Disclaimer: I do not own Pitch Perfect or any of the lyrics posted at the beginning of the stories.

Talk about our future, like we had a clue.

Never planned that one day, I'd be losing you.

The One That Got Away - Katy Perry

Beca grunted. Her eyes shifted cautiously to the alarm clock and she blinked. She cursed and sat up, rubbing at her eyes. Her mind flashed to yesterday and her blank face became a scowl. The redhead from the activities fair, Chloe Beale, had gotten on her nerves. Beca actually knew her from high school where Chloe was prom queen and, in short, a stuck-up bitch with a capital 'B.'

She stretched and climbed out of bed, leaning over to her nightstand. She pulled a brush out from the top drawer, gingerly running through any tangles in her hair. Her mind kept replaying the conversation, despite how much she had wanted to spit in the ginger's face for making the first two years of her high school experience a living hell (since Chloe was a senior when Beca was a sophomore). In fact, she was grateful to the blonde (Annie? Audrey? Aubrey?) for interrupting their escalating argument and sending Beca on her way.

As she pulled on her clothes, a blue faded 'Fountain High Academy' sweatshirt and grey sweatpants, she heard a faint knocking sound at her door. She quirked an eyebrow, not expecting anyone at – she glanced at the clock again – seven a.m. Her glance fell on the empty bed beside her own. Was it her new roommate, Kimmy-Jin, coming back to pick something up?

Her door flew open as soon as she turned the knob and she watched as her father, Warren Mitchell, sauntered in. "Well, Beca," he drawled. "Nice to see you."

"Can't say I feel the same," Beca shot back, rolling her eyes.

Her father winced, sighing. "Beca, I just came by to say hello. I haven't seen you in a while-"

"Not my fault," Beca interjected. "Guess you were just preoccupied with your new family."

A pause ensued and Beca relished in the awkwardness her father was not so secretly feeling. "I kept trying to talk to you."

Beca turned her head sharply. "No, you didn't. You kept trying to buy me."

Beca's father shrugged, guilt written over his face. "I'm sorry Becs, I-"

"Do not call me that," she interrupted.

"I was trying to help you out! I'm sorry, I just thought your mom couldn't afford those things-"

"And she couldn't afford them because…? Oh, that's right, you."


"Get out," she demanded.

Beca wanted nothing to do with her father. Actually, her father was closely connected with Chloe in that his new wife was Chloe's aunt. Beca's hate for Chloe had only increased by the time she found out her father would marry Chloe's aunt her junior year of high school. In addition, her mother had found out he had been cheating on her with Amelia Beale during their marriage as well.

Dr. Mitchell nodded somberly and left. Beca turned back around and, with eyes glistening with unshed tears, waited a few moments to ensure her father's distance before opening the door again and heading over to the coffee shop nearby.

Of course, her day had started out terrible with her father's visit. It just had to get worse when she saw the flash of red and her coffee promptly fell to the ground.

"Oh my god, I'm sorry- Beca?"

"Chloe," Beca replied stiffly.

Chloe rolled her eyes. "Ugh, are you stalking me? Thought that was your high school thing."

Beca snorted. "Why would I ever stalk you? You're so annoying I-"

"Could kiss me drunk?" Chloe coughed, "Dyke."

Beca flushed. "So what if I'm gay?" she spluttered angrily, crossing her arms and raising her chin defiantly. "I sure as hell would have never made that decision sober."

"I wouldn't have wanted you to make that decision at all," Chloe sneered.

"Well, shouldn't you be glad someone wanted to just kiss you rather than fuck your brains out?"

Chloe scowled. "Are you suggesting I'm a slut?"

Beca shrugged, looking nonchalantly around. "Don't' put words in my mouth. But if you're looking for an answer-" she leaned in next to Chloe's ear- "Yes."

Chloe's nostrils flared. "Get the fuck away from me," she snarled, pushing Beca backward.

Beca stumbled but just smiled. "At least you're not trying to lie to yourself."

Chloe lashed forward but found herself caught by the waist. A mean held a grip on her and another on Beca. "Calm down, ladies," the manager said, tightening his grip on Chloe as she tried to wiggle free.

Chloe huffed. "It was her fault," she accused.

Beca rolled her eyes. "You sound like a six year old," she remarked.

Chloe matched Beca's expression, rolling her eyes. "No denial," she mocked. "At least you're not trying to lie to yourself."

Beca managed to get out of the other man's grip. "I'm leaving," she snapped before the man could get a hold on her again.

