Fixing some typo's as I'm debating on whether or not to call it quits on this one. But, after re-reading I cannot stop thinkin' about this pair. My snippets are getting ridiculous!

Disclaimer: I don't own any of these characters, luckily for the sane people out there.


"What the fuck do you think you're doing?" The icy tone making a certain red-head stop dead in his tracks as the words seemed to curl around him and send a chill right up his spine.

"G-going to the bathroom?," he replied, having nearly made it to the bathroom too, but he was about twenty feet from his destination.

"You know what I'm talking about, Red." Dark's voice seemed to get louder as he spoke, but this was only due to the fact that he was steadily moving closer to the boy who seemed to be frozen where he stood. "Look at me when I'm talking to you." Daisuke remained glued to that spot, not daring to turn and face the guy he found so...intimidating. He just bit his lip, hoping beyond all hope that Dark would realize he didn't want to talk to him and go away. Something about Dark's tone, however, told him that that would most definitely not be the case and for all intents and purposes, he was in some serious trouble. "I told you to look at me," Dark snapped, grabbing Daisuke's arm once he had reached him and pushing him into the wall so that he could face him head-on. Daisuke winced as one of his shoulder blades took most of the force when his back hit the wall, but he averted his gaze anyhow, much too afraid to do as he was asked. "I'm not going to tell you again."

"I-I don't want to," was all Daisuke could manage wondering all the while what he had done to make Dark so irritated in the first place. Certainly the violet one wouldn't be so worked up over a tad bit of teasing.

"I don't care if you don't want to," Dark whispered menacingly as he moved closer to the now shaking teen before him. "You'll learn to do what I tell you..." Grabbing Daisuke's face with his left hand, he forced the boy to look up at him, seeing the fear dancing in his eyes. "...Whenever I tell you to."

"Dark...," Daisuke managed to say, much to his own surprise as he thought he'd be scared speechless once he stared into those terrifying violet eyes. Dark just tilted his head slightly, gazing up at the boy from under his lashes as a small smirk eased its way onto his lips. "Wh-what do you...uh...what do you want?"

"I want to know why when you woke up this morning, you decided to make it your mission...," he began, inching forward and trailing his nose up the curve of Daisuke's neck. "...To get on my fucking nerves." At this, he slid his right hand into the smaller boy's hair, yanking it so that his head snapped back and Dark could stare directly into his frieghtened face. "You just love testing my patience, don't you?"

"A-ah! N-no," Daisuke yelped, half in response and half in protest to the strong hand in his hair; his small hands attempting to push Dark away, to no avail. The older boy just moved closer, pressing himself against the red-head, which was mainly for his own amusement, although he had to admit the boy felt kind of nice.

"I should hope not," he chuckled sinisterly, licking lightly over Daisuke's jugular, before planting a soft kiss, making the boy shiver to his very core. Why Daisuke was getting a weird tingly sensation in the pit of his stomach was beyond him, but he let his eyes slide shut as that soft kiss turned into a slow suction, directing all of his nerves to focus on that one area; Dark's mouth on his skin. Wait, what is he doing? "I'm giving you...a last warning, Dai..." No...n-no, this isn't right. The smaller boy gasped, feeling that hand pull harder on the hair at the back of his head and a set of perfect teeth biting him roughly right under his jaw line.

"S-stop," Daisuke said in what was almost a whisper, grabbing onto Dark's shoulders as his legs no longer felt like supporting him. "D-Dark, s-stop..."

"I'll stop...when I'm satisfied," he breathed, trailing hot kisses down the boy's neck as he slid his leg between Daisuke's in an attempt to hold him up. Daisuke moaned quietly, biting his lip as Dark pressed against him, once again continuing to nibble at his flesh. "Daisuke, I can be your best friend..."

"N-no...," was all the boy could manage.

"Or I can be your worst enemy," he said calmly, putting pressure between Daisuke's legs, which earned him a slightly pained moan in response. Dark smiled to himself figuring he could get used to the sound of this boy, before quickly scanning the hall and in seeing no one, continuing.

"D-Dark, please..." The older boy acknowledged this with a deep laughter that Daisuke could feel vibrating in his chest.

"Please what?," he asked smirkingly as he slowly eyed the boy against him, thinking of all the things this hesitant innocent would be begging him to do in the not so distant future.

"Don't do this," Daisuke huffed, once again trying to push Dark away; just enough so that he could make a clean escape and once again failing in the attempt.

"Don't do what?" A coy smile creeped its way onto Dark's features as he took a small step back from Daisuke, while still leaving him no room to run. "Don't do this?," he inquired, bringing both of his hands down to rest on Daisuke's ass, making the boy jump consequently closer to Dark's body.

"Wh-whatever this is...J-just stop..."

"Why? You don't like it?" At this, Daisuke just shook his head, not once chancing to look at Dark who he knew would be smirking. "Really? 'Cause this...," Dark continued, sliding one of his hands to the front of Daisuke's pants and palming him slowly. The small red-head moaned quietly in response, blushing madly as he glared to himself and his traitorous ways. "This says that you do."

"I...I-I don't," Daisuke breathed, his head swimming with these unwanted sensations. He frowned wondering listlessly why his body didn't react the way his mind wanted it to. "I don't want this."

"What you want is of little importance to me," Dark chuckled quietly; his words raising the hairs on Daisuke's neck as his breath floated past them. "I only care about what you need and what you need is what I can give you."

"W-what you can give me?" What is wrong with this guy?

"I can give you pain, Daisuke," he murmured, biting the boy sharply and tugging on one of his earlobes with his teeth. "Or...I can give you unimginable pleasure..." With his free hand, Dark gripped Daisuke's hip and pulled the red-head's body closer to his, before once again pinning the boy to the wall, letting the friction between his thigh and Daisuke's groin run rampant.

"Ngghh...," Daisuke moaned involuntarily, his eyes flying open as he glared at the man publically molesting him; those garnet irises glistening with what were now anger-fueled tears.

"You see?," Dark inquired lazily, smirking into Daisuke's skin as he did. "But, it all depends on you."

"On...o-on me?" Daisuke was beyond confused at this point. Thinking that he was going to get in massive trouble for a reason unknown to himself, but instead he was getting...uh, what was he getting? Oh, that's right...hunched on in the middle of the hallway.

"That's right," Dark answered quietly, letting go of the boy's rubicund tresses and placing a hand on his neck instead. "I told you this was your final warning, so let me clarify. Please me, and you won't have to worry about a thing. Cross me, and I will decimate you. To put it simply: stay off my bad side. Understand?" Daisuke just blinked in response, unaware of whether or not he'd already crossed over onto said 'bad side.' "Daisuke, don't make me repeat myself." At this, he tightened the hand on Daisuke's neck and removed his leg so that the boy was suspended in mid-air, held up only by his most cranial vertebral column. Daisuke's hands clung to Dark's wrist as he nodded his head minutely; his eyes beginning to bulge as he did. "Good." Dropping the red-head as he spoke, Dark paused, rolling his eyes when he realized Daisuke didn't move to follow him. "Let's go."

"I...I-I still have to pee," Daisuke whined nervously; his eyes brimming with tears as he fought back the urge to cry on the spot.

"Hurry up, then, 'cause I'm not gonna wait for you." The dark haired male huffed, turning on his heel, before walking back to the cafeteria alone.

"H'okay, don't cry, Daisuke. Don't cry. You're a champ! Don't do this to yourself," Daisuke said to himself as he relieved his overly filled bladder, taking little notice of two other students coming in shortly after him. "Don't sweat it. It's not like he actually hurt you or anything. That's right...Just relax...Everything's cool." He shook twice, before zipping up his pants and moving to wash his hands, not even worried about the other two dudes at the urinals who were staring at him awkwardly. He took a few more deep breaths before glancing at himself in the mirror just hoping that his near encounter with all out weeping wasn't all that apparent. Everything looks pretty normal, I guess. Wait... "What is that? Oh my God, what the hell is that?!" The boy was in full on panic mode upon seeing what was a rather large hickey and a series of very noticable bite marks all over his neck. "Oh, no...everything is not cool! I'm gonna cry. No! No, I can't cry. I wouldn't give him the satisfaction..." The two guys that were still standing over by the urinals were so afraid of going near this 'crazy' that they just exited the bathroom without even once considering to wash their hands. "That's DISGUSTING," the red-head yelled after them, still battling off the tears that were willingly threatening to fall. "That's it! Just play like everything is cool, Daisuke...even though you're not even sure what the hell is going on. Come on! Game face!" Daisuke continued muttering to himself even as he re-entered the cafeteria, not even caring to cover up Dark's newest addition of marks to his skin. Suffice it to say, there were jaw-dropped expressions as far as the eye could see, along with a gasp that seemed as if everyone had planned it on cue.

"Holy...shit...," Saehara said slowly, snapping a picture of the red-head as he passed him on his way to the empty space next to Dark. "Okay, you definitely didn't have those a few minutes ago."

"Y-yeah," Daisuke stammered, rubbing the back of his neck nervously as he took his seat, feeling Dark's warmth immediately seep into him.

"That's a very astute assessment, Saehara. He really didn't have those before he left, did he?," Dark added smartly. He noted that Daisuke visibly tensed in his seat and this action almost made him laugh. Almost. "So where did you get them, then?" A pair of scarlet eyes shifted to meet with ones of a violet hue; those lavender irises filled with nothing less than hilarity as the boy stared at him with a confused expression.

"There was this...this girl," Daisuke began, figuring he'd play it safe, just in case Dark was testing him.

