Disclaimer: Aside from Freki and the plot I don't own anything.

A/N: So here we have a brief intermission chapter! Yay! Again nothing of real importance happens here it was just an idea I had to help bridge some occurrences. I did decide against explaining the whole Freki/Leon thing here because I really only wanted this to be like 10 pages long. So I assure you it will be addressed in the first segment of the next arc. I can't weasel out of it because if its not explained somethings won't make any damn sense in it.

Nonetheless I hope you folks enjoy reading the brief intermission chapter.

Intermission Episode

"The Arsonist"

It had been a week since my meeting with the doctor in the swamp and things were winding down quite nicely; save for the nervous wreck that I was today. After a lengthy interrogation with the gypsy who turned himself inthe information he provided stirred kind of an uproar within the local community. Its almost impossible to keep anything quiet these days.

Guiseppe, a gypsy puppeteer who called himself "Gepetto", claimed he made a deal with Facilier that in exchange for his crafting services the doctor would use his connections to give him the soul of his lost son. With his story he claims a victim of circumstance; that he had no direct hand in the murders. That all acts of violence were done under possession.

That happens to be a problem; under the supernatural legislate TECHNICALLY he did not commit the crime so TECHNICALLY he is not to be held accountable for his actions. But only if there is evidence that supports this argument. The only problem with that is well, everything! The only way to know for sure is to use a medium to communicate with the accused spirit; which in this case is absolutely out of the question.

For once I was actually not favoring the stipulations in unnatural law. If he did actually have a hand in the killings then he should be punished for it. Not to mention that because this is a sensitive subject the department may have stretched the truth to the media. Possession is a dangerous topic to unleash upon the masses, it stirs panic quick and incites violence against those who commune with spirits for a living.

So we refer to it in public as D.I.D - Dissociative Identity Disorder. Which isn't a far stretch of the truth, one could argue its almost the same affliction as possession. However, raised a morale issue and a small protest. Some people weren't keen on the idea that you can be convicted even if you didn't directly do the crime. At the very least they want him seen into a mental institution if he is convicted, which won't happen because as far as we know he's not crazy.

I really don't envy those who choose to pursue a career in supernatural law. What a pain in the ass it is.

So here I am, with a bad case of 'nervous leg syndrome' tapping my foot furiously to some unknown rhythm in the lobby of our courthouse desperately awaiting the verdict of Gepetto's trial. While I don't doubt that much of his actions were influenced by the doctor, I don't buy for a minute that they were entirely. He knew what the marionettes were to be used for; I still believe he was controlling them even though he won't confirm it.

My biggest issue with Gepetto is that while he seems like a relatively nice man he's still a very dangerous one. He went through such great lengths for an attempt to get back what he'd once lost. Some people would do anything to see their loved ones safe, a scary but common understanding. Its those that would do anything to get them back after they have expired that frighten me. To me that shows that he has no limit, if he's willing to deal with the dead to get the dead; what's to convince me he won't be trying again? I really don't believe he would actually try to hurt anyone but I also don't doubt that if he believed the situation called for it that he would. I'd rather see a semi-innocent man convicted than allow him to escalate to the status of a villain.

Finally the door opened and a small group of people exited. I stood hastily and scanned the crowd for my target, my favorite prosecutor from Scrooge's firm. A young lady stepped out of the room, her short cornflower blue hair stood out starkly from her dark business attire. I rushed over to her side in an instant, preventing anyone else from stealing her attention.


A warm smile graced her features as she turned to me, "You could have stayed in the room after your testimony, Mr. Strife."

I chuckled lightly, "My lack of appropriate clothing didn't fare well with Judge Eraqus."

"You never did explain why you're wearing a trench coat."

"Maybe I'm cold?"

"Bullshit. Its 102˚(38.8˚c) outside, how are you not dead?"

"Its a lot colder on my bike." That was actually true, the wind did drop the temperature and make it bearable while I was driving but coming to a stop was nearly unbearable. As for why I'm wearing a trench coat in the summer, well lets just say it took me all of five minutes to see the wing on my back was really freaking people out. I figured it best to keep it hidden until we find a way to safely remove it.

