My First little one shot. Please don't kill me if its bad! hopefully I made the brothers sound like them selves.

Oh and I obviously don't own the Boondock Saints; unless that is Troy Duffy would like to share. XD

I woke up groggy. I could feel a pain in my lower back that felt like its been aching for days. It was cold, freezing to be exact, but that was winter in Boston for ya. I didn't remember what happen the night before; or the night before that to be honest. Hell I didn't remember how long I'd been out. As I rubbed my eyes to get myself more awake and I noticed I was in bed naked. What in the world happen to me?

And that's when I realized I wasn't in bed alone.

They were here in bed with me, fully naked as well, both brothers fast asleep. What the hell happen? And why were we all naked? Then I remembered the Spanish man, after I left McGinty's. He kicked me and threw me around, put me in a car and dragged me out to water front. Last thing I remember was being thrown in. They must of found me, brought me back to their place, jumped in bed with me with out their clothes to keep me warm. But I don't get it, how did they find me? I was a goner, totally done for, and yet they still saved me.

[Two Nights Before]

The MacManus brothers and Romeo had just entered McGintys, all smiles and laughter ready to drink their night away when they could see that the place was empty. Doc was sitting at the bar tapping his fingers on the bar top, in full panic.

"Hey Doc, where's all the people tonight man?" Romeo asked sitting at the bar with the old man.

"Aye, don't remember ye sayin' nothin' bout closing the bar early tonight, don't we Murph?" Connor pulled a bar stool up to sit directly behind the old man.

"Aye and where's your granddaughter, Emily? She said she'd meet us here tonight for drinks." Murphy added as he slid up a stool next to his brother and pulled his lighter out to light a cigarette.

"Boys.. t-that's t-t-the problem! I haven't seen seen Emily all d..d-day!" The old man stuttered, "She had went out to the ports.. Said she had t-to get something."

"Well have ye tried callin' her?" Connor asked the old man.

"I d-did.. It just rings... No one... Fuck! Ass!" The old man blurted out threw his stuttering, "Picks up."

"Well did she at least say where she might be off to?" A look of concern formed on Murphy's face as he looked to his brother, putting the cigarette out on an ash tray on the bar.

"She was only going t-to be gone for a bit... It's been 4 hours boys.." Doc didnt have to say any more. The boys got us and headed for the door, Romeo right behind them. They went to the water front, armed and loaded, not sure of what to find or what to expect. They were looking around calling out her name, hoping to get a response.

"Emily!" Murphy called out as he wandered about.

They all stopped on one of the boardwalks, looking out into the water, "Maybe she's not here.." Romeo said trying to turn around both boys moods.

"It don't make much sense now, do it? How she just disappear like that?" Connor looked to his brother, rubbing his head as he did so.

"I don't know..." Murphy looked down into the water as he took his lighter or to like a smoke, and that's when he saw her, "Oh my focking God." Murphy hit his brother on his side and pointed into the water. Without thinking both of them got the floor and reached into the water to pull her out.

"Is she still alive?" Romeo asked them as Connor tried to find a pulse, and Murphy listened for the the sound of even the faintest breathing.

"We got to bring her back to McGinty's." Connor said as both boys got up from the floor. Connor took his jacket off and wrapped it around her, and Murphy picked her up off the floor as they carried her back to Romeos car.

When they got back to McGinty's they carried her up to their speakeasy, put her in one of the beds and covered her with every blanket they had to get her warm again.

"That ain't going to be enough!" Murphy yelled out frustrated, "She not going to get much better with just those few sheets!"

"Well I can go see if the old man has more.." Romeo suggest to the brothers.

"No she needs something to get her warm now!" Murphy yelled as he slapped Romeo's arm in frustration.

The lightbulb in Connor's head then suddenly went off, "I got a plan."

"This is no time for one of your stupid focking plans!" Murphy yelled at his brother, who had pushed the other two bed together with the one that Emily was in, and then began to strip.

"Would ye please shut it and just take off your damn clothes!" Connor yelled back at his brother.

Murphy had no clue where he his brother was going with this plan of his, yet he started to strip anyway, "The hell we taking our clothes off for, have ye gone mad or something!"

"She needs body heat, and one body won't be enough, she's too cold!" Connor replied, almost entirely naked.

Romeo turned around, seeing the brothers naked wasn't on the list of things he wanted to see before he died, "So getting in bed naked with her, that your big plan?"

"You got a better focking plan, Rom? Cause I'd sure like to here it." Connor bitched at him. Both brothers were now standing there fully naked.

"Are you sure this if a good idea?" Murphy questioned his brother as he started to lift the sheets to get into the bed.

"It's a brilliant idea! And I don't see you trying to make a plan! You got to believe in the plan! Believe!" Connor tried to get his brother to understand his genius as he got into his side of the bed.

"At least this plan doesn't involve none of your focking rope!" Murphy ranted as he slid into the bed. Both boys were now on either side of Emily, wrapped around her to keep her warm, praying that this plan would work.

Emily slowly sat up in the bed, she can feel that both the brother legs tangled around her body. She could also feel Connor's arm wrapped around her waist, and right above it was Murphy's. Across the room, Romeo had fallen asleep on the pool table. They were all here with her, and it made her feel at ease. A few seconds later she could feel them shifting around, they were awake.

"How ye feeling lass?" Connor smiled as he sat up in the bed.

"Warmer, thank you..." Her reply was a mere whisper, she felt shy and embarresed.

"The hell were you doing out in the water, don't ye know it's still winter. Not the time to be taking a swim." Murphy joked as he sat up as well.

"I ... I don't remember." Emily lied to them. She did remember, she remembered what happen to her quite clearly, the point was she didn't want to. She didn't want to ruin this moment, or to say anything that would get them to leave the bed.

"Well that's fine with us, ain't it Murph, why don't yet get back to bed then?." Connor put his hand on her shoulder as a sign of comfort.

"Aye, lass, you need your sleep." Murphy smile in agreement as he put his hand on her other shoulder.

She nodded ok and let out a smile, "Thank you, boys."

"Your very welcome." They replied in unison as they both leaned over and gave her a kiss on the cheek. The three of them layed back in bed. Emily had turned to face Murphy, who had put his arms around her and pulled her close. From behind her she could feel that Connor had pulled himself as close as he could to her, his arms wrapped around her waist. She could feel her hands pushed up against Murphys chest, being able to feel the beat of his heart, while Connors breath was flowing down her back.

This, she thought, is where I feel the safest. These are my Saints, and God and had sent them here to save me.