"This girl have a name?" The people eating around the fidgeting boy all had their eyes on him, just curious to find out who this mystery girl was. Satoshi even had to admit, that although he wasn't full-on staring at Daisuke, he was in fact listening intently to the conversation at hand.

"Uh...," Daisuke began, needing to think on his toes so he just said the first name that came to mind when he thought of girls...Freedert...But, she's supposed to be... "D-Dai."

"I think you're lying," Dark said laughingly, running a hand through his violet tresses as he smirked at the red-head next to him, oh-so-entertained. The other people at the table just shrugged their shoulders as they thought to themselves that the boy could've just made up the name off of the top of his head. Dai and Daisuke seemed like a corny coincidence.

"Well, I didn't give these to myself now did I, Darkie-poo," Daisuke scoffed, rolling his eyes as he did. Dark maintained his smirk, but his eyebrow twitched a little in irritation at the fact that Daisuke had just referred to him as 'Darkie-poo.' He slid a hand up Daisuke's thigh, gripping it tightly beneath the table, which caused the boy to wince in response. Krad couldn't suppress the light laughter bubbling up in his throat and Satoshi just gave a small smile. Daisuke half wished he had chosen a different set of words or even more so, that Freedert was actually there to save him from this awkward situation.

"Honey!," Freedert sang, running up between the tables in the lunchroom, to pull Daisuke up into a hug from behind, beaming at the sight of her adorable red-headed stepson. Daisuke couldn't believe his luck. He just blushed in response to the near chokehold he was experiencing, catching a faint look of what was it? Jealousy?...Emanating off of the violet-haired teen as he removed his hand from Daisuke's person, cutting his eyes at the beautiful blond shutting off the boy's air supply.

"Fr-uh...Dai?!" Freedert raised a perfectly arched brow at the 'nickname' the red-head just decided to give her, but shrugged it off, none-the-less.

"Hi! Did you miss me? Are these your friends? Introduce me, Daisuke! Introduce me!," she squealed glancing around at Krad, Satoshi, Keiji, Funabashi, Saehara, and Dark in turn, beaming as she did.

"Uh, this is my...Th-this is Dai," Daisuke stammered out wondering how in the hell he could introduce her as his stepmom, who is ultimately infiltrating the school as a fake student. He just blushed slightly, Freedert's arms still wrapped tightly about his shoulders making Dark roll his eyes for seemingly the umpteenth time.

"Well...," Freedert huffed, shaking the boy a little. "Aren't you going to tell them what I am to you?"

"No, I...D-Dai it's..."

"So, what you're saying is you're embarrassed by our relationship? You don't like me anymore, huh?," Freedert snapped, becoming all hysterical and making a scene over nothing.

"Dai, you're just being insecure. Of course I still like you." That is to say, if I ever liked you before.

"R-really?," she asked nuzzling against Daisuke's cheek, playfully. "You won't let any other girl take my place?" Daisuke paused for a moment and thought to himself that it really wasn't his choice on the matter of who can and can't be his father's newest love, but he smiled anyway.


"Kya! I love you so much! You have no idea!," she sang, pulling the boy up from his seat with barely any effort. "Take me to the room." At this, Freedert basically yanked the tiny red-head out of the cafeteria and off on their way. Everyone at the table stared at each other with identical expressions of absolute shock.

"And you said he was lying about that girl...," Keiji sighed, glancing at Dark with a look of disdain. "She sure is a sly little minx, that's for sure." No one could argue that with the way she said 'take me to the room,' it sounded as though she were planning something very intimate.

"She seems unstable, though," Saehara added, taking a bite of his meatloaf. "I'll tell you guys now, if that relationship is only built on sex, like I think it is, when it eventually fails, I call dibs on next." Despite the fact that he knew Freedert was only Daisuke's stepmom, Dark frowned, glaring at Saehara as he stood up and turned away from the table, but not before forking up a piece of the pork chop Daisuke was determined to get him to eat and popping it into his mouth accordingly. Much to his displeasure, the pork chop was actually really good and he smirked, shaking his head and leaving the cafeteria without a second thought.

"Freedert, what on Earth are you doing here?!," Daisuke asked when the blond girl yanking him every which way finally slowed down enough for him to catch his breath. "I thought you weren't going to be here until tomorrow." She looked at him with a genuine smile and flipped her long golden locks over her shoulder before she spoke.

"I know, I know! But I did say 'either tomorrow or the next day.' Dai-chan, I just had to get out of that house! It's so boring!...Anyway I took the red eye," Freedert explained cheerfully, bouncing where she stood. "Why, are you not happy to see me?"

"No! No, it's not that," the boy said hastily, lest she burst into hysterics again. "I'm just surprised is all." Freedert eyed him for a long moment before crossing her arms about her chest and frowning slightly.

"But secretly you're really not happy to see me...," she huffed, her lip quivering as she trailed off.

"I-I am, Freedert...I truly am," he confessed, holding his hands out in front of him as if to block the tsunami of tears he was sure she was about to unleash. "I'm just not good at showing it."

"You wouldn't even tell them who I was to you!," Freedert whined, looking oh-so-distraught with the way she was unabashedly pouting in his direction. Daisuke took to rubbing his eyes with his thumb and index finger, feeling like asking the blubbering blonde to come here was the ultimate mistake. He took a moment to pause and let out a super long sigh, before refocusing on the conversation at hand.

"Freedert, you know I can't tell them who you really are to me. You're supposed to be just another student here, remember?," he said, motioning for them to continue to walk. "If I ran around telling everyone you're my step-mom, people are gonna think my dad's a total creep-show, not to metion the fact that you would have to be incredibly stupid to be a twenty-year-old third year."

"I guess you're right," she replied, twisting a long strand of golden hair around her dainty fingers as they strolled along. "You're always right...and you're so smart. Ugh, Daisuke, I'm not even sure I can blend in here. I just know I'm gonna fail everything and then they'll call Kosuke and he'll have me sent home."

"You don't know that for sure," Daisuke sighed, trying his hardest to sound sincere when every fiber of his being told him that this would probably be the most likely outcome. He forced down the small chuckle that was just begging to come out. "All you have to do is try your very best and everything will just fall into place." At this, Freedert managed a small smile, which quickly grew into an all out grin as the excitement of this adventure overtook her once more.

"What's my name supposed to be again?," Freedert asked happily, spinning around Daisuke, even as she kept in time with his stride; her abnormally long legs affording her this luxury. Daisuke huffed after noticing this fact, but he decided to ignore it, if only to soothe his self-conscious soul.

"Your name is Dai Suke and you have loving rich parents in America who decided to let you come here on your own accord," Daisuke began, figuring people might ask her about her background and the like. "You're an only child, but you have a dog, and although you miss him, you know he's in a good place back at home."

"Awuh! I have a puppy? That's so cute! What's his name?," she squeaked, just loving her new backstory. The small redhead merely rolled his eyes at this, before rubbing his temples in what was obvious irritation.

"Freedert...I mean, Dai, you actually have a puppy at home and his name is Armand," Daisuke said slowly as he stopped in front of the door to what would now be Freedert's new room. The bubbly blond continued skipping past the room, only to be yanked by her wrist to a stopping point. "He's the screensaver on your phone."

"Oh, I knew that, dum dum! I just thought that if I get a cool new name, then Armie should get one too," she chimed, running her pointer finger over a picture of a scraggly looking Chinese Crested puppy with a serious underbite. "I think I'll call him Reynaldo or...or maybe Prince Philippe, Duke of Pennsylvania." Daisuke just stared at her with a look that begged the question as to why she was trying to come up with fancy schmancy names for an ugly ass dog. After a few more lingering moments, Freedert finally crossed her arms in defeat. "Fine, I'll just name him Armande with an 'e'."

"Okay, great. Can we go now?" From Daisuke's tone, it was apparent that he had already had his fill of hanging out with Freedert, but she, being Freedert, took no notice of it. She just nodded her head in response cheerfully, before watching Daisuke pull her keys from his bunny bag and unlock the door in turn. As soon as the door swung open, the two of them were hit with a blast of loud R&B music; the initial shock of it not able to prepare them for the sight before them.

"Oh, wow," Freedert chuckled quitely, having registered the scene before the suddenly overwhelmed red-head, who just as he'd made sense of the situation, blushed fire engine red and nearly gave himself whiplash with the speed at which he turned back towards the door. Daisuke had had a serious dilemma on his hands. Should he remain where he was or make a dash towards freedom as the door he'd passed through was still hanging wide open, beckoning him to flee. Freedert; however, just took to planting herself on the bed that was currently unoccupied, delighting in the show before her as she soaked up the sight of Riku apparently getting the fucking of a lifetime.

"Ohhh...," Riku moaned, tossing her head back into her pillows and biting her lip as the blonde she was with plunged deep into her, spearing right into her uterus as far as she knew. She curled her legs about his waist in an attempt to bring his winding hips ever-the-more closely in a greedy plot to pull him further into her. "F-fuck," she roared as her partner pulled out of her almost completely, then rammed back into her slick sex, only taking her higher with the intense speed in which he dominated her - slamming into her core like a madman. Her insides raged, clenching around this man desperately as his length filled her completely; the pressure of her release building like a countdown to launch. Her eyes flew open as she clamped onto her man's shoulders and through her hazy euphoria, she caught a glimpse of the small red-head in the doorway, still debating on whether or not he wanted to leave. "Mmm! D-Daisuke!" At the mention of some other dude's name, the blonde male paused in his ministrations and looked at her with confusion written on his face, giving her just enough time to completely push him off; Riku immediately wrapping herself in sheets as she jolted out of bed with a quickness.