She sighed softly and shook her head, her cornflower tresses did well to frame her face even in the most subtle of movements. "I suppose you wanted to know the outcome?"

My smile faded as swiftly as it came as I gave her the slightest of nods.

"There wasn't enough evidence to pin him for the murders but thanks to the written testimonies we were able to get him as an accessory for conspiracy to commit murder. That combined with the charge of unlicensed spirit summoning, communing, and dealing, he's looking at twelve years. Minimum of nine to be served before parole is an option."

I sighed relieved and hugged her loosely, "Thats my girl."

"You make it sound like I'm out for blood."

"You mean you're not?"

The jab I received to the gut made the comment far more valuable. She was so much fun to tease. Now how she managed to do that in a room full of people and still appear graceful is beyond me; truly she is a work of art.

"Still, the town is a better place because of you. Thank you, Aqua."

A bashful smile graced her face and I couldn't help but return it. Casually I pulled her into a quick but awkward side hug. Her heels made her nearly my height, kinda kills the 'big brother' feel I have for her.

"So miss Aqua, care to join me for a bite to eat?"

From her light pout to the the way she gnawed on her bottom lip I already knew her answer, "I'd like to but I can't. I have to get back to the firm, Scrooge will want to know first hand the details of the trial."

"He keeps you guys on pretty short leashes huh?"

She gave a slight shrug, "He can be a little strict but he is still the best. Couple more years in his firm and I'm set. I could even open my own firm if I wanted to." Her eyes glittered with aspiration; this was a woman who would be going places. She's one of the few people I whole heartedly respect.

I smiled to her and mused her hair, successfully ruining her perfect business style. Her fussy glowering just added to her charm. "Alright, I'll be on my way then. Take care, Aqua."

I tossed her a polite wave before slinking through the crowd and out into the wall of heat that was the outside world. She wasn't joking about it being 102˚ (38.8˚c), it seriously took me all of five seconds to start sweating, it was pretty gross. I dearly wished I could take off this fucking coat.

It honestly felt less like living and more like melting. I found myself jogging across the parking lot over to my bike where for the umpteenth time I found myself very grateful for Loz's generous gift. If I had wear a helmet with this coat I would probably pass out.

In all honesty I felt pretty bad about my last conversation with him. True to my word I did speak with him when I got back, it just wasn't the conversation he was hoping for. Its unfortunate that what attracted me to him in the first place is the same reason why I can't see him on anything but a professional basis. Monsters like me can't date normal people; it tends to shorten their lifespan. I learned a lot about myself that night in the swamp; dating him would be like living on an active volcano. Not to mention the brutal reminder of what happens to people close to me.

As for Squall... I hadn't spoken to him since I left that morning, mostly because I didn't know what to say. I do owe him for saving my life and it would be nice to clear some things up.

After thirty excruciating minutes of driving I was back to my apartment complex. I could hardly contain my excitement as I bolted up the stairs and through the door. No sooner than it shut did I shed the tormenting article. As I stretched I loosed a hearty sigh as my wing moved with me. It was both irritating and wonderful how sensitive it was.

"I love you, central air."

A nice cold beer, some quality couch time, and maybe a nap if Freki will let me sleep. Since I sealed Facilier in his relic he doesn't really have anywhere to retreat so he kinda just stays in my home. While I feel a little bad about it, I mostly don't. Its been a nice change to come home to. Only problem is that as a spirit he doesn't really need to sleep so often times he gets pretty bored.

Lazily I sauntered over to the fridge while humming a tune. Sloppily I leaned against its frame as I pulled it open. Two large amber eyes greeted me from within the box as the rest of the form came barreling out. I screamed immediately and jumped back in an attempt to climb the kitchen counter backwards.

"Holy shit! Freki!" My heart was thundering in my chest and my adrenaline rushed through my veins; he had scared the hell out of me.

A very wide doggy grin adorned his awkward face, "Welcome home master!"

"Were you looking for fucking Narnia?! Why were you hiding in the fridge?!"

His spiny tail wagged lightly on the floor all the while his grin held, "I wanted to scare you."

