An: While I should be in bed, I am instead working on this. To my Sunday School class I am teaching for my internship in the morning, I am sorry I will be coming in as a zombie. However, to my readers, you are welcome. Enjoy!

Disclaimer: I do not own Twilight, or its characters. Just the plot!


We walked side by side through the trees of Robain, hand in hand ducking branches and walking around rocks. We were both cloaked from any guards of my father's army. We strolled through these woods easily, our path lit by moonlight. Each step Jasper took was graceful, while mine were harshly staggered. It aggravated me he was so perfect, so flawless, while I was just plain. I usually never think this way, but I couldn't help it standing next to him. Were all vampires this way? I had only met him, and that was just by chance. A walk in the woods, a look in his eyes, and I was connected to him. It didn't take much longer than that to fall in love.

His blond hair blew slightly with the breeze. My long brown hair was obviously sticking up. Where I was pudgy, he was lean. It was obvious he stayed active during his human life. Running, working on a farm, blacksmith? Something obviously kept him in shape and that way still. He walked with power and confidence, something I wish I could do.

"You are staring at me, Izzy. What is on your mind?" He asked, a crooked grin appearing on his face. I turned my head and blushed, something I had done quite often now. I loved it when he called me Izzy. It was intimate and carefree. My name was only ever used in hatred or seriousness, but with him, it felt as if I actually mean something to someone.

"Just a thought on my mind, is all." I responded. He stopped walking and pulled me to him. I had to look up in order to look into his eyes as he was at least a head taller than I. The height difference sometimes made it difficult, but I loved when he looked down on me in adoration, not in spite. Or how he would slowly reach down to take my lips upon his own.

"I can feel your curiosity. Any question or thought you have can be shared. We are mates, equals. I will not refuse you an answer." His loving gaze pierced me, and I knew I did not have to be afraid to answer or ask him anything. We were equal, and it was a gratifying knowledge.

"What different positions and duties are among your group?" I asked.

"We are family, Iz. Not a group. Much like the witches I suppose. We have a main leader, a second and third in command. Then we are classified differently among groups: usually by our powers and strengths. You are not planning to use this against me, are you?" He asked seriously. I stepped away from his grasp quickly.

"No. Never, Jasper. I would neve-" I stumbled out quickly before he interrupted my ramblings.

"Sshh. Izzy, I was only joking. I know you wouldn't, and neither would I. Anything else you would like to ask?" He pulled me back into his grasp, wrapping both arms around my waist, then reaching one of his hands to move a strand of hair that had fallen in front of my face to behind my ear.

"Yes, my apologies, love. What is your role among your family, if you don't mind me asking?" I was curious as to why he was important to the Luneran people.

"No need to apologize. As I said, you can ask me anything. I suppose I am of some importance to my family, as will you be one day." I sighed into his embrace. He wasn't really answering my question. He did say I could ask anything.

"That doesn't give me an answer, Jasper. What do you do?" I asked, hoping to emphasize my point.

"I do very well in battle. I see plans that others can't see. It helps that I can feel what our enemies are feeling. Sometimes it helps to predict their next move when our second can't get through their mental shields." Knowing he was on the frontlines didn't ease my fear any. Knowing he played and important role in this war between territories just worried me more.

"Edward is second in command, right?" I asked him, knowing that if Edward, the mind reader, was second in command, then Jasper couldn't be far behind.

"Yes, Edward."


"Edward, you are still second in command, yes?" I asked Alice's mate, recalling a conversation I once had with Jasper. A small smile came to his lips as he answered.

"Yes, My Lady, I am." From these words, I could tell he showed pride in his position.

"Then you can take me to Jasper now?" I asked quickly in reply. I knew if anyone could take me to my love, it would be him. Unfortunately, as I asked this question, tension swept quickly through the area. It was as if everything got quiet, unspoken words hung in the air. "Well?"I rebutted.

"Of course we can, My Lady. But there is something you must know. Our Lord has gotten hurt in battle moments before you had arrived. He is alive, but as we cannot assess the situation, we honestly don't know for how much longer that will be." The four vampires casted aside their eyes, their refusal to look at me present. The words spoken from Carlisle spread panic throughout my body. Was my Jasper dead now? Was that the reason I couldn't feel anything from him?

"Bring me to him. Now." It was the only thing I could say before my body felt as if it was about to break. With a nod from all, Edward, Carlisle, and Emmett took off ahead, most likely to warn the others of my presence.

"You must get on, My Lady. It will be faster this way." Rosalie said to me as she offered me a ride on her back. I quickly hopped on and held myself to her, clenching my legs tight around her hips. Once righted, she took off towards thicker woods, and towards my love.

It didn't take us long to reach the village of the vampires. After dodging trees for what seemed like hours, we approached a tiny cabin. Upon approach, I took small glimpses of surroundings beyond this cabin. Cabins were lined up, closely side by side, all sharing a similar but unique structure to them. We were in a square type area, possibly the main market, with the woods facing towards our south and east, and mountains to the north and west. Vampires and humans were everywhere within the vicinity. Knowing that vampires did not feed off of humans, opposite to the witches unknowledgeable resources, I did not panic or fear for their safety. They were the human mates of vampires within the family.