"Awuh!," Freedert huffed, like someone had just flipped the channel during the best part of a movie. "You guys didn't even finish!" She passed a glance from the completely dumbfounded Riku to her grinning significant other, who was just pleased that he hadn't been mistaken for some other guy. Daisuke finally turned around, figuring the show was over, to find Riku glaring at Freedert and her staring ways; Freedert's big blue eyes scanning the naked blonde who had still yet to cover himself.

"Argentine, get some fucking clothes on would you?," she seethed, never once taking her eyes off of her intruders. He did as he was told, casually sauntering around the room, completely unashamed of his nakedness, even as Freedert followed his every move. Daisuke found the smirk that made its home on the boy's face to be creepily familiar and it sent a small chill up his spine, forcing him to draw his attention back to the girl who had forged a makeshift wrap from her sheets. "Daisuke, what the hell are you doing here? I thought you had roomed with someone else."

"I-I did...I mean...I have, I just," he began, still just a little uncomfortable with the situation at hand. He waited for Argentine to say his goodbyes, kissing Riku's shoulder as he whispered 'I'll catch you later' into her neck and smirking once again as he squeezed past the boy who was becoming a bit of a staple in the doorway. Daisuke absentmindedly noted that the uniform the blonde was wearing was definitely not Akune High's, meaning he must go to school somewhere near here. He shrugged his shoulders at the thought.

"So, again, I ask: What are you doing here?"

"Well, I meant to come by after orientation to tell you about the mix-up at registration, but I got a little side-tracked," he began, finally abandoning his post in the doorway and finding a seat on the couch, after shutting the door behind him.

"Yeah, Risa told me about you rooming with Dark Mousy," she laughed nervously, still somewhat embarrassed by what she was sure Daisuke had seen as she stalked across the room to turn off the R&B medley still blaring from her stereo. "How's that going for you, exactly?" Daisuke's head swam at the question. How can you answer that without first knowing if you're even on good terms with your roommate? Daisuke supposed he wasn't even sure whether or not he'd even made it to bad terms with the guy; kind of in a limbo so to speak.

"It's going all right, I guess, but it's a little soon to tell, I think." Riku nodded at this response, because she knew how difficult it can be to get used to a new roommate, having had one the year before that turned out to be a total bust. Daisuke sighed heavily, not knowing what to say next; the awkward silence falling upon the room seeming to have a life of it's own and he immediately regretted taking such a huge breath as the scent of sex infiltrated his senses. He was broken from his last train of thought by Freedert waving him down and pointing to herself in a silent pantomime for him to introduce her. Daisuke had entirely forgotten about her. "Oh, Riku! This is my stepmom Freedert, if you don't remember her from sign-up."

"Oh, that's right! I thought you looked familiar." Riku's milk chocolate stare fell upon Freedert and she nodded to herself, remembering the tall blonde throwing herself at every boy in the lobby.

"I'm glad you remember me! We're gonna get along just great! I just know it," Freedert chimed, so grateful that she was no longer being ignored. At the look of confusion on Riku's face, Freedert chose to elaborate. "...Because I'm gonna be your roommate! Only...I'm undercover, so you have to call me Dai, who is just a regular school girl with no step-children." Daisuke rolled his eyes at her poor excuse for an explanation as he waited for Riku's reaction. She was infuriated.

"What? No fucking way, Daisuke," she huffed, folding her arms about her chest in a fit of disgust.

"You don't really have a choice in the matter, Riku," Daisuke added in half-heartedly. "I mean, she is paying for the room and Dai Suke is a registered student here."

"True, but she's actually not a student! What are you? Like 25?"

"How dare you!," Freedert fumed, immediately dashing into the bathroom to look at herself in the mirror. "I only just turned twenty, you fat cow! You'll be lucky if you look half as good when you get my age!" Riku shot up from the couch that she had plopped down onto only seconds before.

"Did that bitch just call me a fat cow? Daisuke, I'm not rooming with that haggard ass mess!" Riku eyed him with an air of finality, her eyes snapping to Freedert when she emerged from the bathroom.

"It's too late, Riku," Daisuke said quietly, trying to be as detached from the conversation as possible. "She's signed up already and she's paying just as much for this room as you are."

"Not if I go up there and tell them that she's not who she says she is." The smile working its way onto Riku's face only proved that she would in fact do just that, if need be. Daisuke shrank in his seat, feeling somewhat deflated. It would seem that he really wasn't one for female confrontation.

"Now, now...," Freedert cooed softly as she took a turn about the room, wearing a smile much like the one Riku was sporting. "I wonder what they would do to you, when they find out you've been sneaking boys up to your room. Boys...that don't even go here." The realization dawned on the brown-haired girl and even through her defeat, her glare was powerful.

"You wouldn't," she said with malice, her stare meeting the icy blue of another.

"Oh, I most certainly would." Their eye contact battle seemed to go on forever and Daisuke couldn't help but to feel slightly uncomfortable with the aura of doom and gloom settling about the place.

"Th-then it's settled," he cut in quietly, earning a glare from both of the girls for having broken their concentration. "We'll keep your secret in return for you keeping ours."

"Deal," the girls said in unison, returning to their bitch battle immediately thereafter. Daisuke nodded his head, before deciding that this would be the perfect opportunity to get the hell out of there and he did so with urgency. Just as the door clicked, signaling that it was fully shut, Daisuke sagged against it, shaking his head at the mess he fully knew this was going to turn into and with a long sigh, his eyes rolled towards the ceiling; his face dawning an expression of torment as the echoing bell sounded for the start of his next class. He was going to be late. Fuck...

"I thought you said he was going to be in this class, too," Krad drawled out disapprovingly as he pointed his nail file at the dark-haired male texting at the lab table next to his, paying him absolutely no mind. Dark's eyes flicked up from the screen of his phone just long enough to catch the irritated golden stare shooting off waves of judgement in his general direction. His lips twitched at the corners, somewhat amused that Krad actually thought that this staring act would affect him in the slightest.

"He is," was the reply that Krad received for his energy-waste of a display and he huffed, growing all the more impatient as the seconds rolled by; the second bell already tolling the end of the grace period for tardiness. After noting Krad's deflated expression, Dark smiled fully to himself, returning to his phone and getting deeply immersed in a game of Ametuer Surgeon. He had peeped Daisuke's schedule the day before, spotting it spread out among the boy's homework assignments as he made a point about adhering to the rules he had set and he thought to himself that Anatomy seemed like one of the worst classes on the list. Surprise, surprise! Dark chuckled to himself quietly thinking that it was just his luck, that of all the shitty classes he could've been placed in with the boy, he had the misfortune of getting thrown in this one.

"He better be, Dark," the blonde scoffed, halfheartedly, frowning at Dark's disinterest in his hopes and dreams. "If you got my hopes up for nothing, I swear, I'm gonna be fairly pissed at you." A perfectly arched brow raised at the statement and the violet one let it linger in the air before responding.

"If he doesn't turn up, you'll be lucky I'm in this class with you, Blondie," Dark said calmly, running a hand through his flawless violet tresses. "And you'll be grateful." Krad shuffled in his seat, wondering why everything this dude says always has to sound like a threat and then he immediately corrected himself, because everything usually is. Crossing his arms about his chest, Krad scanned the room of mixed students once more, just to be sure that he hadn't missed the small red-head coming in, which of course he hadn't. And on that note, he thought to himself that the institution might as well integrate the whole school as a co-ed facility, seeing as many of his classes ended up being that way anyhow. "Maybe...Nope. Not him." Krad's heart fell once more as a late straggler entered the class and made his way to the empty seat on the opposite side of Dark. He and Dark had chosen two lab tables at the back of the classroom; his being the farthest to the right and Dark's in the middle of the three back tables. The new student gave Dark a nod as he situated his things on the third table, getting a small nod of acknowledgement in return. In scanning the boy's station, a glimmer of shiny red packaging caught Dark's eye and since he'd gotten fucking blasted after leaving the cafeteria, snackage was a top priority at this point. "Doritos. Nice." Without a second thought, Dark lifted the chips from the new addition's bag and proceeded to open them.

"Hey! I was saving those," new guy explained in what was a cross between broken dreams and the utter disbelief that Dark had the balls to jack his shit whilst he was staring him blank in the face. Krad shook his head, just watching this whole display and fully knowing the outcome.

"Fight you for it," Dark offered calmly, midway through opening the package. The student took a moment to ponder, weighing the pros and cons, all the while sizing the violet one up. "You got 'til I open this bag to decide...Going...Going..." As the seconds passed, Dark got tired of slowly opening the chips and just ripped it the rest of the way. "No? Okay, fuck you, then."

"You're absolutely ridiculous, you know that right?," Krad asked, chuckling to himself as he continued to file away at his perfect nails. Dark just shrugged his shoulders, taking his first chip and chewing it extra loudly in response.

"He had a chance, man." As if to extend the olive branch, Dark glanced down at the Doritos and back to their former purchaser, who looked as though his heart had been ripped clean from his chest. "Want one?," he asked, extending the bag across the aisle for the boy to take and just as the guy reached for it, Dark pulled it back with a guttural laugh, shaking his head as he did. "PSYCH! Like I'ma share my chips with you after that dazzling display of pussification. Get the fuck outta here, dude."

