Hi. :3 This is a itty bitty one shot I wrote because I was bored and let's face it, I miss the brother banter. There is no slash in this. Have fun ;)

Warning: Swearing and drinking of adults, if that counts?

Disclaimer: I don't own Supernatural. *frowny face*

"Dean?" Sam couldn't help but have a half-ass grin while watching his brother beside him.

"Yeah?" The older man looked up from the leather book. It was weird. One: Dean was reading in the first place. Second: Even weirder? Is what he was reading for the past hour.

"Are you..reading...the bible?" The chuckle that escaped Sam's lips after asking made Dean turn red. 'Yes, I'm fucking reading the damn bible! What, does it look like Dr. Seuss to you?' Smart-alecky thoughts aside, this was going to be tough to explain.

"Yeah, Sammy, I'm reading the bible." He grunted, putting his attention back to those small, black letters that seemed to make no logic to him what so ever. How the hell does anyone understand what these people are saying in the first place? Let alone preach it to others!

"Uh...why?" That was the drawing point. Sixty damn minutes of shit that went in and out almost in the same second, and actually feeling his brain turn to mush. Now Sam was picking at him, driving him up the wall. It was all fucking annoying!

"Because! Sam! I'm looking for a loophole! Okay?" It wasn't a grin. It wasn't a chuckle. It was a full on laugh that left Sam gulping air into his lungs through the eruptions of pure insanity. He almost fell off the bed after hearing that. That only made Dean more pissed, and move to the small table.

After what felt like forever, Sam was almost over laughing his ass off. He may be in "annoying-little-brother-heaven" , but he knew not to go anywhere near Dean at the moment. Punching him was probably rolling around up in his head along with the ten commandments.

"What d-do you mean?" Great, he was still giggling like a child. Knocking your teeth out would be great right about now, Dean thought. Time to be serious, though.

"Well, think about it, Sammy. You and I started the fucking Apocalypse! Not to mention just the normal, killing angels! We have got to be on God's 'Most Wanted' list, and not in the good way either!" Annoying little brother heaven was gone. He was right. Hell was practically going to turn into a second home to them. They could kiss ever seeing their parents again goodbye, but he wasn't going to admit it, not even to Dean.

"Dean,...I-...Everything will be okay-"

"No, Sam! Nothing is going to be okay! You were almost a full fledge demon not so long ago! You were soulless! I killed freaking ass-hole angel, and sent you and Adam to hell. I was the reason Dad died, the reason you went bad in the first place! You and I are so fucking screwed! " Dean was hovering over his brother now. The look on Sam's face after mentioning the demon bit almost broke him off there, but he was right. Sam stood too, ready to avoid where this was heading at all coasts. They could deal with the price on their heads another time.

"I think I have the cure for this...anxiety attack your having. Plus it doesn't involve the bible." He patted Dean on the shoulder and walked into the tiny kitchen.

"Yeah? Whats that? Some sappy chick-flick mome-" Dean was cut off by a beer being tossed at him. Of course, liquor was a cure for all the crap they'd been through. Always had been.

They sat there. Drinking, joking, being brothers. Because when the shit flew the coop, that's really all they had. A cold beer, and cheep-ass motel room, or a classic car, and family. They cherished it, never letting it go. That love that held everything together.

"Hey, Sammy?"


"You think maybe when could go hassle some SOB at a game, maybe hit on some hot chick-"

"No, Dean."


"Drink your beer Dean."

