Hey! So new story! I hope y'all like it! Please review and tell me that you think. Criticism is very welcomed!

Summary: Dean Winchester just moved to another town with his little brother Sam in hope of finally finding a job that he can keep and is well paying. Everything he does is for Sam so Dean is surprised when he gets mixed up with his brothers English Teacher, a blue eyed man with trust issues. Will dean be able to break through his walls or will their friendship stay as nothing more then a teacher and a parent relationship.

Pairing: Castiel/Dean

Rating: M (sex and some violence)

Parent-Teacher Conference

Chapter 1

Dean slams his hand down on his alarm clock rolling over in bed, groaning. It was way too early to get up but he had to get Sammy to school for his first day and then get to work, he didn't want to be late on his first day.

Dean groans again and sits up on his blow up mattress, looking over at Sam curled up in a ball in his own mattress. He smiles softly as he see's the peaceful look on his younger brother's face. Dean looks around the crappy apartment, with its water stained walls and boxes containing their few items thrown around the room. Dean wished he could give Sam something better but all they could afford was a one bedroom and bath apartment, with a small kitchen and living room.

Dean had been taking care of Sam, basically on his own since he was fifteen and their dad disappeared one night, never to be heard from again. Luckily a family friend, Bobby, took them under his wing for while. He taught Dean everything he knew about cars and even got him his first job helping out at a small repair shop. After a couple years though, Dean could tell they were starting to wear Bobby thin, so they moved. Just a 17 year old, and his 12 year old brother against the world.
They've been moving around a lot since then. One crappy apartment after another as Dean tries to find a permanent, well paying job. It hasn't been very easy so far, but Dean feels like maybe he's finally found it. He just got a job as the main mechanic at a shop in town in desperate need of one, when their best guy got into a bad boating accident and broke his arm and leg. Dean really hoped this one worked out because Sam was about to start his sophomore year in high school and he really didn't want to make Sam move around to a bunch of different high schools.

Groaning again, Dean sits up in bed and grabs his pillow chunking it at Sam's head. "Rise and shine sleepy head! It's time for your first day of 10th grade!" Dean yells at Sam, climbing out of bed and making his way to the bathroom.

Sam grumbles and rolls over in bed burying his face in his pillow. Dean rolls his eyes and walks into the bathroom turning on the shower to get warm, which takes forever. While he waits he walks over to Sam and yanks the blankets off.

"Seriously Sammy, get your ass up and go make yourself some breakfast. We can't be late today," Dean says before dropping the blankets in a pile next to Sam's bed.

"Fine, fine, I'm getting up! Don't get your panties in a wad, sheesh," Sam says, sitting up in bed rubbing his eyes. Dean just rolls his eyes and walks back to the bathroom, shutting the door behind him. He quickly showers and then gets dressed in his clean uniform, which is sure to be covered in oil and dirt by the end of the day.

Dean walks out of the bedroom to see Sam sitting at the table with a bowl of corn flacks in front of him, munching away happily, already dressed for school. Dean looks at Sam's clothes and frowns when he sees how tight they are getting on him.

"Geezes Sammy you need to stop growing so fast and so big or soon you're going to have to walk around naked." Sam just rolls his eyes at Dean and continues eating. Dean grins and walks over, lovingly ruffling Sam's hair.

"Jerk," Sam mumbles under his breath, trying to straighten his hair back out. "Bitch," Dean replies, cheerfully pouring himself a bowl of cereal as well.

The boys finish their breakfast in a comfortable silence and then head out in Dean's impala, the only other thing that has a special place in his heart besides his brother.

About ten minutes later they are pulling up in front of a huge high school. Everything looks new and beautiful, and Sam was intimidated. It almost looks like some rich ass private school, but Sam knew Dean would never have the money to send him to somewhere like that. Sam smiles a little, looks like maybe he just got lucky this time to have a nice public school to go to for once.

Dean drives around the parking lot for a second trying to find a place to park. He finally finds one next to some beat up old mustang. He quickly climbs out of the car needing to go in and finish Sam's paper work before getting to work. Sam follows Dean out of the car and towards the front of the school, staying close by his side. Dean smiles a little when he see's how nervous Sam is. "It will be alright Sammy. Just like any other high school you have been too. You can do it don't worry. Let's just go get your schedule and you can go meet some people while I finish up all your paperwork." Dean smiles reassuringly at Sam, who just grimaces at Dean.

They reach the front office and soon Sam takes his schedule, and hugs Dean good bye. Dean frowns as he watches Sam walk slowly away hoping he will be okay. Dean shrugs his shoulders, knowing Sam can handle himself, before turning back and finishing up all of Sam's paperwork.

By the time that he is done, he glance at the clock and notices he has fifteen minutes to get to work. "Shit!" he mutters under his breath as he bolts for the door after turning in the papers. He pushes through the door in such a hurry, he doesn't see the man on the other side in a long tan trench coat and dark messed up hair, carrying a huge stack of papers. Dean knocks right into him, causing him to yelp and his papers to go flying through the air.

"Fuck! I am so sorry!" Dean exclaims as he quickly gets down on his hands and knees to help pick up the fallen papers.

"It is okay, just watch where you are going next time," a deep voice responds sending an odd shiver down Dean's spine. Dean gathers the last of the papers and turns to hand them back to the owner. Dean freezes though when he finds himself starring into the most beautiful and deep blue eye's he has ever seen.