"Stop being a dick, Darkie-poo. Just give him one, so he can stop looking in this general direction with the 'give-me-back-my-baby' stare," Krad sighed, lifting his cheek skin to determine its tautness. "I can't afford to be feeling all depressed, 'cause that shit is horrible for my complexion." Dark laughed aloud, neither of them noticing as the small red-head entered the premisis.

"Hey, what's so funny?," Daisuke asked, directing the question at Krad, seeing as he was the only one not all out cackling in some dude's face. Krad perked up immediately, beaming, which hopefully saved his youthful beauty for the time being.

"Douchebaggery at its finest," he replied motioning to the still snickering teen to his right. "Here, sit between us." Daisuke smiled weakly, taking the seat next to Dark, who had still yet to notice him.

"Bet you wish you could take back that nod, huh?" Smirking at his brokenhearted classmate, Dark was caught off guard as the crinkling of his Doritos bag alerted him to the fact that someone had just put their hand in it. His head whipped around immediately and in following the arm sticking out of his chips, he noted that this was not the first chip Daisuke had stolen as the boy was already chewing. "How are you so fucking stealthy?," he asked, remembering how Daisuke had made it all the way across the room without him noticing the first night they spent together. Daisuke just shrugged his shoulders, before turning to Krad and mouthing 'Is he...' and pantomiming upwards towards the skies, to which he got a 'Oh, fuck yeah' in return.

"I don't know how you guys do it," he huffed, thinking to himself that he'd be beyond freaking out, like everyone would just automatically know he was stoned. "Besides, I can barely get to class on time sober. Probably never even leave my dorm."

"You get used to it after a while," laughed the blonde, wishing he had taken a few minutes before class to get on Dark's level just for the shits and giggles. "And don't worry. The instructor hasn't even showed up yet." Just as he said this, a tall, slender man with glasses came hurrying in with his papers all disheveled.

"Forgive me for being a bit late, everyone. I had a meeting which ran a little longer than expected," he said hastily, apparently in such a rush to get to class that he'd winded himself along the way. At that, he turned to write his name in giant letters upon the blackboard, revealing to the class, a long tail of toilet paper dangling from the waistline of his khakis. There was a collective gasp from the students, and a few giggles as people looked to one another deciding whether or not to tell him about himself.

"Dude, you got T.P. sticking out of your drawls," Dark announced, loud and proud, saying what everyone else was thinking. "It's gotta be flossin' you something fierce, man. You can't tell me you don't feel that." The instructor paused mid-scrawl to slowly feel for the paper trail he was praying wasn't there, obvioisly blushing from the redness creeping up his neck.

"Dark, shhh! You're embarrassing him," Krad scoffed, truly feeling bad for the guy, especially since he was a little older with the salt 'n' pepper doo he was sporting.

"What? You guys seriously weren't gonna tell him?," he asked, shocked by this information. "Dude would have been even worse off, going through the rest of his day with doodoo paper stalkin' him everywhere he goes and on top of that, when he finds out he had shitty booty drawls all day and no one told him...I mean that would be...He'd probably off himself. You guys are the absolute worst. It's cool teach, I got'chu." Without a word, the teacher just sauntered out of the classroom, most likely to remove the offending tag-along.

"I know I tell you this all the time, Dark," Krad began, watching as Daisuke was going through the motions of a silent, gut-wrenching fit of laughter with tears streaming down his face. "But you are fucking ridiculous. Truly. 'He would probably off himself?' Really, Dark? Really?"

"Okay, I was just spitballing, so fuck you and your little judgy eyes. All I know is, the day will come for each and every one of us, where something super embarrassing is hanging off something super oblivious to us and people will have to choose whether or not to save us some shame. Personally, for the person who spares me that shame, I would give them the world at thier feet," Dark sighed, stretching as he did.

"For how long, though? At some point you'd have to have returned the favor," Daisuke chimed, having come down from his fit of laughter. He'd come to the conclusion that high Dark is way cooler than sober Dark, who is usually fucking scary.

"Ah, Dai, it depends. You can't be getting deep into this shit, you know?..."

"Oh, Lord. Here we go." Krad rolled his eyes, readying himself for the long 'Dark' train of thought that he so did not prepare for this afternoon.

"It depends what they found on you and where. How long it's been there. Who's seen it and also who's potentially seen it. I mean, dude...there are like so many factors that could play into this shit. Like whether or not you know the person who found the shit on you. Do you hate the person who found the shit on you? Come on, Dai. Give me a for instance."

"Well, okay...You're a girl and you've just started your period. You don't realize, because minutes before, you laughed so hard that you pissed yourself a little, so you figure that little sprinkle is gonna air dry itself out. Little do you know, that red flower is in full bloom and you've been walking around with noticeable period pants for three hours here at school..."

"Oh, man, this is getting good. This bitch got a rough life. I love it." Dark was leaning with his elbow on the table, resting his chin on his hand, so engulfed with the story, that his face was mere inches from the red-head's, who wasn't bothered in the least.

"Sandra, your worst enemy, just stole your boyfriend and she hasn't seen you at all today, but as soon as you walk past exchanging glares, she notices the menstruation on you and pulls you aside to tell you that you've got a fucking situation. How would you proceed?" Everyone including Krad began to listen intently to see just how far Dark would go for this heroine.

"Oh, fuck you, Red. This is a tough situation. You said this bitch stole my boo? When'd she do that?" He looked truly hurt by this hypothetical man-snatcher, and apparently that had some bearing on his outcome.

"Last week, and she crashed your birthday party on Saturday with him as her date. They both had a slice of your fucking cake." Dark stood up, pacing between the lab tables holding his chin in pure thought.

"What kind of cake was it?"

"As if that makes a difference. Baby, the point is, your two-timing boyfriend and this slutty bitch ate slices of your b-day cake at the party you didn't invite them to, but for your sanity, we'll say it's red velvet." Both Krad and Daisuke exchanged 'oh shit' glances, when once again the red-head dropped the 'b-bomb' as a term of endearment, smiling to eachother as the word clearly flew over Dark's head. A couple of girls in the room caught it and the few scattered 'Awww's' were proof of that.

"Aight, I got it," Dark said finally, after pacing in silence for what seemed like forever. "Me and this girl have been beefin' for a week now, but we don't know if she was my friend before she stole my man. I'm gonna assume I didn't know this bitch before she trampled my relationship, so that's my only problem from the jump. It's cold how she crashed my b-day, though. But! We don't know if my man wanted to take her to my party to make me jealous. He could be the one masterminding all that shady shit. Either way, I'm mad at the both of them, 'cause she should fucking know better." By this point, the teacher had come back to class and completed writing his name on the board, which was Alfred Remmington. Dark noticed him out of the corner of his eye and turned to meet his gaze. "I'll have to finish tellin' you tonight, Dai. You got the floor, Freddy."

"Oh, no please! Continue your story," Mr. Remmington offered happily, most likely as his thank you for taking away his shame. "We've only about twenty minutes left of class and I've only got papers to hand out. It's just getting interesting, too."

"Oh, dope. Okay so, my take on it is that, although these ratched ass people copped some of my Bomb dot com red velvet cake, I can't be mad at them. If I dropped in on a party with red velvet, guaranteed, I would smash that shit, too." He licked his lips just thinking about it, and then added an extra nod of reassurance like 'fuck yeah, I'd still eat that shit.' "Now, assuming I don't know this girl, we got beef, she ate my cake, whatever...And I've been walking around this school for three hours with my uterus on the back of my ass and nobody, but this one bitch says anything about it? Dude, when I get off the rag, I'm letting that bitch fuck me any way she wants. I would get beyond nasty for this girl."

"Are you serious, Dark? You don't even like this girl!," Krad spat out, obviously in the 'thanks for the tip, bitch, but I still hate you' boat.

"Blondie, how often do I see you in between classes?"

"Every break, for sure...Unless, one of us is doin' a snack run," he thought aloud, unsure where Dark was going with this.

"And we're dudes." Krad's eyes widened at the thought and he nodded in agreement, even though most of the other students were lost. "My point, guys, is that I fucking hate that dick stealing wench. She even knows I hate her and probably feels the same. Me being a guy, I see my friends on most breaks. If I don't, it's cool. It's whatever, but girls? They see their friends on scheduled breaks, breaks they set up to all go to the bathroom at the same time, lunch breaks. Dude any fucking break, these girls jump on that shit like a sale at the mall. But if I'm walking around for three hours with noticeable blood-soaked everything and none of my friends let me know? I don't have any fucking friends, then. The only friend I have is the fucking bitch whole stole my man. And she had the decency to be fucking discrete about it? That's a down bitch. So yes, if she told me I've been walkin' around wearing a slasher flick for three fucking hours, she could for damn sure have my pussy on a golden platter everday for about a week. The unfortunate length of most women's periods."

"I think most of us here would agree with that logic, Mr...," Mr. Remmington began, starting a round of applause for that glorious breakdown of saving shame.

"Mousy. Dark Mousy." He gave a small bow for his stunning performance, earning a smile from his red-headed companion, who just as Dark turned towards him, noticed a small Doritos crumb nestled right at the juction between his upper and lower lips.

"Dark," Daisuke said quietly, capturing his full on attention. He reached up and wiped the tiny cheese particle away, before being rewarded with a delighted grin.

"Doesn't that feel nice? Helping someone out like that? I'm telling you, Red. It's good karma." Just as he'd thought this, he turned to send a sideways glance at the guy he'd stolen the chips from. "You were gonna let me walk around all day with crumbs on my face, huh?" The guy seemed like he was on edge, possibly because even though he didn't admit it, he probably did see the crumbs and refused to say anything. It was as if he could have shat his pants at any moment. "Aight, I got'chu."

