Yuffie sobbed. Tears streamed out of her eyes as she muttered incoherent words into Leon's chest. Leon held her by her shoulders, hoping to calm the poor girl down as she collapsed against him.

"They... they're gone... I didn't know that the door was open I swear I didn't but when I got home they were GONE and I don't know I don't- I don't..." Leon began to rub her back, used to Yuffie's emotional outbursts.

Leon sighed, and pulled Yuffie back and look her in the eyes. "Listen to me Yuffie." Yuffie looked to be in agonizing pain, tears blurring her vision as she whimpered. " I can't help you if I don't know what's wrong. Talk to me."

"The pupp-" Yuffie's breath quickened, unwilling to admit the truth. "The puppies that you gave me for... for Christmas? They're gone Leon. They're gone I'm so sorry I didn't know-" Yuffie fell into a fit of hysterics, sobbing at reality.

Leon's eyes widened. "They're gone? When's the last time you saw them?"

"This- this morning. When I came home from school, I couldn't see them and I called you I didn't know what to do..." Yuffie looked up at Leon with large, tear-stained eyes. "Will you help me?"

Leon pat her head lightly, the pushed her back slightly and pulled out his cell phone. God knew what time it was, but he wasn't going to deny his old friend some help. Especially when those puppies meant so much to her...

Leon remembered when he gave them to her. Her eyes lit up like stars in the night, and she smiled so widely and nearly tackled him to the ground. When she had called him after school today, he knew something was wrong. Yuffie was either happy, serious, or devastated, and Leon would be there for all sides of her. That's what friends were for, right?

Leon punched in a familiar number, and hear it ring twice before a muttering boy on the other end picked up. "Leon? What the hell are you doing, calling so late?" Leon sighed, trying to gather his thoughts. He loved the puppies, and often came over to Yuffie's place to see them- though he would never admit that out loud. "... are you okay? Where are you? Fuck." There was frantic scrambling on the other end as Cloud got dressed, pulling on pants and slipping on a shirt. "Where are you!"

Leon paused, amused by the reaction. "Cloud, Yuffie's puppies went missing. Meet us by the pier." There was a thumping sound as Cloud leaned against the desk, relieved.

"You scared me..." There was another sigh across the phone as Leon watched Yuffie's tears slow, looking up with hope.

"Just be here." Leon flicked his phone shut and returned to Yuffie's side, not saying anything as she curled against his side and moaned. It wasn't unlike Yuffie to lose things in the heat of excitement, but the puppies? Leon rubbed his forehead. He loved those puppies.

"Can you... can you call Riku and Sora? I don't... I don't want the puppies to... to not... come... ba-" Leon could practically feel her heart breaking between them, and pulled out his cell phone again. The more the merrier, right?


Yuffie grinned against Leon's shirt, laughter mixed in with false tears.

Hah. They said her actor's classes would never pay off. Who was setting up her favorite to-be couple ever? She was, and those tears were worth every penny that she paid for those classes. She could feel sympathy running through Leon, and she knew that those puppies were his weakness.

Like she would ever not take care of them. She adored Leon- he was strong and dependable. A good friend.

And she knew how to make him bend to her will.

Soon enough, Riku and Sora would kiss.

Yuffie couldn't wait.


I am going to continue this series, don't worry. But during the last few months of school, things become hectic and it's hard to update as often. No worries though- soon enough, I'll be updating every day!

Ah, one more note. I'm starting another series, an AkuRoku one. This isn't an advertisement- I'm just warning you guys that their story will have a minor involvement in this one towards the end. Reading it isn't necessary though :)
