Disclaimer: Lisa is poor. Lisa is a student. Lisa is a Canadian 19 year old with no children who lives with her parents when she is not attending university. So therefore, Lisa cannot be the real author of the Harry Potter series and it would be very silly to sue her for having fun with a literary genius' characters.

Sorry if you've already read this chapter but I was looking over it and it seems like the formatting got effed up again. It is such a hassle when this doesn't work properly. I think I may have uploaded this chapter 3 times already.

'Hermione? Oh Hermione?' a male called in a sing-song tone from the vicinity of the Head Girl little apartment's entrance.

The woman in question looked up from the thick tome she was reading in her comfy chair in front of the fire. 'Sirius? Is that you?'

'Yep, and I have a surprise for you.' With that, his grinning face appeared around the doorjamb.

Hermione looked at him, a surprised but happy expression on her face. 'I didn't expect you back for at least another hour. Ginny and Draco are notoriously competitive- I thought they would've kept you going in training for a while longer.'

'Yes, but they're also notoriously good at distracting each other. After a while, it was like I wasn't even there. I left when Draco had Ginny cornered and she wasn't even resisting, so I thought they'd want to be alone. Plus, they don't really need all that much training anyway.'

'Probably best. Why don't you come over here and give me a kiss?'

'In a minute. But first, do you remember a certain bet you lost the other day?' Sirius asked, unable to hide his grin.

A blank look crossed Hermione's face, but then her eyes widened as she remembered. 'You wouldn't.'

'Oh I would.' He whipped a French maid's costume on a hanger from behind his back. 'You shall address me as Sir Sirius and cater to my every whim, starting at 8 pm tonight,' he checked his watch and then grinned cheekily, 'which is in exactly 47 minutes. So if you have anything that needs finishing up or anyone that needs to be seen, I suggest you do it now.'

Hermione did not even want to contemplate the dirty thoughts crossing her lover's mind, and so decided to distract him from his evil plan. She slowly got up from her chair and sauntered towards him, tossing her long hair over her shoulders.

Realizing what she was planning on doing, Sirius took a step back and laughed. 'Not going to work this time, Hermione. Since sex is the ultimate goal in this little challenge, using sex as a distraction is entirely useless.'

'Fine,' she huffed. 'I'll just go find Ginny and tell her that we'll be indisposed- oh don't give me that look- for the rest of the evening. She'll make up a plausible excuse for our absence if anyone notices, and she'll make sure Draco keeps his mouth shut. I'm sure they're done whatever they were doing by now.'

Stalking to the door, Hermione stopped in her tracks as Sirius slapped her ass as she passed him. The brunette just growled and continued out of the room, leaving a laughing Sirius behind.

When Hermione returned to her rooms, Sirius wasn't in her line of sight but she refused to play hide and seek with him. She was determined to give in as little as possible to his twisted game.

'Sirius?' she called out, standing in her kitchen. She didn't hear his voice so called for him again. Not hearing a verbal response, Hermione was about to sit down at the table to await his return when a small noise caught her ear. Straining, she caught it again and as she walked by the living room, the noise got louder. Picking up its trail, she followed it to the bedroom and quickly realized that it was a ringing bell. Sirius had somehow got his hands on a bloody bell! Pushing open the door, Hermione was greeted with the sight of her lover lying naked under the sheets, bell in hand.

'I will not be answering to that,' she replied.

'Au contraire, mon amour. It is a whim of mine and our previous discussion did include the phrase 'catering to my every whim.' So get catering.'

'I will get you back for this.'

Sirius grinned at his girlfriend. 'Looking forward to it. But you have to admit that if you'd won, you'd be making me do this stuff too.'

Hermione laughed. 'I wouldn't make you wear a French maid's costume!'

'No, that's just a fantasy of mine. Now go put your uniform on and fetch me some pie.'

She picked up the costume that was lying on the dresser. 'The little lace cap too?

He nodded. 'Especially the little lace cap.'

As Hermione started to walk away, Sirius came up with another idea. 'Oh, and no underwear.'

'As much as I enjoy what we've been doing, we haven't seen the others since yesterday and I think it'll be good for our cover to put in a public appearance.'

Sirius pouted up at his girlfriend where she sat leaning over him on the bed. The French maid's costume had long been disposed of, pieces littering the small apartment. 'Are you sure you want to leave? I could really go for another round of delectable Hermione with a whipped cream garnish. It's fun for both of us.'

The brunette blushed heavily, cursing Sirius' ability to continually embarrass her while turning her on at the same time.

'Nope, your 24 hours will be up right after dinner time which we must attend, and I really don't want to give Harry and Ron any more reasons to be upset.'

'Spoilsport.' Sirius slid off the bed and padded over to the chest of drawers where he had started storing some of his clothes, completely unashamed of his nakedness. 'But remember,' he said, half-turning to catch Hermione practically drooling over his form, 'you still have to do anything I ask of you until the time is up.'

'You wouldn't, but I should really stop asking you that…'Hermione trailed off, slightly afraid of the mischievous glint in his eye. 'Just remember your godson and my ex will be there, so tone it down unless you want a Weasley-style beating.'