"What do you mean by that?," he asked quickly, as if all of a sudden the universe had restored the gift of speech to him.

"I mean...," Dark began, as a slow smirk formed on his now crumb-free lips. "Hey, can I have one of those chips?!" The question was loud enough for Mr. Remmington to take heed and he was immediately on high alert.

"Hey! You in the back!," he yelled pointing at the dumbfounded student. "No food or drink in the lab! You're on my list, son." Dark had placed the bag of chips on the boy's desk, so smoothly, that he almost didn't realize that he was the one being chastised.

"Good for you, Dickless," Dark cooed at him sweetly, rising because he knew the bell was going to ring any second. "I left all the crumbs just for you. Score 1-0 and I got all year to keep tallying." Both Krad and Daisuke rolled their eyes at the one-sided rivalry unfolding before them. Not seconds later, did the bell ring to signal the class' end and all at once, the students began to siege the exit, scrambling from their seats on cue.

"Where are ya headed, Daisuke?," the tall blonde asked, after having had a near collision with one of the other students, stopping full on and trying his best to avoid any contact whatsoever with a look of utter repulsion. Daisuke laughed at his reaction, but was cut short at the sudden rush of warmth that engulfed him as Dark caught up to the pair of them. The boy hadn't completely forgotten his lunchtime incident and his hand unconsciously drifted towards his teethmark laden neck as he tried to rub away the still lingering sensation of Dark's mouth on his skin. This action wasn't lost on the violet one and he smirked at Daisuke, setting the boy's nerves on edge.

"A-ah, I'll be on the second floor for, uh, f-for Chemistry." Catching this little exchange of glances and the effect they caused, Krad narrowed his golden eyes at the instigator, who just shrugged his shoulders nonchalantly, all the while cockily smiling to himself.

"Oh! I'm going that way, anyways, so I'll walk with you." There was a noticeable sigh of relief that seemed to radiate off of Daisuke like a wave of silent gratitude and Krad, being Krad, just needed to get to the bottom of it. The three of them continued down the endless hallway at a surprisingly brisk pace, as it seemed as though people shifted out of the way just to let them pass. It was at that point that Daisuke made up his mind to travel with them wherever he went, because it would certainly increase his chances of getting to class on time. "Hey, Dark. We kickin' it after?," he asked, right as they began ascending the marble stairway. Dark took a second to think on it, then shook his head, looking a little downcast.

"Nah, I've got that thing today." Krad raised a brow, as if wondering what it was that Dark truly had to do and then, as if in a crystal moment of clarity, he mouthed 'ohhh,' suddenly remembering and cursing himself for letting it slip his mind in the first place.

"Bummer," he sighed, shaking his head at Daisuke when the boy looked to him for some sort of detailed explanation. The red-head merely nodded in response, figuring it mut be really personal, so he could deal with the not knowing for the time being.

"You have no fucking idea, dude." With that, both Daisuke and Krad trailed off onto the second floor platform as Dark continued up the stairs without so much as a farewell. They walked on for a while, slowing once they reached the Algebra III classroom, where Krad paused, staring at Daisuke with a look of worry.

"What's up," the red-head asked, slightly confused by the aura of doom and gloom that wafted around Krad like a bad spirit.

"N-nothing...It's just...," he began, debating on whether or not he should say what he was truly thinking. "You would tell me if someone was bothering you, wouldn't you?" Daisuke was a little taken aback, not because of the fact that Krad had asked, but rather that he had said 'someone,' not 'something.' He gave a weak smile in the hopes of assuaging Krad's worries.

"Why would you ask that?" The question came out as more of a thought, than an actual reply. The look of sadness Krad was throwing at the boy didn't make Daisuke feel any better about skirting around his confusion toward the matter of Dark.

"It's just a gut feeling. You seem a bit on edge, is all."

"Nothing's been bothering me, Krad. I'm totally fine," Daisuke replied cheerfully, pleading with the heavens that this was enough to satisfy this conversation. Krad frowned slightly, but nodded anyhow, turning to enter his last period.

"I only want you to know that you could come to me...about anything," he said quietly over his shoulder as he stepped through the threshold. "Anything, Daisuke." Daisuke watched Krad's back as he walked on into his class, noting the whistful change in his attitude as he greeted some friends from the previous year, his joyous expression lighting up his entire being. I want to be that happy, he thought to himself, turning on his heel and continuing down the hall towards the Chem lab.

Mr. Shimizu spent the majority of the class period going over matter. What makes up matter. What makes up the things that make up matter. All things, that in Daisuke's train of thought, didn't seem to matter much at all. He couldn't for the life of him, shake the feeling of Krad's pity from his brain. Am I that obvious with my emotions, or is Krad just super duper observant? Does everyone know I'm secretly going through some shit that I, myself don't even fucking understand? Does he know he's affecting me in the slightest? His mind rolled, obsessing over every teeny tiny moment, trying to pinpoint the exact frame of time in which Krad may or may not have noticed his disposition's decline. Gathering his things, Daisuke made a less than hasty exit to the hall, noticing not a soul passing him, so engulfed in his inner turmoil. Daisuke took a deep breath in an attempt to clear his mind, before blindly rounding a corner and crashing smack-dab into an innocent on-comer.

"Jesus Christ, man! Watch where you're g-," Risa snapped, cutting herself off as Daisuke came into focus, ass-flat on the floor across from her.

"S-sorry, Risa. I wasn't even paying attention," he coughed out, rubbing his backside as he struggled to get up. He held out a hand for her to take as she righted herself, shortly thereafter.

"Thanks." She dusted off her pleated skirt, before glancing back up at him with a toothy grin. "Hey, come with me! I'm heading out to the activities building to sign up for Drama." He had been meaning to take a look into the club for Krad, anyway. Returning her grin, he held out his arm, motioning her to lead the way, which she did happily by snatching his outstretched hand and yanking him along with her.

The activities building was alive with the throngs of students heading to and from their respected clubs. Exiting the south wing of the main building - the one right between Akune and Amame High, you were set upon a winding, stone slab pathway, taking you up a slight hill towards the activities building, which was beset on all sides by marvelous gardens. The four story structure was all stone and although there was nothing really extravagant about it architecturally, it still held a certain charm.

"Almost all of the extracurricular club activities happen here, Daisuke," Risa sang, so excited to show him all of the sights. Daisuke was in awe of everything, gawking at nearly every sight he saw. "Look, over there is the Wellness club. They do Tai Chi on Tuesdays and Thursdays...And over in the rose garden, the Art club is practicing still life charcoal drawings. I went by yesterday and they have Ryuuga posing for all of their work this week. Couldn't you just die?!"

"I don't even know who that is," he mentioned thoughtfully, watching the Wellness club go through their moves on a large tatami platform beneath a gently swaying willow as they passed by.

"Only the hottest guy on the alternate rugby team last year." She swooned at the thought of him, biting her lip and closing her eyes as her head fell back in remembrance. "Oh, Daisuke, if you only knew what I would do for him..." Although, the mention of the things she would do, made him curious, the red-head blushed and decided that some things are better left unknown. He continued to trail her, passing a few other clubs along the way; the most interesting of which, was the Chess club, where the tension in the air was so thick, it was nearly tangible and still, there was complete silence. "Prepare yourself," she announced, halting him just before the entrance to the theater. "What you're about to witness is pure amazement." And with that, she let him pass through one of the three curtain-laden archways into what was like nothing he'd ever seen.

"Oh my God," was all that he could manage, as the space came into full view. The theater was fully decked out in plush burgundy tapestries every which way you turned, lined with golden cording and extravagant embroideries. There was enough seating to cater to the entire student body and most likely a second, as well, with balcony and box seats to boot. Each seat was framed with cherry woodwork and upholstered with a similar fabric as that of the curtains and in between each section were long walkways lit up by soft gold lighting. The stage was far more vast than anything he would imagine, stretching the full length of the far end of the expansive room. He couldn't even begin to wonder what the plays must be like with a set up like this.

"It's beautiful, huh?," Risa asked, following his gaze to the enormous chandeliers which gave off a dim elegant glow. "This is my favorite place on the entire campus." Daisuke nodded, having found it to be his favorite as well.

"I just have one question." She met his eyes expectantly and he instantly beamed. "Where do we sign up?" Squealing, she leapt into action, once again taking his hand and skipping down one of the aisles to the backstage doors; Daisuke keeping up as best he could.

Dark stood in front the stark white building downtown on the corner of 6th and Huntington. He'd been here countless times before and every time, the feeling is the same. Checking his phone, he clocked the time, which informed him that he had a whole five minutes to wait and dread the coming hour and a half. He sighed, rolling his eyes to the heavens and like usual, he contemplated just skipping the whole ordeal and suffering the repercussions later.

"You're early," called a slender woman, dressed in a business casual get-up. Her short brown bob and chocolaty stare were a perfect contrast to her pointed features, and something about her manner of carrying herself told you she knew it. Dark gave her a brief nod, sighing once again as he realized he'd missed his chance to leave. Smiling as she crossed his path, she opened the door to the white-washed building and held it for him. "After you." The downtrodden violet one strolled into the office building, completely bypassing the receptionist who unabashedly ogles him every time he comes in, which was the entire reason he started waiting outside. Taking a quick left, he trudged up the stairs to the office of Emiko Narita, Ph.D. and plopping down onto his favorite leather chase. "So..."