She left, leaving Chloe back in the café with her anger building.

Okay, so Beca was gay. She was open about it, even proud. She wasn't ashamed of her sexuality at all. However, if her high school years had been a living hell before she came out, it got worse when she did. What had hurt even more was she was found out first by kissing Chloe drunkenly, who, also drunk, hadn't exactly pushed her off.

She and Chloe had a backstory, a really long one. Chloe was the new girl back in sixth grade and Beca had made an effort to make sure she wasn't sitting alone. While Beca ever rarely did such a thing, she didn't want the new girl to feel like her when she first moved to the area.

"My name is Beca," she said quietly, standing above a sitting Chloe.

With a winning smile, the ginger replied, "Chloe Beale."

Beca slid into the seat next to her. "New, huh? Sucks," she said.

Chloe nodded, her smile faltering. "Yeah, I don't know anyone here. What's your deal? You're coming to sit next to the 'new girl,' what's up?"

Beca shrugged. "I don't speak much to anyone. I'm kind of a loner," she admitted.

Chloe smiled brightly again. "Well, we can be loners together!" she exclaimed.

Beca wasn't sure if she got the concept of being a loner, but she nodded slowly. "Sure."

Beca sighed. Chloe had been incredibly nice and caring. The moment Beca came to Fountain after Chloe had been there for two years, Chloe changed. They went from best friends to strangers in almost seconds. Beca knew everything had changed when she walked into school the first day and waved at Chloe, but had received nothing but the scrunching of the noses of the group gather around her and a frown from Chloe.

Beca had lost her best friend to a group of 'pops,' the popular people of her high school. And it hurt; it really did, when Chloe looked at her with a grimace and a nonchalant shrug.

The worst part was yet to come; Chloe started bullying her not even a week into the school year.

"Hey, ging," Beca called as she walked over to Chloe.

The people around her separated like she was the plague and Chloe looked expectantly at Beca. "Yes?" she asked in a mildly irritated tone.

"Um, you wanna hang out after school tomorrow?"

"Sorry, lesbo, no can do."

Beca was taken aback. She had told Chloe her sexuality a month after summer break had started and she had shrugged it off, saying it didn't change anything.

"Wh… What's wrong with you today?" Beca asked, cocking her head to the side.

Chloe bit her lip, and, almost regretfully, stated: "I don't want to hang out with gays."

Beca's eyebrows knitted together. "I thought- we were- you were fine- I…"

Chloe huffed. "Why'd I want to hang out with the likes of you? You're a nerd with no brains, an emo without the cutting. Maybe's it'd be better if you took up that habit, though."

Beca took a step back. "Chlo, what's wrong with you?"

Chloe shrugged. "Nothing. I just realized I don't want to hang out with anyone like you anymore."

Beca shook her head, tears glistening in her eyes. "I want to talk… You're really dong this, huh? I thought you said you'd help me in high school, not tear me down."

With that statement, Chloe threw her head back and a cruel laugh rushed out. "That was before I met these people. They showed me who you are and I don't want to be associated with you."

Beca let the tears fall. "You really don't care? I let you in and… My parents are getting a divorce, Chlo. That was why I want to talk to you. I thought, for once, someone would be there for me. I guess I was wrong," she spat.

Chloe froze, not meeting Beca's eyes. "I don't want to be associated with you," she reiterated uncertainly.

Beca wiped angrily at her tears. "Fine, fine. Go ahead, go off to your popular friends. See if I give a damn."

"You're kind of crying?"

"You're kind of not supposed to care anymore, right?" Beca snapped.

Chloe took a small step forward and her hand reached out to Beca's face. The mascara was running down her cheeks and she quickly brushed it away. Beca pushed her back and fled.

Chloe wasn't always the bitch she was now. She wasn't the Chloe she had once… fallen in love with.

Whew, guys. That was fun. I've been itching to finally write some Pitch Perfect Fanfiction, and this is hopefully working.

I will need lyric suggestions for this fic. I've got a few ideas, but it'll be nice to see what kind of storyline you want via the songs you give me (through review, I don't want a cluttered inbox on a new account). I'll try to listen to all of them. Also, I'm looking for someone I can bounce ideas at and they can bounce some back at me. So, yeah.

I'm on tumblr at aca-nerd-bitch. Though, I'm really new, so I still don't understand it much.

(PS: Got any title recommendations? I don't like this one, so message me with those.)