Wow, okay. Where do I even start? I would like to sincerely apologize for this delay. Its been more than a year since I wrote the first chapter of Frozen Melody.


I would also like to apologize for all of the mistakes in the first chapter. Some of them were really embarrassing. I will never forgive myself! I promise to edit this one more thoroughly... Does anyone know if you can go back in and revise chapters that have all ready been posted? I would like to do that, because... well, you all know. The mistakes were PRETTY bad.

The most embarrassing one was my use of "write" instead of "right"... *bangs head against wall multiple times* What is wrong with me?!

Anyways, I hope you all enjoy this chapter :) Once again, I'm very sorry for the delay. This chapter is long overdue and I tried to make it a little longer than the last one! I don't know if I succeeded...

"We could try—" Tooth started, but was immediately cut off by a frustrated Bunnymund.

"I told yah' I all ready checked there. Pitch is obviously hidin' him somewhere off the charts. There is no way all of us could have missed him!"

The fairy crossed her arms and sent a dissatisfied glare at the Easter Bunny. It wasn't long before the two were in a full-blown argument.

North sighed, allowing his head to droop slightly. Sandy patted his shoulder sympathetically, trying to transfer some form of comfort to the Russian.

This is how the four had spent their entire night. They each pitched forth ideas, only to have them shot down by Bunny for one reason or another. It was obvious they were all sleep deprived and hungry, but the thought of resting while Jack was alone with Pitch was enough to keep their eyes wide open.

"Look here you over-grown mammal—!"

"Oh, tha' one hurt!" Bunny shot back, sarcasm laced in his tone, "I'm sure callin' me names is gonna bring Frostbite back!"

Tears filled Tooth's eyes as she clenched her fists, "Why you—!"

"My friends," North interjected, "We must stop this senseless bickering."

The guardians at fault immediately turned from each other, scowls on their faces.

"The sheila started it." Bunny growled.

Tooth let out a groan, "Very mature, Aster. Pointing fingers at each other is also not going to bring Jack back!"

Silence wafted through the room as they all sunk into their inner thoughts.

Tooth glanced to either side of her, seemingly searching for something.

"What is it, Tooth?" North asked, confusion obvious in his voice.

"Have any of you seen Baby Tooth? She isn't one to wander off without telling me where she is going."

The other guardians shook their heads.

"Maybe she needed tah' take a break? I wouldn't mind being alone for awhile aftah' this bloody mess."

Tooth rolled her eyes at his comment, but worry continued to consume her.

"Now this simply wont do."

Jack cringed and curled into himself.

"How am I supposed to have fun, Jack?"

The emphasized word made tears well up in "fun" giver's eyes.

"I don't enjoy playing with you anymore. Not when you're so," Pitch leaned down to Jack's shaking body on the floor and gripped his hair, "pathetic."

Jack held his breath, waiting for the inevitable to happen. Pitch had been forcing himself onto Jack constantly, for how long he didn't know, since there were no windows in his cell.

"What happened to the fire in your eyes?"

A grey finger trailed down his cheek. Jack dared to open his eyes and was met with narrowed ones. Pitch frowned at him, yanking the hair in his grasp. This elicited a slight whimper from Jack, but he made no move to push the offending hand away.

"Don't you see?" Pitch continued, "You're worthless to me now—consumed completely by fear."

Jack choked back a sob.

"You're broken."

Bunnymund gripped his paintbrush tightly. The googie in his other hand squirmed, sensing his distress and wanting to get as far away as possible.

Two weeks.

His frostbite has been missing for two weeks. Locked in some dark room with an even darker being who only wished to bring him harm.

The guardians have searched everywhere, but Pitch hid himself well. The other three had practically given up and Bunny was trying to keep the last strings of hope together.

He sighed, setting the googie and paintbrush on the table in front of him. The googie immediately scrambled away, leaving Bunny alone with his treacherous thoughts.

The moon shown through the window beside him, trying to bring some form of comfort, but Bunny had taken to ignoring MiM for the time being.

How could he let Jack suffer, after the poor boy all ready spent 300 years alone?

Bunny glared up in the moon's direction, "Some help you've been, yeah? We've been lookin' for Jackie for two weeks! Why won't you help us?"

The light shown brighter, but the moon remained silent.

Baby Tooth was never one to skip work, but a missing Jack was a pretty good reason.

She had flown about everywhere, searching for her good friend, only to come up with nothing. He had seemingly disappeared with the scary man, which made the concern she felt towards him heighten.

For two weeks she has been busy looking for him. She hasn't contacted Toothiana or any of the other guardians, for fear of them saying to just give up and come home.

Baby Tooth would never give up on Jack.

He had sacrificed himself for her once and it was time for her to return the favor, even if that meant she had to spend the rest of her life searching for him.

"Ah, a little bird has left its nest."

Baby Tooth quickly turned around. She met eyes with the man behind her and immediately started fluttering around him while chirping angrily.

"Now now, no need to be rude. I have come to give you what you're looking for so desperately."

She stopped immediately, then cocked her head slightly to the side. This must be some kind of trick.

"I assure you I only have the best intentions." The scary man replied with a crooked grin.

Baby Tooth had to stop herself from flinching at the sight of his rotting teeth. Did this man never floss?