"So...," Dark repeated, figuring he'd let her start with her routine. The sooner she started asking him questions, the better, as the time would soon fly by and he could get back actually living. Emiko raised her brow, jotting something down in her file, before strutting over and taking a seat in the chair across from the now solemn teen.

"What's new, since we last met?" Silence fell upon the room as she waited for Dark's response.

"You changed your perfume," he finally said, re-situating himself on the chase so that he was lying down now; his arms folded across his chest limply. Rolling his eyes at the sound of her pen scrolling across his file, he huffed. Everything about this place felt so clinical, it was unnerving.

"That's nice of you to notice, Dark, but I want to know what's new with you," she professed, never losing even a bit of her cool. They made eye contact for a split second; Dark's sideways glance offering a glimpse of the cold barrier Emiko had been trying and failing to break through for years.

"School's back in," Dark said quietly, waving his hand about like 'here, snack on this tidbit of info.' "It's super exciting." Emiko didn't miss the dull sarcasm lacing his statement, but she would take what she could get, this time around.

"Let's start there," Emiko began, crossing her legs and resting Dark's file on top of them, so that she could better focus on the topic at hand. "How do you like your new room? I hear we've set you up with the best accomodations." Dark closed his eyes for a moment, then turned to glance at her, smiling slightly.

"Room's great," he sighed, stretching out further on the couch. "The views nice and it's so quiet with just me in there. Sometimes it's so muted, I think I can even hear the blood rushing through my veins. It's how I know I'm alive." The doctor smiled to herself, licking her lips a little and the irritation was evident, but she quickly controlled herself, jotting yet another note on the files in her lap.

"Have you made any new friends, yet?" Dark wouldn't exactly say he'd made any friends. In all honesty he didn't feel like he was the type of guy to actively reach out. If you count Dickless...Yeah, he counts.

"A few." The long pause before his answer had Emiko a little skeptical, but then again he'd have no real reason to lie about that. The fact that he'd even opened up at all, was an improvement in and of itself, as this was the most he'd ever spoken to her in any of their sessions together. She was usually only tossing out questions into the silent void.

"Would you like to tell me about them?," she inquired, her eyes following the violet one as he removed himself from the chase and strolled across the room to appreciate the many books of her wall length shelves. The silence stretched for so long that she was beginning to think he hadn't heard her question. "Would you say that they could potentially become good friends?" She got a shrug. "Dark, this doesn't work if you don't communicate. You should feel comfortable enough to open up here. It's a safe place."

"Is it?" The intense stare he passed her over his shoulder had her suddenly speechless. It wasn't so much a glare, but rather that in making the eye contact, it seemed as though Dark had plenty to say, he just wasn't in a sharing mood. He took her inability to speak as a sign and nodded to himself, before sauntering back over to his spot on the couch.

"O-of course it is," Emiko finally said, catching the return of Dark's usually stoic expression, which she refers to as 'Shut Down mode.' She made a last attempt to coax him back into Wake mode, but for Dark, she had permanently missed her chance. "You can say anything you want here. It's only you and I, Dark. Nothing you say here will ever leave this room."

"Unless my confessions imply an intent to harm myself or others," he elaborated tiredly. "I know. You've given me the whole spiel on a couple of occasions."

"So let's talk," she offered, kicking off her expensive heels and folding her legs under her in the leather armchair she was on. Emiko wondered whether or not making herself look more relaxed would help him to be more relaxed and open as well. "That's all we're doing here. Just talking."

"I think I'm gonna go, instead. " Dark stared at the plush carpet, trailing the designs with his gaze, before pushing himself up from his seat. Emiko shook her head at him, tapping the face of her watch as she did.

"We still have almost thirty minutes left, Dark." He released a loud sigh, turning back towards the couch and basically falling onto it in a dramatic display of discontent. "Come on. I'm not so bad. Talk to me, I'm sure I can help."

"Help me with what?," the disgruntled teen huffed, pulling out his phone as he began playing an intense round of Gung Fu 2. "I'm pretty sure I haven't sent out any distress signals, as of late." Emiko chuckled quietly, flipping through the tabs of Dark's fairly extensive file.

"Maybe...But I can tell you're troubled," she spoke sorrowfully, noting the small frown creep onto his lips, even as he focused nearly completely on his game. "And whether you ask for it or not, I'm a sucker for troubled souls. I know I can help you, Dark. You only need to let me."

"I've already got Krad tending to my troubled soul and trust me, he's more than enough for me, right now," he assured her, dropping his phone onto his belly, before running his fingers through his hair and checking for any split ends. "I don't need another do-gooder poking around in my deep...dark...unmentionables."

"Just for fun, then. A wager." At this, Dark's amethyst irises floated towards her until they rested on ones of a mahogany marble. She had his attention. "If you don't leave here today feeling any better than you did before you got here, then I'll stop pestering you. You can just come here and bring something to do from here on out. But! If, however, I have helped you in some way, you have to promise to let me in a little."

"That's not really fair," he said shortly. "I always feel fantastic when I leave here...because I'm leaving."

"Dark, I-"

"Just tell me what the fuck it is you want me to say," he spat out, rubbing his face in frustration. "I'm so fucking sick of this back and forth with you. I don't want to be here and this definitely can't be all that fun for you. Stop beating around the bush and get to whatever the fuck it is you wanna know."

"Okay," Emiko conceded, tossing down his file and interlocking her fingers as she rested her chin upon them. "Why don't you tell me about that night, Dark." Oh fuck, here we go.

"I can't tell you what I don't remember." His tone was cold and flat, immediately reverting him back into Shut Down mode.

"You don't remember anything at all? No glimpses?" Dark gave here a sideways glance, shaking his head slightly as he re-situated himself, draped across the length of the couch. "Do you ever have any dreams about that time?"

"No." Almost every night since.

"Would you be open to hypnosis? I know a man in up-," Emiko began, getting cut off by a mere raising of his hand.

", I don't do that shit and frankly, if my mind chose to smudge that memory out of existence, it was probably for good reason. I don't want to remember. Even if I had, I don't suppose I would want to tell anyone about it, much less you," he said with an air of finality, throwing a quick look at his phone. "If that's all, I think we're done here." He was out the door before Emiko had even had a chance to check her watch. He left right at six and she exhaled a long breath as once again, she'd failed to get through to him.

"Fuck you, you tacky little last-season embarrassment," Krad exploded, giving Keiji the death glare of a lifetime, his molten irises glinting under the stage lights that were being tested. Keiji looked as though the blonde had murdered his puppy in front of his very eyes, so shocked and hurt by his accusation.

"I would never wear outdated clothing. How dare you. No!," he barked, swatting away at Funabashi who was trying to tell him to calm down. "How fucking dare you! You see, this is why I don't want you here!"

"Oh, please. That top...obviously two seasons ago," Krad drawled out coolly, folding his arms about his chest and eyeing the heated man down. "Two dollars at HM at this very moment on the 'Final Sale' rack. Get out of here." Funabashi had to grab Keiji, catching him seconds before he was about to throw a swing at the now cackling fashionista.

"I swear to all that is holy, princess! Next time I see you in the street, it is on!," he seethed; his entire face reddened with anger.

"Yeah okay, and hopefully I'll see you with a better outfit when you do," Krad hissed, tossing his ponytail over his shoulder. "If not, it's cool too. I'll just have to tear up your style and your face, you fucking twat monster."

"Hey. Hey. Hey! What is going on guys?," Daisuke asked hastily, after running up on the scene; he and Risa hand in hand. Both Krad and Funabashi looked to him immediately, Keiji having been too heated to notice him at first, breathing like a rabid animal.

"This ridiculous excuse for an actual human being says he won't let me join drama, because he's afraid that I'm a better performer than him," Krad accused, flicking his eyes at the person in question. "I mean, I'm pretty much better at everything else compared to him, but he's too stingy to let me have this one, too." Risa chuckled at this, while Daisuke, being the better person, tried to control himself.

"Everyone deserves a chance to be in your productions, Keiji," the red-head said quietly, with a genuine look of concern. "You don't have to like Krad, but you do have to be fair. If he wants to join the club, you can't exclude him based on prejudice."

"That's exactly what I told him." Keiji frowned at Funabashi, who was supposed to be on his side in all matters. The dark haired male broke the eye contact in utter dejectedness, but giving the blonde a little discomfort now, would save him a bunch of trouble later, if Krad decided to take it to the board.

"Yeah, you let us join, no questions," Risa added, offering Krad a wink, which he immediately returned.

"Why am I the bad guy in this? I can tell just by looking at him, that he wouldn't be fit for any of our roles."

"Really? You can tell just by looking at me, but you don't understand why people automatically assume you're the bad guy, with that tired, haggard-ass face of yours?" Daisuke couldn't help himself, this time. He burst into laughter, shaking his head at Krad while offering his apologies to Keiji, who once again looked heart-wrenchingly sad. "Come on, man. This is the only club I wanna join and shittily enough, it's headed up by you. You're gonna need me if you actually want people to come see your shows."

"Like I would let you join with that attitude? No fucking way," Keiji scoffed, shrugging Funabashi off of him. "The only way you're getting in, is over my dead body." Krad pressed a finger to his pursed lips, pulled out his phone, and began to text. "No witty responses left, I'm guessing?" The tall blonde raised his amber eyes from his screen momentarily, holding up his index finger as if to say 'one moment.'

