
Yes, I know. And I am sorry it's been an entire year. I've just really...lost touch with this fanfic? If that makes any sense. Basically, I haven't felt inspired to do any other works for the Wings of Fire series. And don't get me wrong! It's not because of the books. I'm all caught up, and eagerly waiting the final to this arc! I'm pumped to the max, Darkstalker is one of the most intriguing characters I've ever seen. Tui, I love you so much for this series.

Anyways, this chapter is with Snowflake and Snowfox. They were the two dragons in the one Winglet book, the one where we see Artic fall in love with Foeslayer(yes? her name is foeslayer? Yes? Yes.). I fell in love with this pairing, mostly because they're the first confirmed gay couple in the series. I really want to see more of them, though I have a feeling we won't. So, I wrote what I thought the moment they both got really close to confessing.

If you are against LGBTQ+ of any kind, I will kindly ask you to leave my fanfiction. Love is something that can't be confined by social structures such as gender. These two dragons are in love, and does it really matter if they're both female? Is God really the kind of being that would destroy someone for just loving? Think about this before you enter a review telling me that I'm going to hell for this. And for those who see anyone who reviews something like that, I ask that you leave them be and let them wallow alone in their refusal to acknowledge these things. There isn't any point in trying to engage them.

I hope you enjoy this chapter, and I'm not sure if I can confirm when or even if there will be another chapter. I'm not saying I've completely abandoned this fanfiction, but until the day that the inspiration hits me once more, it might be a long wait. Please stay safe, warm, and happy, and remember, REVIEW! (god it's been soo long since I've written that. I've missed it!)

The clouds rolled over the sky, blocking the dragons from the millions of stars and the beautiful moons. The Ice Kingdom was alight, however, so to counteract the heavy darkness the castle glowed in a million shades of white, blue, green, and purple. It was like they were a grounded aurora, smugly staring at the clouds.

"Look at that. He's still going." Snowfox dragged her tail across the ground, the spines gently clinking like a gathering of chimes.

Snowflake shouldered up next to friend to see. Sure enough, Prince Artic, her betrothed was spreading his wings and soaring into the night. So obvious against the dark sky. Snowflake couldn't repress her snort. "The fact that the guards can't see him makes me worry for the state of our kingdom."

"Things will be different when I'm queen." Fox promised.

"I know." Snowflake nudged her wing into Fox's. Fox stumbled a little and gave a little disbelieving snort as she looked at Snowflake. Snowflake blinked innocently. "What?"

A grin that Snowflake could never be tired of seeing rolled across Fox's face. "You dare to treat your future Queen like that?" She guffawed exaggeratingly.

Snowflake suppressed a giggle and ruffled her wings. "Well, as the key that unlocks for the throne for you, the question is how dare you think you can threaten me."

Fox jumped into a mock-battle stance. The clinking of her tail spikes stopped as she lifted it threateningly over her head. However, she wagged it back and forth slowly in invitation. She spread her wings only just, making her seem larger than she actually was. "I don't think, I know."

Snowflake grinned and slipped into a battle stance herself. Hers was a little sloppier, and even in this game of pretend Snowflake could see the differences. From her tucked in, lowered angle, she saw how Fox's tail was sharper than hers. She saw the way that Fox bent her neck, with such ease and grace-although knowing she was now in the perfect position to lunge and snap her jaws around any opposing dragon's neck. Her claws were light on the ground, ready to spring. The way her wings ever so slightly stirred the air showed she was ready for a height advantage. She was a trained warrior, able to take on nearly all the knights in this tribe if it meant that she would remain safe.

Meanwhile, Snowflake had been trained in the importance of being silent and still.

Snowfox's playful expression suddenly dropped. She straightened a little, lifting her neck. "Snowflake, what's that look for?"

"What look?" Snowflake pulled herself from her position. She blinked and shook her head slightly, scrunching her nose to feel if she was making a face.

Fox rose as well. "You looked a little sad for a second. Is something wrong?" Her eyes strayed outside. Of course, Artic was long gone now. Off to meet his Nightwing lover, again. Fox approached Snowflake. "Are you worried about our plans?"

Snowflake shook her head. "Not at all. We can find a way to stop-stop this." She gestured around vaguely.

Fox still didn't look pleased. "Stop this…as in stop you from having to watch your dragonets fight for the throne?"