Her inner musings ceased when black sand surrounded them. She buzzed from side to side, trying to find a way out of the vortex. Pitch chuckled darkly, approaching her distressed form.

"Don't worry, little bird." He comforted while sporting a wicked grin.

"I've come to return my toy."

After these words left his mouth, the sand closed in on them. Baby Tooth shut her eyes and was blown about by the sand's sheer force. She felt suffocated, almost like she was drowning. The sand scraped against her delicate feathers, brutally weaving its way in and out of them.

Then it was gone.

Baby Tooth opened her eyes from the position she held on the ground. The beautiful, star-lit sky seemingly smiled back at her as she tried to pull air into her tiny lungs.

Then she heard a sound.

Confused, she struggled to her feet and looked for the sound's source.

A few feet away she spotted an unmoving form. She made her way over too it, tears filling her eyes, and brought a small hand to rest on the figure's pale cheek.

This was not the Jack Frost she knew.

Jack would be smiling at her right now, laughing that irresistible laugh and flashing his beautiful teeth in her direction. He would be flying around creating chaos and telling bad jokes.

This Jack was silent and completely still. His eyes seemed slightly sunken in, his angular face even more pronounced. Baggy pants were the only article of clothing to cover his body, which looked malnourished. Bruises and lacerations covered his skin, making him look like some kind of sick masterpiece.

She chirped quietly to her motionless friend, trying to wake him, but he didn't stir. This caused more worry to wash over her.

Baby Tooth took a step back from Jack. She didn't want to leave him here, but there was nothing she could do about his current condition on her own.

She had to get the other guardians.

Without a second thought, she took to the sky, eyes narrowed and concentrated.

Toothiana sighed for what seemed like the millionth time that day. She was staring out the large window of North's workshop, completely lost in thought.

She missed Jack so much.

Without the winter spirit around, everything was so dreary. It's like his existence in their lives brought them happiness they didn't even know they neede and, without him, everyone was lost.

She hadn't worked at all in the past two weeks, overcome by constant crying spells and weariness. Her tooth fairies have been picking up her slack. She has apologized to them numerous times and assured them she would be back soon, but she didn't want to simply forget and go back to how her life was before.

That seemed unethical and entirely unfair to her lost friend.

She sighed again, bring up a hand to rub at her throbbing head.

North had stopped his work to talk to her a few times. He was as upset about Jack as she was, but preferred to work away his sorrows rather than idle in them.

"Jack was like son to me."

He had explained.

"How will I ever get over the loss of a child?"

Toothiana felt tears stream down her face again. Jack was only a child, somewhere out in the wilderness with the Boogie Man.

She began to sob into her hands for the third time that night.

How could she allow this to happen?

Bunnymund laid awake in his bed.

How could he sleep?

Nightmares of Jack being tortured consumed him whenever he closed his eyes, so he tried to stay awake as long as possible.

He sighed, turning onto his side.

"Here is to another long night." He whispered to himself.


The sudden noise from the kitchen startled him from his stupor. He jumped to his feet and rushed in, turning on the over head light.

Pots were strewn across the tile floor, one continuing to move around from side to side noisily. Out of curiosity, he went over and lifted it.

As he did so, a small form darted out, flying around him.

"Woah, woah! Baby Tooth, what are you doin' here?"

The mini fairy looked frantic. It tugged on his whiskers and motioned outside.

"Why do you want me tah' go outside?"

Baby Tooth squeaked loudly and banged against the door.

"I don't—"

Bunnymund's eyes widened.

No one had seen Baby Tooth since Jack disappeared.

"Did you... did you find Frostbite?"

An agitated nod was sent in his direction. Bunnymund blinked a few times to process the information.

Jack was alive.

Shaking his head, he made his way over to the door and opened it for the fairy.

"Take me to him."

The guardian of hope didn't know what to expect when they finally arrived.

All he knew, was that it wasn't this.

Jack laid on the ground, seemingly oblivious to his surroundings as Bunny approached him. Bunny took in the boy's closed eyes and battered form. He felt anger and sadness rise within his chest as he knelt down next to him.


There was no response.

Bunny swallowed, then moved to pull Jack into his arms.

Blue eyes immediately shot open, darting around nervously. Then he let out a terrified, broken scream.

Bunny felt his heart sink at the noise. It was laced with pain.

"Jack—" He tried to comfort, but Jack was not completely there.

The winter spirit tried to move away from Bunny, sobbing as he did so, "P-Please... Please!"

"Jack, it's me! Bunny!"

Recognition seemed to spark in the fear-ridden eyes. Jack ceased his movements and looked up at him, then he quietly whispered, "Bunny?"

The other nodded quickly and took a few steps forward to reach the boy.

"Yeah, its me Frostbite."

Jack started to cry.

Bunny rushed towards him and pulled him into his arms.

"I'm here Jack, you're safe."

Weak hands grabbed at his fur, trying to pull the other impossibly closer.

"You're safe."

Okay, so there you go. Second chapter complete! I told you Jack would be saved ;)

Once again, so sorry about how long this took. Life just... got in the way.

I hope you all liked it and I would love to hear your feedback, so please leave a review! I don't know when the third chapter will be out... but I promise it won't take me a year to post it. Hopefully.

Thanks for reading!