As I slid off of Rosalie's back, I noticed the curious stares of vampires and humans alike. I was new to them, and although the vampires could smell my witch line blood, they did not fear or try to attack. There were vampires who were building sheds, cooking food for the humans and children, and others who were sitting down sewing or reading. It seemed normal, and if I hadn't known this was a village of vampires, I would have thought I was still in Robain.

"This way, My Lady." Rosalie beckoned me to a white tent far off to the left of the square. I knew battle had ceased, as a plan my father had made was put into action. I could sense the wounded vampires near, and knew we weren't far from some type of medical field. As if confirming, the huge tent that Rosalie had led me to was just the beginning of a long line of tents more than likely used for soldier housing and medical personnel. There were two vampires standing to the side of the tent opening, and as I walked up to it, they bowed in the sign of respect, something I had a feeling I was going to have to get used to. As soon as I walked in, I noticed Jasper lying on a cot, his face in silent heart clenched as I rushed to his side, ignoring the growls and protests from several vampire guards from within and outside the tent.

"Stand down! She is his mate." Edward said to them forcefully. The growls from the vampires disappeared as they received orders from their second, and we were left into silence. I caressed Jasper's face, reveling in the electricity that came from my touch. I knew from my touch that he was still much alive, even though he was ice cold and extremely pale.

"What happened?" I asked to no one in particular who was present inside the tent, refusing to stop looking at and caressing my love's face.

"We were in battle, My Lady. Our lord was attacking a witch who had just decapitated another of our kind when he fell to the ground in pain. We weren't sure what had happened, and the witch ran away. We brought him back here immediately, and I have silenced his screams and hopefully his pain." A guard from within the tent spoke. I looked up at him. The man before me was short, much like my size. He had jet black hair and black eyes that looked to bare your entire soul if it could. The vampire couldn't have been more than seventeen at the age he was turned.

"What is your name?" I asked him.

"Alec, My Lady." His eyes flickering from black to gold, I could sense that using his power in this degree was quickly wearing him down.

"Alec, may you please remove you power from him? In order to figure out what the witch did, I need him to be coherent and able to speak. He may scream, but I must ask you not to cover up his pain or screams from here on out, unless I say so. Is that understood?" With a nod from Alec, I turned back to Jasper, readying myself to search for what was wrong with my love.

"Alec, do it now!" Within a second of my command, Jasper shot up with a painful gasp, and eyes wide. He began to screech in pain, but I quickly shushed him. As he heard my voice, he looked at me quickly and laid back down on the cot, his face in much anguish. He wasn't screaming, though I thought it was more to save me from hearing it rather than him not being in pain.

"Jasper, my love, can you hear me?" He turned his face towards mine, his eyes wide with panic and uncertainty. My strong man was going through so much. Was this why he was blocking me from feeling him?

"Iz-" Jasper attempted to speak and bring his hand up to meet my face, but immediately put it down, groaning out in protest from the attempt.

"Ssh. Jasper, it's going to be alright. Do not speak just yet. I'm going to ask you a few questions ok?" With a nod from him, I continued. "Does it hurt to move?" Nod. "Is it an icy feeling?" Shake. "A burning?" Nod. "Like venom?" Nod.

"My Lady, what is it?" I looked up to see the voice came from Carlisle, though others stood around looking just a concerned for his well being.

"From what I gather, it is a fire incantation; a spell that renders a vampire immobile and burns them from the inside out, replacing their venom with what is close to lava instead." I had seen this incantation many of times from my father when he used it against someone he didn't particularly like.

"Is it curable?" Asked a vampire I did not know. With a sigh, I responded to them all.

"It isn't supposed to be, at least not by other vampires. It was originally used as a defense spell, but with new accommodations and ideas from some witches, it has now become an offense spell. Because of the fact it is now offensive, I might be able to reverse it." I looked back down to Jasper who was looking straight at me, fear evident in his eyes. I placed my hand on his cheek and stroked it slightly.

"Don't worry, my love. You shall be better soon." Turning to Carlisle, I continued. "I have to get my blood into his system. It is the only way I can heal him due to him not being human." I then proceeded to place my wrist to Jasper's mouth. He tried to turn his head from my wrist, scared for my life and the bite that could kill me, but I wouldn't have any of it. He knew I didn't think it pertained to me.

"Drink, Jasper. It is the only way. I won't die. We were made for each other, remember?" He looked at me apprehensively, but allowed me to lower my wrist closer to his mouth. With a quick bite and an erotic feeling, my blood began to transfer into Jasper's mouth. When I felt that Jasper had enough of my blood running through his body, I pulled my wrist from him and canted a few words in my head to close up the bite he made. I then laid my hands over Jasper's stomach and began the words that would hopefully save my mate's life.

"Senthail, Eberathai, Meneko anasai antaila moranth, reverseth levith."

AN: Well there you have it! A little treat from me! And I broke the 2000 word barrier! Woo! As always, review!