"And to stop anyone but you from taking the throne." She smiled and reached up to nudge her friend gently. "You'll be the best queen of the Icewings yet."

Fox chuckled. "That's high praise. I don't deserve it. Not yet, anyways."

Snowflake laughed. "Well, time will tell, and I have faith."

Fox smiled and dipped her head slightly. "Can I take a guess on what you're feeling right now? Is it that you feel like you're only being used for your gender? For your mating prowess?"

Snowflake stiffened, then sighed. She stared out the window towards Artic's bedroom. "A little. Doesn't it seem messed up? They pick me out just because they think I'm content to be quiet and give them heirs." A flare of rage sprung into Snowflake's chest and she jabbed the floor with her talon. "It's wrong. None of them know anything about me!"

Fox brushed her wing with Snowflake's. "You're right about that. They don't know how absolutely incredible you are."

Snowflake looked at Fox, a little abashed.

Fox slipped away and moved carelessly around the room, lifting her steps as she made a long circle. She stared at the walls, the interior, anything but Snowflake. "You're clever and the smartest dragon I've ever met. You're kind to those who deserve it, and you look down secretly on those who think they have the right to look down at others. You're holding so many secrets within yourself that no one on the whole of Pyrrhia has any chance of finding."

Snowflake's breath was taken from her as if the work of magic. She stared at Fox as the dragon moved back towards her, stopping just in front of her. She smiled, a little helplessly, and Snowflake wondered if this was the feeling that made Artic just fly out the window and sneak away to be with a Nightwing. "I mean, all the secrets I'm hoping I can hear. If you let me." Fox continued.

Snowflake's heart was filling in her chest. Breathe! She told herself. It was hard, however. She could feel Fox's own breath slip around her maw-she was so close. Finally, Snowflake inhaled and grinned. "I'll tell you everything and anything." She whispered.

Fox gave another grin. Different from the playful one, this one held traces of relief, thankfulness, and a massive amount of joy. There was something else there. Something that looked a little like pride but it was somehow different. Pride involves holding your head a little higher, this made the head go a little lower. "Thank you, Snowflake." She whispered.

Fox's eyes were better than the Ice Kingdom standing against the night sky. They glowed with something much more valuable than all the jewels in the northern corner of Pyrrhia. Snowflake felt a smile tug her lips and she reached out her talon. Fox grabbed it and squeezed it. "I want to know everything. All that you hide, all that you keep safe. I want to make sure you never go through another day where you think you are only here for your gender." Fox pressed her head against Snowflake's. Their horns tapped against each other gently. "You will be right at my side when I am Queen. I want you to be with me, and help me make the right decisions to lead this tribe into it's future, for as long as I live. Will you do that for me?"

Snowflake nodded, shaking their heads gently. Their horns clinked again. The sound was soft, like the lull of a wave rolling back to sea after hitting a glacier. It was also sweet, like the flavored shaved ice she used to eat when she was a dragonet. She decided she liked it. "I'll do anything for you." She whispered. "Tell me about yourself too, Fox. Please. Everything."

"Everything and anything." Fox agreed. She pulled back and gently brushed her talon across Snowflake's cheek.

Snowflake reached up and grasped her talon and held it close to her chest, just as the snow finally began.

"…if you just…um, did that…that thing…" Snowflake interrupted herself with a large yawn.

Fox snorted from her perch next to her and put down the scroll they had been looking at. "Do you need to go to bed?"

"No!" Snowflake gave herself a hard shake. "I'm fine." She started to sit up, but suddenly Fox tackled her from the side. She landed lightly and turned to shoot her friend a glare. "What was that for?"

Fox snorted and circled around to Snowflake's front. She tapped her head lovingly against Snowflake's and then put her talon under her chin softly. She lifted Snowflake's head, pointing her gaze to the sky. At some point during the few hours they had been plotting, the clouds had decided to pass. Now, the sky was scattered with a few remaining puffs, and the stars ruled the world once more. Snowflake could only see one moon, she wondered where the other two were.

Fox settled herself down so she was lying next to Snowflake, her tail reaching back and resting on top of Snowflake's. Their spikes made a wonderful noise, just like when their horns had touched a few hours earlier. Ease and a haze of drowsiness settled over Snowflake. She yawned again and placed her head down on Fox's talon, using it like a pillow.

Fox smiled and lied her own head down, tucking it close to Snowflake's. The last thing the dragons saw before drifting to sleep was each other.