I scoffed and buried my face in my palm, "No kidding, gods damn..."

"Does it not bring you joy? I thought your culture enjoyed being frightened."

Ah, now I felt like an asshole. I peeked at him through my fingers and sighed softly into my palm, "Some people do like it; I appreciate what you were trying to do but you really shouldn't be jumping out at people like that. Especially after what happened last week."

"I see."

With his ears drooped and his tail sat idle it was an upsetting sight. He was really hard to stay mad at. He also unintentionally puts me on guilt trips being that since I'm the only one that can see him I should allow him to entertain himself when he can. It'd help if he at least had someone else he could converse with.

Oh, now there's an idea…

"Freki," his large amber eyes blinked curiously at me. "How'd you like to get out for a bit tonight?" When his tail wagged furiously behind him I couldn't help but smile.

Much to my appreciation the night had brought the temperature down to a very tolerable mid 80˚(30˚c), which meant I no longer felt like I was dying. Our destination wasn't far from where I lived, a short fifteen minutes from my home on bike. Though it wasn't for long I could see how my daemon enjoyed himself on the little excursion.

When we finally reached our destination I found myself having butterflies in the stomach. I felt quite nervous and excited sitting on my bike in the small lot. I wonder if he's even here tonight? Alright Cloud, get a grip on yourself. Just march in there, order a drink and be casual.

Yet still my body clung to the bike. I hung my head dejectedly and pushed my goggles up into my hair. I really wished I wasn't so awkward. Freki stared at me curiously from his position on the pavement, his ghostly tail wagging in quick succession. I sighed and rubbed the bridge of my nose before dismounting. Soon as my boots touched the ground my daemon sprinted to the door. With how excited he was there was no way I was turning back now.

Sleeping Sun… I must have passed this place a dozen times or more in the past. It was a small modern style bar, very unlike Moon on the Water. It even looked to be having a fair night as far as business was concerned. More than a handful of cars were parked alongside my bike in the lot, well for enough for a Wednesday.

I took a deep breath and loosed it slowly as I pushed open one of the double glass doors. The interior was interesting, simple and aesthetically pleasing to the eye. The low lighting merely added to its seemingly domestic charm. Freki seemed pleased as well as he took it upon himself to find a seat at the bar for himself. Watching him struggle to sit comfortably was far more amusing than it should have been. When he finally figured out he was too large for the small stool he settled for resting his hind quarters on it with his forepaws resting on the island bar itself. A fond smile graced my lips as I joined him, sitting in the stool beside my wolf.

"Hoy there, you're a new face."

The voice belonged to whom I assumed to be the bar tender. A tall lanky man with hair every bit as red as my daemon's coat blown back into an impressive spiked mane. Bright emerald eyes shone accented by long dark lashes and two tattoos like tears high on his cheeks.

Something about him seemed vaguely familiar though I knew I hadn't met him before. I offered him a friendly smile as I spoke, "Yes, this is my first time here."

He returned the smile with a toothy grin, "The name's Axel, I'll be your tender tonight. What can I start you off with?"

Axel? Now that definitely rings a bell. Argh, I hate it when this happens!

"I'll uh, hm." Honestly I hadn't really come to drink so I was at a bit of a loss trying to order one.

"Cat got your tongue?"

Well, one could say that. "Heh, something like that. Why don't you surprise me? Make me your favorite beverage."

"Why my favorite?" The confusion was plain on his face, the slight cock of his head was just unfairly cute.

"That way if I hate it you can drink it."

His laughter came robust and unadulterated, "I can't say my boss would be pleased if I was drinking on the job, he might kill me."

I grinned more to myself than for him, "Oh is your boss a wicked man?"

Axel had a playful twinkle in his eyes, it let on to the underlying devious nature I was sure he had. "Oh Leon's not so bad. Deep down he's just a big ol' pussy cat."

It was my turn to laugh, clearly he knew about his affliction. To jest about it so brazenly, ah, this kid had balls. I watched him silently with growing concern as he began to mix my special request. Six different spirits were being mixed into a colins glass turning brown as the earth.

"I smell magick, master."