"No...I'm just texting Dark to see if he knows anyone who would dispose of you for a decent price," Krad said matter of factly, before pausing in thought. "Wait, what am I thinking? He'd probably do it for free. Family discount and all." The group all grew quiet, unanimously thinking that of all the people they've seen Krad with, Dark seems the most likely to be up for something like that.

"Family discount?," Daisuke asked, more confused by the implication of family ties than the fact that Dark may or may not be hitman material.

"Oh, didn't I tell you Dark's my brother, albeit from another mother?," Krad replied, thinking for sure, at this point, the fact was common knowledge. But then again, how could Daisuke know this, having just met him? "My parents adopted him when he was four and now, he's more of a brother than my actual brother. Ha! Imagine that." It all came together for the red-head and he could now stop racking his brain over why both Dark and Krad seemed to have such similar mannerisms. "But...this aside, are you gonna let me join or not?"

"Not," Keiji spat, smiling at Krad with a look of pure triumph. Funabashi just shook his head, giving Krad a sympathetic glance.

"Then I quit," Daisuke said coldly, once again taking Risa's hand. "I was only joining because Krad was going to and you don't seem like the type of person I want to associate myself with. Let's go guys." Both Krad and Risa turned on their heels with an identical snap, so that their hair swished dramatically as a sign of farewell. Panic began to set in for the dirty blonde who just had the potential love of his life river dance on his heart. The trio almost made it all the way to the door before he stopped them.

"Fine! You can join, but don't think this means I'm going to stand by and let you treat me any kind of way, Krad!," he yelled from a distance, earning a satisfied grin from the target of his little rant.

"I bet you'll take it any way I dish it, ya fruit cake." The last thing Krad saw before turning the corner was Funabashi once again holding Keiji back from accomplishing his 'surprise' attack. "Queen status!"

"Boys, I better be heading off," Risa said after quickly checking the time on her phone. "I was supposed to meet my roommate for dinner ten minutes ago! Wish me luck, 'cause she just hates when I'm late!" They wished her luck, blinking to one another as she skipped off, rather than running.

"I'm gonna have dinner with Satoshi here in a bit as well. You're more than welcome to join, if y'ant." Daisuke appreciated the offer, but declined anyhow.

"Can't. I'm probably gonna grab something in town," he said, smiling brightly at Krad's 'how-dare-you-reject-me' expression. "Risa escorted me to the Yearbook club so I could join. I'm gonna see if I can find a decent camera, while I'm out."

"Oh, great! I hope you find a really nice one!" A small beep alerted Krad to receiving a new message on his phone and he and Daisuke stalled in the middle of the hall as he paused to check it. Opening the text, Krad instantly beamed, giggling to himself, before all out cracking up, handing the phone to Daisuke to see. The red-head skimmed over the screen, which held the conversation between Dark and Krad over the Keiji situation. Daisuke thought that the blonde was merely joking about sending the text, but in seeing it for himself, he cracked up as well. The conversation was as follows:

"Hey, D. 'Member that douchey little twat monger at lunch today?"

"Which one?" As if to indicate that there was more than one 'douchey little twat monger' present at lunch.

"Y'know. Busted. Wishes he was me. Hates himself for it."


"He's getting on my last nerve."

"I care?"

"You don't. Take care of him for me, though. Pretty please? =] =] =]"


"Don't waste that much energy. Just scare him a little. *Heart*"

"No bones. I got'chu."

"You are a mess," Daisuke said cheekily, before handing the phone back to Krad.

"I know, I'm terrible, but that guy is, too," Krad sighed in thought. "I still can't believe he knew that was a knockoff Marchesa. I really need to up my brand game."

"I couldn't tell it was fake." The 'poor you' stare Krad sent his way had no effect on the boy and he just grinned in response.

"We'll have to work on your untrained eyes, Daisuke. When you're good enough, I'll let you help me bargain shop," he chided, mussing up Daisuke's unruly locks as they exited the activities building. "Breakfast tomorrow?"

"You got it!"

"Cool, find a fantastic camera tonight, so you can capture how fucking good I look tomorrow." With that, Krad strutted on down the path to the main building to meet up with Satoshi and Daisuke continued on a side path, leading him to the front gates, where he would begin his dissent into town.

The walk into town took about fifteen minutes, due to the fact that Daisuke took his time, strolling as he enjoyed the beautiful weather. It was warm with a soft breeze and every which way you looked, there were seas of green that danced in the wind. The smell of nature filled his lungs and he found that in that moment, he was truly content. Town was littered with people walking about, popping in and out of stores and dining on outdoor terraces. All of the buildings were of stone and they held a sort of Gothic architecture that made Daisuke feel like he could've gone way back in time. It was as if an old-timey village got invaded by the industries and just exploded with shops and restaurants, while keeping its original framework. He walked on, marveling at the sights and thinking to himself that he would make a point to visit each and every store in town during his stay at school. There seemed to be one for anything and everything you could ever need, he thought, after passing a sewing store that was situated right next to a tackle shop on one side and a bike shop on the other.

"You are the absolute worst." The loud statement came out like a smack in the face as Daisuke scanned around to see if the speaker was talking to him. Noticing the confused look on his face, Riku spoke a little louder to guide his attention her way. "Over here, buddy."

"R-Riku! I wasn't expecting to see you out here," he said happily walking over to where she sat on a bench in front of an ice cream parlor. She must have just left it, too, because she was eating a double scoop of mint chocolate chip in a waffle cone. "How are things with you and Freedert...or I should say, Dai?"

"Fucking terrible," she scoffed, boring into his soul with her heated stare. "This is my third time today coming into town. I didn't even make it to my last two classes of the day, 'cause I was arguing with her so long, we were late for third period. So late in fact, we reached the point of 'fuck it' and I offered to take her into town for some dorm items. God damn that girl can shop." He nodded his head knowingly, having been the victim of one of Freedert's shopping excursions on more than one occasion.

"Yeah, she's a little extreme, but she kind of grows on you after a while. Did you just come into town by yourself, or are you waiting on someone?" Riku stared down at her feet, her sad expression matching that of her ever-melting ice cream.

"I think I've been stood up," she explained, glancing at her watch for what seemed like the millionth time. "I was supposed to meet up with that guy from earlier and he's almost an hour and a half late." Daisuke blushed, remembering the guy he'd walked in on her with, just hours earlier.

"I'm sorry," he said, truly feeling for her. "But, hey. I know you're probably tired of shopping, but I'm in town looking for a camera, if you wanna help me find a good one." She lit up at his suggestion, thinking if she was gonna be stood up, she might as well make the best of it.

"I'd love to," she chimed, tossing her entire ice cream into the trash and beckoning Daisuke to follow her.

Dark casually ventured through the activities building, popping in on every club he passed, just checking out the vibes. Everywhere he went, people would stop what they were doing and then try to suck him in, in the hopes that he would join their club. He even spent about twenty minutes posing for the Art club's charcoal drawings, before getting bored and randomly walking off mid-session.

"Dark! Do you wanna come take a look at our Agriculture club?," this random student called out to him from the door to his left as he came down the hall. Dark took in this question, thought on it for a split second, and then shook his head.

"No, not at all." His deadpan stare shut down any glimmer of hope this guy had. "But you could show me the Drama club." At this, the Ag club member hopped to it and led Dark down a series of hallways on the first floor towards the theater. He stopped at one of the curtained entrances and gestured for Dark to go in, getting the nod of approval as he did. Making his way down one of the long aisles, Dark ran his hand over every one of the seats he passed, taking in the view as he moved along. "Dope." He poked his head through one of the backstage doorways and then entered, checking out some of the people inspecting their respective equipment. A couple of students noticed him looking around and immediately started the whispering; a few girls silently freaking out. Dark paid them no mind, just perusing the area, spotting an ice cold bottle of Gold Peak tea resting on a toolbox, seemingly unopened. He strolled on over, twisting the cap and taking a nice, long swig.

"Dark Mousy," Keiji called out, having heard the chit chat about. Dark turned towards him and offered a small nod as he placed the tea back where he found it. "To what do I owe this pleasure?" Total douchey twat monger.

"I'm interested in your club," he said quietly, waving his hand at the general vicinity. "Show me around." Keiji's brow twitched at the demand, but something told him it would be a lot easier for him in the long run if he just went along with it. He proceeded to lead the way, giving Dark a tour of the behind the scenes deal.

"...And this is the costume design area," he said as they entered a nearly barren room, save for a few sewing machines, a wall of fabric, and a rolling cart filled with sewing essentials. "As you can see, we haven't any costumes, yet. We haven't decided which play will be our first of the year, but as soon as we do, this room will be packed with pe-" Keiji was cut off abruptly as he was slammed into the far wall; Dark's hand covering his mouth.

"Dude, you talk way too fucking much," Dark professed quietly, his face merely inches from the blonde's. Keiji looked as if he could piss his pants at any moment. "I'm guessing you know why I'm here." The boy said something, but it was muffled by the strong hand clasped over half of his face. Dark peeled his fingers off slowly, gripping Keiji's neck instead.

"K-Krad s-sent you," he stuttered, blinking furiously in an attempt to somewhat break the eye conact. Everywhere he glanced, he was met with Dark's violet stare.

"That's right." The dirty blonde jumped at this response, slightly flipping out at this point. "Ah, ah, ah. Don't worry. I'm really just here to deliver a message." The smile carving its way onto Dark's lips was borderline malicious.

"What message?"

"You see, I've been hearing things about you lately and I've gotta tell you, I don't like what I hear," he began, tightening his grip on Keiji's throat, feeling the jugular pulse beneath his fingers. "Now, what you need to understand is that I'm usually the last resort when it comes to things that need to be delicately handled and it surprised me, that today I was the very first call. That really tells me something about you."

