A/N: Here is the last part of Unexpected Things!

Lea watched Cory feeding Jolie. He was gently letting the milk enter her tiny mouth. He laughed and talked softly to her. Lea loved watching them. Cory was so sweet to Jolie. Sure he was sweet to her too but she had never seen him this kind of sweet.

''Ahmumumum.'' Cory cooed, making weird faces.

Jolie giggled in his arms and her eyes widened with amazement. She watched Cory every movement and often grabbed one of Cory's fingers. Cory only liked it. Her fist seemed so tiny around his finger.

''Ready to go home, babe?'' Cory questioned, looking up at his wife who was sitting on the bed. ''I guess Jolie is.''

''I am too! I'm so excited to go home and like…start this new life.'' Lea smiled. ''Plus, I really could use some sleep in our own bed. These hospital beds aren't really comfortable.''

''I know.'' Cory agreed. He had stayed here for the night with Lea and Jolie. He couldn't at first but he persuaded the nurse. He wanted to be together with them. ''Canadian mattresses are way better!''

Lea laughed. She remembered Cory had convinced her to buy a Canadian mattress. He had said it was like 'sleeping on sheep'.

''I bet the glee cast and crew are very excited to see the first real glee-baby.'' Cory said. ''Jolie really is a full glee-baby. Both of her parents are on glee.''

''She is.''

Edith entered the room and immediately smiled when she saw the little baby in Cory's arms.

''She looks even tinier when you hold her, Cory.'' She remarked. ''Alright, everything is good. We're able to go now.''

''Great.'' Lea jumped up. ''Should I carry the bags?''

''No way.'' Cory said, standing up. ''I'll carry the bags and you can hold Jolie.''

''You sure? I'm okay with it if I carry the bags.''

''No, you won't.'' Cory laughed. ''You've given birth and you're extremely tired. I'll carry the heaviest.''

''Okay then.'' Lea giggled, taking Jolie out off Cory's hands.

''Hey sweetie.'' Lea greeted her daughter. ''How are you?''

The baby smirked.

''Even your smirk looks like daddy's!'' Lea noticed. ''So cute!''

Cory looked over his shoulder to see Jolie's smirk. ''I smirk like that?'' He frowned.

Lea nodded her head. ''Yes, it's very cute when you do it too.'' She said, kissing Cory's lips.

''Home!'' Lea smiled when she entered the house.

Sheila immediately made her way over to Lea and miauwed.

''I've missed you too.'' Lea said. ''This is Jolie.'' She kneeled down beside Sheila.

Sheila sniffed the baby's feet and eventually licked it.

Jolie squealed sweetly.

''You're gonna be amazing friends.'' Lea laughed, rising to her feet again.

''You guys mind if I take a nap? I'm so tired!'' Lea asked Cory and her mom.

''Of course not, honey! Cory and I will take care of the rest.''

''Thank you!'' Lea smiled gratefully. ''I'm gonna give you to daddy. Bye sweetie, see you later!'' Lea kissed Jolie's cheek softly and handed her over to Cory.

''Have a nice nap.'' Cory grinned, waving Jolie's arms. ''Bye bye mommy.'' He said in a baby-voice.

Lea laughed and went upstairs to go to bed.

''I remember being so tired as well.'' Edith noted. ''If you're tired as well, which I can understand, you can take a nap too if you want?''

Cory shook his head. ''No thank you, I'll be fine.'' He handed Jolie over to Edith. ''Will you take care of her when I clean some things up?''

Lea woke up slowly. The sun rays shining through the windows. She yawned and checked the time on her phone. 7:37 pm. And then she remembered again. She was a mom now. She and Cory had a baby!

She jumped out off the bed and made her way downstairs quickly. Cory was sitting on the couch watching hockey with Jolie. She smiled. She knew Cory wanted to make her a Canucks fan.

''Does she likes it?'' Lea questioned, making Cory jump a little.

''Geez, I didn't hear you.'' Cory breathed. ''Yeah. I think she's already a fan.'' He laughed.

Lea sat down next to Cory and laid her head on his shoulder. ''Where's my mom actually?''

''She's back to her hotel. Wanted to give us some time alone.''

''That's nice.''

''I think Jolie is tired.'' Cory noticed. ''They said she needed a lot of sleep.''

''Yes she does. Come on, let's take her to bed.''

They went upstairs together. ''Ahh! Isn't your room beautiful?'' Lea said as they entered the baby room. ''Daddy painted it! He did a great job!''

Jolie looked around amazed.

''Let's get you in your pajama.'' Lea said, laying Jolie down in her bed for a second.

Cory handed Lea the pajama from the closet. ''You remember how she showed how to do it?''

Lea nodded. She gently placed the tiny clothing on Jolie.

About 15 minutes later, after they had sang together to Jolie and had kissed her, they went back downstairs again. They sat down on the couch and snuggled against each other. Cory wrapped his strong arms around his wife and kissed her head.

''Have I told you how proud I am of you?''

''At least a hundred times already!'' Lea laughed. She looked up at him and smiled. ''Thank you.''

''You know, when I was like…19 or something. I thought my life was over. I had screwed everything up. But…I was wrong. Working on glee, meeting you and eventually dating you. My life seemed complete. It was, for then. Asking you out was one of the best things I've ever done. And forgetting a condom and marrying you were the other best things in my life.'' Cory smirked.

''I'm so glad you've found the perfect life. I have too! The perfect job, house, husband of course and now the perfect baby. Something I have with the love of my life.'' Lea smiled, feeling tears roll down her face. ''I truly love you so, so much!''

''I love you too. With every single atom in my body.'' Cory whispered before placing his lips on Lea's lips to kiss them.

The end.

A/N: So…what did you think of it? And the whole story together? Liked it? Or something weird..? Let me know what you thought of everything! Once again, I'm not English so sorry for the mistakes I've made;) And..I consider if I'll make a sequel from it. Would you guys like that?