Disclaimer: Don't own characters. DC does. Don't sue.


"Korina Anders, Karen Beecher, Garfield Logan, Rachel Roth, and Victor Stone," read a man with a thick British accent from a list. He set it down and looked at his employer and longtime friend. "Sir, they have all accepted to come to Gotham Technical School and have been set up to room here."

"Very good," replied his employer from behind his desk. Unlike the British mans voice, the employer had no distinct accent. "Thank You, Alfred."

Alfred took that as his cue and left his employer's office. As soon as he left there was a knock on the man's door.

"Come in." he replied, his voice crisp and commanding.

The door opened and in walked a teenage boy around 5'5" with jet black hair and a pair of dark sunglasses over his eyes. He walked over to the man's desk and pulled out a chair to sit in.

"So?" the boy asked his voice equally as crisp and commanding as the man's.

"They're all coming," The man answered looking up at the boy. "You're sure this is the team you want?"

The boy smirked. "You read their records, Bruce. Compared to the other candidates," he gave a short laugh, "these guys are the best."

"If you're sure about this, Dick," Bruce said while starting to get up. "Then I'll give them a chance"

Dick got up from his seat and fell in step with Bruce.

"Of course I'm sure," he stated smirking with confidence. "Besides, there's no turning back now."

A/N: Yes, I have returned! Many have also asked for the return of this series, and even though I wanted to rewrite it for the longest time, I just haven't had time over the last few years, so I decided to reward my faithful reviewers and followers by re-uploading the original posts (slightly edited, but not at all my rewrite) I've thrown some chapters for Year 1 together because they were so short, so the next one will be three original chapters combined into one.

I'm reposting the entire original series, with a new chapter every other day. I've put up a sort of calendar on my profile so you can see when I will be posting, and I'll try my best to stay up to date with that.

I'll also be continuing my other in-process story that I haven't updated in nearly 4 years, Through the Eyes of Legends, so be on the lookout for that. I'm working on it, slowly but surely.

I hope all readers (Old and New) enjoyed this chapter! Thanks for reading and please review! ;)