'I solemnly swear upon my honour as a Marauder that I will neither make you do anything outlandish or sexual.' Sirius said this with a hand upon is heart, innocent look on his face.

'I never thought I would hear those words together in a sentence, and swearing upon your honour as a Marauder not to pull a joke is in no way convincing.' Hermione rose as well, but a recently forgotten sense of modesty forced her to wrap herself in a sheet.

'You don't have to hide yourself from me Mione, especially after all of the unmentionable things I've been doing to those curves.' He eyed her up and down, finishing with a wink.

'I don't exactly trust you to not try and pull me back into bed to avoid going to dinner. I know you too well Sirius Black, and so I'm removing as much temptation as possible.'

Sirius crossed the room to the alluring brunette who was still standing by the bed. 'Hermione, you would tempt me in Dobby's tea cozy.'

'I'm going to take that as a compliment but we're still going to dinner,' she said as she picked up some clothes and stepped into the bathroom.

'Sod it!'

Hermione and Sirius entered the staff lounge together where they had been eating all of their meals, but immediately split up without a look at each other. Hermione headed over to where Ginny was curled up in an armchair by the window while Sirius strolled over to join a group of some of the Weasley brothers, where they were entertaining Remus with tales of the twins' childhood antics.

'Where have you been all day, Miss Granger?' Ginny asked innocently while a mischievous smirk crept onto her face.

'Was my absence that noticeable?'

The redhead replied in the negative. 'Only to me and Draco who knew what you were up to. Harry and Ron were playing Quidditch with some of the others all day, so they weren't around to not see you. If anyone asked (which only one person did), I said you were holed up in your room in super research mode.'

Hermione sighed in relief. 'Thank Merlin, you are my life-saver.'

'So what were you doing? And feel free to go into detail.' Ginny waggled her eyebrows.

Hermione took a seat in the chair next to her, acute embarassment causing a crimson blush to creep up her neck.

'Ooh, that good was it? Is it really true what they say about older men and having much more experience?'

'What about you and that friend of Charlie's? You know, that dragon tamer guy?'

Ginny brushed that off with a wave of her hand. 'Guys that are Charlie's age don't count as older men. Besides, Draco has enough tricks in his repertoire to keep me fully satisfied. But this is about your sex life, not mine so bloody tell me already.'

'To start off with, I lost a bet with Sirius when we were doing recon work at Malfoy Manor. The loser had to be the winner's slave for a full 24 hours of their choosing.'

'Interesting….' Ginny responded.

'I thought he had forgotten about it until he came back from the training session with you and Draco last evening. It was then that he whipped out a French maid's outfit complete with lace cap and told me that the 24 hours was about to start so I should conclude all business I had elsewhere.'

'A French maid's outfit! Blimey.' Ginny exclaimed, having enough tact to keep her voice low.

'Yep. And he had a bell so if he needed something, I was sure to know. But Sirius really wasn't all that horrible about it. I had to do the obligatory serving him meals in bed and there was an instance of a Hermione sundae which led to a rather lengthy episode in the bathtub but nothing too cliché.'

'A Hermione sundae? Sounds kinky. I wonder if Draco will want to try it.' A red eyebrow was raised in an expression that made the brunette realize how much Draco had rubbed off on Ginny.

'A Hermione sundae? No way.' She had straightened up in her seat, shocked expression in place.

The redhead just laughed. 'No, a Ginny sundae you bint. Thanks for the scarring mental images.'

Hermione chuckled as well. 'Sorry. And if by kinky, you mean sticky then sure. It had its fun points, but Sirius' tongue was tickling me so I was just laughing the entire time. Luckily he didn't think I was laughing at him.'

'Yeah, the lads really don't like it when you laugh at them in bed. There was this one time that I got a little distracted and thought about something funny that had happened at work to calm myself. Unfortunately I laughed just as Draco was trying something new. I can say that it effectively killed the mood that night and every time before we got into bed for the next few days, he would ask me if I was going to laugh again.'

'Oh Merlin. I bet the laughter did nothing for his ego, though I personally believe he could use a little deflating.'

Ginny chuckled in response, shooting a fond look at her boyfriend. 'I think if you looked up the word arrogant in the dictionary, his smirking face would be there. I love him so I don't complain…much. Hey, if you're Sirius' slave for 24 hours, why are you down here? By my count you two have a few more hours to indulge yourself.'

'True, but I made him realize that it was imperative to his health and well-being if Ron and Harry saw us in a large group situation. I don't want to flaunt the sexual aspects of our relationship while they're still adjusting. Though the indulgence sounds awfully tempting and I will be paying him back for that sundae incident.'

Wanting to mention her impending revenge, Hermione called her lover over while trying to be as casual as possible.

'Uh uh, remember what we discussed,' he said in response, a prankster's grin lighting up his features.

Hermione cringed as a glance around the room told her that all eyes were on her and Sirius. 'Fine…Sir Sirius, my lord and master, can you come over here for a second?'