I flicked my eyes over to my daemon, his amber eyes were fixed on the redhead's back, though nothing about his posture suggested he was uneasy. One final splash on the mixture and he placed the dark fluid in front of me. A cheeky grin was plastered on his face as he placed his palm over the top of the glass. The familiar sensation of ants marching down my arms passed as he lifted his hand and the fluid ignited.

"Quick, make a wish!"

I chuckled softly, these kinds of theatrics is what gave mages a poor reputation but as a bar tender I imagine it left some interesting tips. "I wish to know what it is."

"My original recipe, I call it 'Adios Motherfucker'."

I quirked my brow at the name, now I remembered. "Seems fitting."

He gave a soft chortle, "How so?"

I blew out the flame then gave him a curious stare, "Oh nothing really. This just reminded me of a case one of my colleagues was on a few years back." He flinched under my scrutinizing gaze and I broadened my devious grin. "Some kid accidentally set fire to a dorm room during a party. When we questioned some of the guests they all said the same thing."

His emerald eyes gleamed mischievously, "And what was that?"

"That it was probably the guy who jumped out the window screaming 'adios motherfuckers!'"

I have to admit it was pretty fun watching him trying not to come undone. After a few seconds of struggling he finally cracked and leaned onto the counter laughing hysterically. If I didn't know any better I'd say he was remembering it himself.

Using his elbow to prop himself up on the counter he spoke between his fits,"Ah, fucking kids, ya?"

"Heh, yeah. They never did catch him y'know."

"What would you have done if you caught him?" His tone held just a hint of nervousness.

I eyed him over the rim of the glass while taking a generous sip, the beverage while extremely strong was very tasty. While its not something I like to admit to, I rather enjoyed Peach Schnapps. As I set the glass down I traced the rim of the glass while giving him my best playful grin, "If I'd have met him then I probably would have shaken his hand. That place was a shit hole." I could practically see the tension fall from his body, pleased with myself I continued on. "Ah, but if I met him now I'd would just ask him for a glass of water. I need to be able to drive my bike home eventually."

Just like that the gleam was back in his eyes, I guess he no longer felt threatened by me. Which was good because I wasn't really looking to solve old petty crimes. As far as I'm concerned if no one got hurt its not that big of a deal. I mean sure destruction of property sucks but its not severe enough to waste my time with.

He was still grinning when he placed the cup down in front of me, "Now it'd be REALLY impressive if you could light this on fire." I tapped on the rim of the glass.

A fiery red brow arched high, "Now why the hell would I do that?"

"Because there are girls watching?"

Slowly he pushed himself off the counter and gazed from corner to corner then coming back to meet my own, "Unless you're hiding something under that coat the only person here is you."

"Well you know if you don't think you can do it... I mean thats pretty advanced stuff so I understand if you can't." I was really enjoying teasing him, he responded so well to it.

He gave a light scoff and a confident stare, "You show me what's under that coat and I'll light your fucking water on fire."

I feign winced, "Ooh, thats not really a fair trade. I mean, what if I was naked under this? Thats way better than lighting a glass of water on fire." My skin had started to flush from the alcohol making it too uncomfortable to continue wearing the coat. Taking it off did sound like a good idea but at the same time I really wasn't wearing a shirt under it.

"Well don't go rousing my dragon from its lake of fire with that thought while I'm at work!"

"Lake of fire?" It wasn't until I was sipping from the water he fetched that I got the joke. THE CARPET MATCHES THE DRAPES, THE CARPET MATCHES THE FUCKING DRAPES. I inhaled so much water for a few seconds I thought I was going to die. My lungs rattled with the coughing fit I went into all whilst laughing hysterically. As far as dick jokes go that was a new instant favorite for me.

"Whoa hey, you okay there blondie?"

I nodded furiously while coughing into my hand, my stupid grin held through it all and through the fits I was still laughing. Oh man, that was so worth the pain. My eyes had watered a bit in the process and my voice was hoarse, "Yeah, fine. That was just much funnier than it should have played Axel, well played."

