Disclaimer: I own nothing but the plot and other little characters I may make up along the way.

A/N: You can flame it if you want, but please be a little kind, because this is the first Sirius/Hermione fic I've ever written. But if you like it, and I like it, it won't be the last.


That summer was hard, the one where I broke up with Ron. We'd been going out steadily for about 3 years, and I guess both of us believed it would work out after Hogwarts. We were both wrong. Ron had changed so much, and I didn't think we were still on the same wavelength anymore. He needed someone new, someone…who wasn't me. As hard as it was to admit, I knew it was best for him to turn to someone else the way he used to turn to me. But I never expected him to fall into the arms of…Harry. Seems that Harry had been waiting patiently for a few years, just hoping to get even the tiniest chance. Well, he's got it now. I guess he never really got over his relationship with Ginny Weasley, and now seeing her date Draco Malfoy made him lose all faith in the female sex. So, Ron has Harry, Ginny has Draco, and I'm, again, alone.