Bill Weasley cleared his throat. 'Care to explain why you just said what you said?'

The brunette scrambled for an excuse as Sirius was clearly not going to help her out. 'Um, well, I lost a duel with Sirius in training the other day and so referring to his as my master was my punishment.'

Ginny stifled laughter behind her, knowing the real reason for the nickname.

The inhabitants of the staff room laughed collectively, a few Weasley brothers punching Sirius on the arm in encouragement, though Draco sent him an absolutely wicked grin.

As everyone went back to their business, Sirius strolled over to Hermione and Ginny. 'You rang?' he drawled, eyes twinkling.

Hermione's lips were pressed together in a firm line, not seeing the humour in the situation. 'You are so lucky that Harry and Ron hadn't come down yet. Ron would've flipped out and made that lost duel excuse seem a lot less plausible. You are such a prat.'

'Am I going to get punished later?'

'Yes! I'll teach you not to…' but Hermione trailed off when she saw Sirius' expression and realized what he meant by being punished.

'You are so perverted,' she groaned.

'Perhaps, but you shouldn't complain as you're benefiting directly from it.'

Hermione just shook her head and returned to conversation with Ginny. It was not long before Draco joined the threesome and they began discussing new blocking spells. Sirius kept winking cheekily at Hermione until Harry and Ron entered the room, at which time he left the little group to talk to Remus.

Harry divided an inquisitive look between the couple though Ron chattered away, completely blissful in his ignorance.

'You're not really angry at me, are you Mione?' Sirius' voice cut through the darkness as they lay in bed later that night. Hermione had been slightly chilly towards him at dinner and Sirius had wisely left her alone with a book in the Head Girl's room afterward while he and Remus had lounged around chatting in the Gryffindor common room.

Sighing, Hermione turned to face him. 'Of course not. I'm just so worried about this hurting Harry or Ron that I've been a little keyed up. I'm sorry if it sounded like I as truly upset with you, though I will be seeking revenge at an undisclosed time for that Hermione sundae you made before. I think I still have some whipped cream in my hair.'

Sirius chuckled, but then his tone turned somber. 'Do you think the other recon group found anything useful?'

Hermione sensed his real meaning. 'You mean did they find anything to protect Harry? You're really worried about him, aren't you?'

'Almost more than I can stand, and it's been that way since his parents announced that they were expecting. I am his godfather and I promised James and Lily that I would always look out for him and make sure he's okay.'

Hermione flung a leg over his and snuggled into his shoulder. 'Don't worry. Ron and I have been doing that since we were 11 and we've gotten pretty good at it by now, Ginny too. Plus, it won't be like the last time where Harry was the only one able to end the entire thing. They have no Dark Lord now, so we can all take on the responsibility of stopping the Death Eaters forever. Harry doesn't even have to fight, if we can find a strong enough Binding and Cloaking charm to keep him tied up and hidden in a corner.'

Sirius snorted softly. 'How do you always know just what to say?'

'Just a gift I guess,' she replied flippantly. 'I think it comes from always having to be the rational one whenever Harry and Ron went off on their tangents. The things those boys would come up with!'

'Ah yes, but nothing will ever match the maniacal brilliance of Padfoot and Prongs.'

'What about Moony?' Hermione thought it wise to leave Peter Pettigrew out of the equation, especially because he was still lurking out in the distance.

'Moony played your role in the Marauders. He was the rational one that calmed us down whenever we got too crazy, though he would help us out with the smaller and more complex details of the pranks that we'd skip over in our quest for greatness.'

Hermione giggled. 'Well, that was Ginny's job for us. It's astounding how she took Harry and Ron's huge ideas and made them run smoothly. Learned a lot from the twins, that one did. I sometimes lived in fear of what I would find when I woke up in the morning. How did Harry's mum ever deal with being Head Girl while her friends were some of the biggest pranksters Hogwarts had ever seen?'

Sirius ran a hand gently up and down one of her arms. 'Well, James had to calm down a little in 7th year because he was Head Boy and didn't want to brass Lily off. She put her foot down sometimes but for the most part her rule was 'just don't let me catch you.' Besides, some of our best pranks included intricate charms work done by our own Lily Evans. Of course, she was such a model student that no one ever suspected her. Dumbledore sometimes winked at her when Professor McGonagall was yelling at the Marauders but I have it on good authority that he thoroughly enjoyed our antics.'

'Do you know what I would thoroughly enjoy?'

Sirius cocked an eyebrow at her in the moonlight. 'I can only imagine.'

Author note: so yeah, it's me again. With this story. So yes, hell has frozen over and I've gotten over my writer's block. This writer's block has unfortunately moved onto other stories of mine, but I hope it will go away in a short amount of time and not an entire year as was the case here. Oops…but I can tell you that we're only a few chapters from the end and I know everything that is going to happen. Unfortunately, once this story is done I will have to give up writing anything with Sirius in it unless it is during his Hogwarts days. Damn you Order of the Phoenix…but I guess that's what happens when it takes you two years to finish a story with books by the real author coming out during that time.