"Pick your words carefully master, I smell desire on him." Freki's voice jarred on my ears causing a very noticeable flinch. He'd been so perfectly quiet I'd forgotten he was even there.

Ah crap, was I doing it again? I really can't distinguish between flirting and playful conversation. Now I'm going to look like an asshole for leading him on.

"So does your manager usually not make rounds or is tonight just a special occasion?"

"Nah, he usually just lets us do whatever as long as the place is clean and the guests are served."

"I see." Idly I pulled a twenty out of my pocket and placed it on the table. I gave a small but casual smile to him, "Cash me out please?"

"Sure thing."

As he made his way to the register I slumped a little in my stool, "This is not how I planned for this to go." Seriously though, what kind of manager doesn't make rounds? Completely ruined the whole 'lock eyes from across the room and act casual' approach I wanted to go for. I was a little more than disappointed, "I came here to see Squall, not to flirt with the bartender."

"You've done well the opposite."

"I'm aware of that, Freki, thank you." I sighed softly and took a sip of water. I really wished I was bolder about these things. I could just ask him to bring him out here but that seems a little mean after unintentionally flirting for an hour.

Freki seemed discomforted by the situation, not that I could really blame him. "I don't understand. You've already kissed him why would it be awkward to summon him?"

A light blush burned on my cheeks with memory of it, the whole situation was about as clear as mud. "That was... different. Under a different pretense I would agree with you but circumstances as they were it wasn't a romantic gesture."

"Well how do you know that? I never told him he had to kiss you; he only had to make contact."

"Oh." OH. So maybe he does actually like me...? Decision made. "Well... then I definitely can't talk to him now."

Freki gave a heavy scoff as he jumped down from his stool and stretched on the floor. "Your generation is absolutely impossible."

"Welcome to the modern world, Freki. Where its easier to kill a man than it is to talk to your crush." I held my cup up in mock toast before downing the last quarter of the mixed drink Axel had prepared for me earlier.

Speak of the red haired devil… He was well on his way back with my change in hand. I sighed lightly to myself, when did I get to be such a mess? Something resembling a bark came from behind me, immediately drawing my attention. I quirked a brow at my daemon sitting on the floor, "Was that you?" I asked half in disbelief. I'd never heard him make a sound like that before.

He grinned up to me in an almost sinister fashion, "No master, never."

As soon as I turned around to face Axel it started again, only louder in volume and repeating. "If you keep turning around he'll think you're trying to loon about."

I couldn't stifle the exasperated growl from my lips; I really hated that sound.

"What crawled up your ass in the few minutes I was gone?" Axel said with a placating smile. "You're scowling."

"Just been a long day, sorry." As much as I wanted to return a smile Freki's incessant 'barking' was getting to me. When he offered the change up I waved it off, "No, no, keep it please."

The red head smiled a little brighter, without the barking it may have seemed charming. "Hoy there, thats almost as much as your bill. You sure about that?"

"Good drink, good company, good tip. You earned it junior."

"'Junior'?" His laughter only seemed to make Freki bark even louder. If you could truly kill a ghost I might have tried to. The redhead before me fixed me with a borderline lecherous expression. "I'll have you know that there's nothing 'junior' about my-"


At the sound of his name he nearly jumped out of his skin; I'd never seen someone cringe so hard in my life. A very annoyed brunette stepped out from behind a door near the kitchen, even from my position I could see the rather heated glare he was giving the bartender. "Stop harassing customers."

"Aw, but boss you know how much I like blondes."

The fiery redhead shot me a wink from behind the counter making me smile again. Honestly my face was starting to hurt from it, it'd been a long time since I just had fun like this. Kinda sad I don't usually get to laugh so much.

"Especially the handsome mysterious type that wear long coats in the summertime and don't leave you their name."

"Holy hell, its like you won the fucking lotto with me, haha."

After what felt like an eternity Squall finally met my gaze. I fixed him with a bright smile and inviting posture trying very hard to fight my growing nervousness. What could have been mistaken as the hint of a smile twitched to life on his lips. "Well that explains the barking."

"Got a few minutes?"

"Axel," The redhead met his gaze with a slight pout as if he already knew the request."Why don't you go help Roxas clean up the back? I'll cover out here."

