so hi mate, feeling better after slitting your wrists, we need to talk about that by the way? But he couldn't just avoid the topic either. He was shooed out of the room again by a doctor, saying that he would disturb him. Sirius left without an argument.

"How is he then?" Remus asked as Sirius came out.

"He's tired, didn't say much." Sirius said sitting down, the strain of the past few days clear on his face. He said nothing for a couple of minutes before he suddenly said; "I don't know what to say to him Moony."

"It's understandable,"

"Yeah thanks for that didn't help at all."

Remus threw him an exasperated look. "Don't bring the topic up straight away, wait 'til he's settled then either you bring it up or wait for him to."

"Why will Harry bring it up?"

"You'd be surprised."

"Anyway he barely knows me, you'd be better talking to him. You taught him for a year." Sirius said, a tone of uncertainty in his voice. He'd been waiting anxiously for him to wake for days and now he was awake he was scared to talk to him.

"Sirius, you're his godfather. When he wakes up again he's not going to want me is he? He'll want you. You're the one who got him through the Tri-Wizard Tournament. If it wasn't for you he wouldn't have made it this far."

Sirius smiled at him; "I'm amazed that must be the only thing you've ever said in your life that actually made sense."

The hours ticked by and Sirius was once again allowed back in Harry's room. He had woken up when the doctors had given him another check up. He was silent when Sirius entered the room.

"Feeling better now?" Harry didn't answer. Sirius decided to try Remus's tactic and changed the topic. "Are you hungry, because I can go and find some decent food for you if you want?" Harry still didn't answer. "Are you actually going to answer me or are you going to be as stubborn as your father." Harry looked at him.

"What?" He said,

"Well that's an improvement, at least you're talking to me now."

"I'm not stubborn." It was Sirius's turn to not answer. "I'm not!"

"What ever you say. So are you hungry or not?"

Harry shook his head, Sirius noticed he was still avoiding his gaze.

"Harry…" Sirius started before he was interrupted.

"Who found me?" Harry asked, Sirius looked at him startled.

"Er, me." Sirius answered.

"Oh," Harry paused, "Why did you save me?"

Sirius looked amazed, "Because you were dying and you're my godson, why do you think?"

"But that was what I wanted I wanted to die."

"Well yeah, but you didn't really expect me to just leave you did you?"

"Anyway, why were you at the Dursley's?"

"To come and see you actually, Dumbledore gave us permission to visit you."

"You think I'm a weirdo don't you?" Harry said looking down at the hospital blanket covering him.

"Why would I think that?" Sirius asked, genuinely surprised.

"Because of, of…" He stopped and looked down at his wrists, which were covered in bandages.

"Well I agree it wasn't one of your most brilliant ideas but I don't think you're a weirdo"


"Really." Sirius said, Harry looked up at him, and to Sirius surprise he was crying. "Oh no please don't cry, I'm terrible when people cry." He leant over and put his arms around the sobbing teenager, Harry quite willingly leant on his chest, still crying. Sirius rubbed his back. "It's okay, I'm here, Shhh…"

"I didn't know what to do?" Harry managed to say in between sobs, "Everyone seemed to be against me."

"I wasn't," Sirius said softly,

"Yeah but you weren't around were you."

"Sorry," Sirius almost whispered,

"It wasn't your fault."

"Yes it was, I should have been there."

"But you couldn't, it's not your fault." Sirius didn't answer. "How long have I been here?"

"A few days, you really worried me and Moony."

"Professor Lupin's here?"

"Yeah, he's sitting in the corridor." Sirius indicated at the door, "He's the one who called the ambulance actually."

"The Dursleys haven't been here, have they?"

"No, Moony did call them to tell them you were going to be okay, but they didn't really seem that interested."

"You can't send me back there when I come out of hospital." Harry looked up at Sirius, "You can't."

"Don't worry, you're not going back."

"What did Dumbledore say I could go to the Burrow?" Harry asked, excited.

"No, not exactly."

"Then where am I staying?"

"With me."

"What, but you're a convicted criminal on the run, I can't believe Dumbledore would let me stay with you."

"I'm staying at Moony's at the moment actually, which means that if I do have to run for some reason at some point during the remaining four and a half weeks of the holiday you can stay with him."

"You mean I can really stay with you?"

"Only if you want to, you don't have to."

"Of course I want to." Harry, who had let go of Sirius a few minutes previous, hugged him. Sirius stroked the untidy black hair. Harry smiled, looked like this might end up being a better summer after all.


There we go all finished a happy ending. I'd like to thank everyone for reading it, and especially those of you who reviewed. I love you all for it. One final review would be nice you know, for old time sake.