"Uh," Dean stutters for a second, quickly trying to regain his composure, "Here you go." Dean hands the blue eyed guy his papers, blushing profusely. The man takes them, giving Dean a small smile that for some reason sends his heart pounding. He has never had this reaction to anyone before and he can't figure it out. The man just stands there starring at Dean with a funny look on his face while he rebalances the papers. That's when Dean realizes he is standing in front of the door.

"Here let me get that for you," Dean says, smiling and opening the door for blue eyes.

"Thank you," says the man before giving Dean a nod and heading into the office. Dean lets the door close but he doesn't move, trying to slow his breathing down. He had never had such a reaction to anyone before and the feeling was very odd. Plus Dean had never really been into guys before. There a couple instances in high school when he thought a guy was pretty hot and wouldn't have minded trying it out but he never actually pursued it. Dean shakes his head a couple times and then turns heading off to work.

Dean gets to work right on time and the owner of the shop comes out to great him, "Hi, you must be Dean. My name is Ash. I own the shop as well as the bar down the street. Man I can say it was a stroke of luck finding someone to take this job so quickly. Pay day is on Friday, every two weeks, but because you saved my ass, I am giving you a $300 starting bonus today." Dean stares in amazement as Ash reaches into his pocket and hands him $300 cash.

"Thanks.." Dean stutters out, "Thank you so much."

Ash gives Dean a big smile and pats him on the shoulder, "No problem, just don't let me down kid."

Dean just nods his head unable to speak. His heart fills with joy as he thinks maybe he has finally found the job that will bring in enough money for them to stay. He knows Sammy will be excited about this. Dean quickly pockets the money and then follows Ash inside, listening as he explains where everything is located. All thoughts of the blue eyes stranger leave him for the time being as he settles into his new job.

Castiel wakes up covered in sweat and shaking like crazy. It was the same nightmare he had been having since he was 13 and he watched his dad die in front of him. Castiel sits up in bed shakily, running a hand through his damp hair. He glances over at the clock and notices it's time to get up anyway.

Castiel takes a deep breathe as he prepares himself for his first day of teaching. His brother Gabriel got him a job at a new high school he just became the principle for. Castiel just graduated from college last year and was looking for work anyway, so the timing couldn't have been better.

Climbing out of bed, Castiel makes his way slowly into his bathroom to take a shower. He stands under the warm water for awhile, just letting it wash away the remnants of the dream. He sighs inwardly and wishes he had someone to share this with, someone to hold him when things got bad but Castiel knew he was basically wishing for the impossible. He's never had anyone really there for him since his dad died. He was forced to take care of himself for the most part. Plus the fact that he was gay didn't typically help much either.

Castiel climbs out of the shower, water dripping down his back and his hair. He grabs a towel and quickly dries himself off, before wrapping it tightly around his waist as he makes his way into his room to find some clothes. Castiel smiles when he sees his orange cat, Ginger, waiting at the door to be fed.

"I will feed you in a second you spoiled cat," Castiel chuckles, patting her on the head before going over to his draw and pulling on some fresh boxers, letting the towel drop to the ground. He then pulls on a white button up shirt and throws a tie around his neck before pulling on some black slacks. Ginger comes up to him and starts rubbing on his leg, impatiently waiting to be fed and getting orange hair all over Castiel's pants.

"Dammit Ginger! Alright, alright you win, let's go get breakfast." Castiel grumbles as he walks into the kitchen and pours a bowl of cat food for Ginger, placing it on the ground for the impatient cat. He chuckles as she greedily eats her food. Castiel leaves Ginger to her breakfast as he makes himself some eggs and bacon. He sits down at his table, once again feeling quite alone, wishing he had someone to eat with him.

Castiel quickly finishes his breakfast and then picks up the stack of papers he has to turn in and also copy for class. He slides his long tan trench coat on and heads out to his beat up car.

He takes his time driving to school but still gets there with plenty of time to spare. Castiel quickly finds a parking spot in the teacher lot and then grabs his papers and makes his way to the office. Castiel is in his own little world as he walks to the office not really paying attention to where he is going. Suddenly the door of the office comes flying open causing Castiel's papers to go flying. A man dressed in a mechanics outfit quickly leans down to pick up the papers.

"Fuck I am so sorry," the man says to him. Castiel almost freezes when he hears the man's voice. It was so beautiful it gave him goose bumps. Castiel gulped but kept his composure.

"It is okay, just watch where you are going next time," Castiel replies standing up, and turning to gather the rest of the papers from the man's hand. Castiel feels his heart accelerate when he finds himself starring into the most gorgeous pair of green eyes he has ever seen. He tries his best to keep his face impassive as he watches the guy blush a little and hand him his papers. Castiel manages to give him a small smile, his heart contracting a little when the guy smiles back a little.

"Here let me get that for you," green eyes says, opening the door for Castiel. Castiel barely manages a thank you before he quickly rushes through the door, wanting to get away from this strange man.

Once inside the office, Castiel leans against the wall for a second trying to regain his composure. He was confused by his body's reaction, he had never felt that strongly attracted to anyone before. Castiel sucks in a tight breathe as he makes his way to Gabriel's office. He knocks quietly but gets no response, so he goes in and leaves most of the papers on his desk. Castiel then makes his way back to his classroom to wait for the day to start.

Soon the bell rings and Castiel stands up to greet his first students of the day. Castiel is quickly scooped up into the craziness of the first day of school but the whole time those electric green eyes are floating in the back of his mind.