He huffed playfully, "Oh, of course you offer that when there are no customers." Still he obliged, disappearing into the walled off kitchen area.

Squall came to sit on the stool beside me, that hint of a smile still present on his face. "I didn't think I'd be seeing you again."

"Oh well the bill's already paid so I can just go if you prefer…"

He gave a light amused scoff, "Thats not what I meant. Your presence is a pleasant surprise."

"Glad you think so."

"Shouldn't you thank him, master?"

"Thank me for what?" His fine dark brows had furrowed slightly in confusion.

"For saving my life."

"Unnecessary, but alright."

I was finding it difficult to remain sitting still. I don't know why he made me so nervous, it was easier to talk to him when I was stressed out it seemed. Though I had turned from him I could feel his eyes still on me, "There was something I had wanted to ask you."

He gave a light shrug, "Go for it."

Nervously I flicked my eyes back to his and tried to hold those frosted steel eyes in mine. Faintly I was aware of the light flush coming to life on my cheeks, "When we were in the swamp… You could have just touched me and still had the same effect. Why did you choose to kiss me?"

"Hm," he fixed me with a vaguely haughty expression. It was the same smugness I had seen a glimpse of in Merlin's home when we first met in the same form. "Because I thought I could get away with it."

I smiled playfully through my intense blush, "Do you only kiss people you think you're never going to see again?"

"Only if I'm hoping for them to find me again."

"And how's that working out for you?"

"Fairly well I'd say. After all," He paused for a moment to place his hand on mine, "you made your way here."

"Oh sweet, what did I win?" My tone was honeyed and I could feel the tension begin to fade from my body. He was really easy to be around.

"Hm," He slid off the tall stool and stretched gracefully though because of his business casual attire there was no teasing glimpse of skin. Not surprisingly I was more than a little disappointed by it. "Deducting from your claimed balance the amount of time it took you to make your way over here and for flirting with my employee I'd say its you who owes me a prize."

"What! I was not flirting with him." His eyes narrowed as he scrutinized my face, causing me to huff in annoyance. "What?"

"Oh you're just so full of shit I was looking for the brown in your eyes."

This man! I growled softly and punched him lightly in the arm, causing him to chuckle. "I can't believe I thought you were cool."

"I can't believe that was past tense. I am most definitely cool."

We shared a short laugh together; mine being more at my terrible flirting skills. The clock on the wall ticked away in the few moments of our silence being a painful reminder that my time was coming to an end. The hour was growing late and loathe as I was to leave but I was getting pretty tired.

I fished out my pen and pad from my coat pocket again ever grateful that I don't leave home without it. In my finest penmanship I scribed a quip and my personal cell. Somehow I much doubted he'd call my work phones if he called at all. In tearing off the small sheet I held it fast while stuffing the other pieces back into my pocket.

"What's that you got there?" His tone carried all the curiosity his eyes glittered with. He really was very feline.

"Your prize." Grinning, I pressed the neatly folded paper into his palm and closed his fist over it. Carefully I guided him backwards to his stool and sat him down which put him closer to being on eye level with me. I could feel my cheeks begin to burn as I closed the distance between us, doing everything in my power to build up the drumroll. Honestly, I was so nervous I thought I might miss.

I let my bangs brush against his forehead and my lips hover over his for a a few heartbeats before gently seizing them. I kept the kiss very chaste, just soft pushes while I stroked his cheek idly with my free hand. Playfully I flicked my tongue across his bottom lip until he finally opened his mouth to me. Allowing my self the indulgence I slipped my muscle into his mouth and traced the roof of his mouth earning a delicious shudder from him before I withdrew.

Grinning wickedly to myself I slapped his cheek playfully twice, "Good night Squall." I released my hold on his hand and headed for the door. I didn't have to turn around to know he was still watching me. Not sure but I think I left an impression, bully for me.

It wasn't until I was mounting my bike that Freki decided to join me.

"My curiosity is peaked, what did you scribe?"

A small chuckle fell from my lips as my bike roared to life, "'Your hunt begins, tag you're it.'"