"W-what does it tell you?" Dark peered up at the boy from under his lashes, exhaling an irritated sigh.

"Well, first off, you just interrupted my speech, which I can't agree with in the slightest. So...fuck you, on that note. This isn't looking good for all," he snickered sinisterly, so enjoying the look of utter terror coating Keiji's features - the blood draining completely from his face. "What it tells me, is that you've been fucking with the wrong people...because when you fuck with people close to me, you're fucking with me by extension. You don't ever want to fuck with me. I promise you this."

"Oh, shit," Keiji squeaked, struggling in vain as Dark pulled a switchblade from his pocket, flipping it open for him to see.

"Oh, shit is right, indeed," he mocked, watching Keiji's eyes dart towards the door. Turning his head towards the door as well, Dark noted that the coast was still fully clear and his pupils slid to the corners of his eyes, staring back at the guy who was now writhing to break free; a smirk dawning his lips. "No, no, no...look at me." He pointed the blade at himself, capturing Keiji's full attention. "Whoa, nice eyes." He stared deeply into those emerald orbs of distress, before positioning the tip of the switch blade so closely to one of them, that Keiji could feel his lashes scrape against the steel as he blinked, much too afraid to struggle at this point. "Now, this is my first and only warning. You ever give Krad a reason for me to come see you again, I'll carve out those nice eyes of yours and then tie them to your shoe laces so that everywhere you go, your point of view will be from your place in the world - at the very bottom. I trust you won't forget again." With that, he released his hold on Keiji and turned to walk away, but not before giving him a long once over. "By the way, that shirt is last season."

"It's not last season...," Keiji whispered to himself, as he straightened the fabric of the shirt in question. Dark threw an 'Mhm, sure...keep telling yourself that' glance over his shoulder and in seeing the expression of total embarrassment as the realization of the violet one hearing his comment set in, he snickered, shaking his head as he continued on his way. It wasn't long before Dark found his way back to the equipment area and he smirked when he saw the boy from Anatomy examining his tea with a quizzical brow.

"What's up, Dickless," he greeted nonchalantly, passing him a nod as he approached the scene.

"D-Dark! U-um, n-nothing," the boy replied, offering a nod as well, however twitchy and nervous as it was. Dark stood there for a moment, sliding his hands into his pockets and just flat out staring at the man, quietly enjoying the nervewracking effect he had on him.

"I took a sip of your drink," he said at length, eyeing the Gold Peak he had opened with absolutely no regard for the person it belonged to.

"Oh, th-that's okay." There was a sort of relief at the idea that Dark had opened the drink and not some random psycho out to poison him. Dickless shrugged and, as if to reiterate that he didn't mind, he took his first sip of the tea and replaced it on the toolbox, but not before producing a pear from its contents.

"What is that?," Dark asked in wonder, having never seen a red pear, or any unprocessed pear for that matter, up close and personal. Dickless stared at him in confusion and then shook the pear in a silent question of 'this?'.

"It's a pear," he said in response, frowning when Dark beckoned for him to offer it up, with a slight wave of his hand, raising just one brow when the boy appeared to be hesitating. He got the pear. Taking a large bite of the fruit, after first wiping it on his shirt, there was a moment of debate, followed by a disgusted scowl. The violet one glanced around and in seeing no trash can, he just spit the partially chewed bolus of pear out in one action; the rejection resulting in bits and pieces of fruit splattered upon the slate floor.

"That's disgusting," Dark announced coolly, staring blankly at the boy who could not for the life of him believe that Dark had actually hocked the mass onto the floor. "Yeah...Take care of that for me." Broken from his thought, Dickless quickly jumped to action, catching the once bitten pear that was soon after hurled back at him. "Catch you later." With that, Dark left, not once waiting for a farewell from the dude currently cleaning up his mess. He did, however, take off with the Gold Peak tea Dickless had left on the toolbox, enjoying a swig of it as he exited the activities building.

"I really appreciate the help, Riku," Daisuke chimed as they vacated the Photography shop. He had purchased a Nikon D80, fetching a reasonable price for it, too, as far as first camera prices go.

"Not a problem," she replied, smiling at him while they casually strolled down the sidewalk. "It's the least I could do, after you helped me get over being stood up. I really am having a lot of fun." Daisuke returned the smile, almost completely forgetting the fact that he had walked up on her eating away her feelings.

"Don't even sweat that guy, Riku. He's not even worth your time." He scanned her for a moment, noting the sad, despondent expression creep onto her features, and that slightly wounded aura led him to believe she really wasn't over getting stood up. Not even close. Riku, having caught him watching her, poorly covered up her crestfallen disposition with a weak smile.

"You're right, Dai," she said, gaining courage and a sense of self-worth as she agreed with him. "He's not gonna know what to do when I find someone who respects me. I look damn good, if I say so myself and I'm pretty sure there are plenty of guys willing to be everything I need and more."

"Exactly," Daisuke sang, stopping in front of an Italian bakery and marveling at the window display. "You're beautiful and you deserve someone who lives and breathes only to make sure you know it." At this, she beamed; a true grin lighting up her face as she took Daisuke's hand and led him into the shop.

"Thanks, Daisuke," she oozed, squeezing his hand as she did. "I really needed that." He matched her grin with his own and they proceeded to browse the store. Daisuke settled on one of the baguettes the shop keeper had just pulled from the oven. Steam floated off of the top of it and he watched as the man at the counter slathered on the perfect coat of honey butter. "Whoa, that looks delicious!"

"Yeah. I'm excited just looking at it," Daisuke drooled, paying the man at the counter who smiled widely, appreciating the patronage. "Thank you, sir. Have a great rest of your evening!" The baker nodded happily; so happy in fact, he gave the small red-head a tea on the house. "That guy was so nice. I think I definitely might come here again." He took his first bite of the baguette; a marked look of surprise dawning over him as the baguette, which was still piping hot, seared the roof of his mouth. This was followed by a 'food-heaven' internally directed sigh; the boy falling in love with the flavors invading his taste buds. Riku giggled at him, continuing on their way out of the shop.

"That good, huh?"

"Oh my God, you have no idea," he breathed, fanning his mouth as he took yet another scalding bite. "Hey, so how did you get rid of Freedert, then? If you got stuck shopping with her all day?" Riku rolled her eyes at the remembrance of her exhausting afternoon.

"Ugh, after the second trip and lugging all that shit to our room, she tried to get me to help bring half of it to yours," she explained, huffing all the while. "I'm sorry, Daisuke, but I can only take so much hard labor in a day. I told her to go on ahead with some of the stuff and I would catch up with her after a quick bathroom break. I came straight here instead. Does that make me a horrible person?" He thought not so long and hard about it.

"Nah," he thought aloud. "I probably would have done the same. Heaven knows I've dipped out on her before. Ha! Dark's probably up to his head in shopping bags." Riku snorted, continuing on the path leading them back to where they started, near the ice cream shop. Daisuke followed her in perfect stride, before nearly running smack dab into her as she stood frozen with nervousness. "What the heck, Riku! Why'd you stop?"

"H-he...he came," she whispered, spotting the blonde from earlier sitting on the bench she was on only hours earlier, looking just as, if not more down than she was.

"Maybe we were wrong about him then," Daisuke admitted, noting the bouquet of tulips Argentine had draped across his lap. "Go up to him!" She looked at him with fear in her chocolaty eyes, unsure of whether or not she wanted to. "Go on! If you're thinking of leaving him, you may as well give him the opportunity to explain himself." Riku nodded slightly, then took a deep breath, steeling herself for the task set ahead of her, and finally took her first step. Daisuke watched carefully as she shuffled down the block towards the blonde; Argentine's eyes lighting up as he saw her, immediately going into explanation mode. After a few exchanges of dialogue, Riku threw her arms around the guy, accepting his flowers, and engaging in a passionate kiss for which Daisuke was not up for spectating. He proceeded to walk on past, smiling as he ate away as his baguette. In glancing at his watch, he clocked at half past eight, which set his nerves on edge. Oh fuck. Curfew was at nine and he'd be damned if he got in trouble for being late. He kicked it into overdrive, power walking the rest of the way back to campus, just hoping that the universe would be on his side.

Daisuke finally made it back to the room with six minutes to spare, just winded beyond all belief as he drained the final sips of his free iced tea. Taking a few deep breaths, the boy fumbled for his keys and unlocked the door, before entering his domain. He stood silently in the doorway, trying to figure out exactly what it was he was walking into as he came upon Dark frantically pacing about the room.

"Dark?," he called quietly, slowly closing the door behind him as he set his bags down and tossing his keys into a little dish on a side table. The violet one seemed oblivious to his name being called as he continued to pace about, apparently frustrated to no end. "D-Dark!" This time, the boy's sheer volume caught Dark's attention and he ceased his movements as if the red-head had remote controlled it. A pair of violet eyes fell upon Daisuke and the once frenzied irises were now devoid of anything, catapulting Dark back to his usual state of normalcy, if it could described as such. "What's wrong?" Dark continued to stare at the boy blankly, before coolly making his way to the couch in front of what was apparently a very new, very expensive television, most likely courtesy of Freedert.

"Nothing." The emotionless, one word response threw Daisuke completely for a loop, given what he'd clearly just witnessed with his own two eyes. He just walked around to the other side of the couch, plopping down and peering at Dark in search of a more truthful response. Dark took a sip of the Stella Artois he'd had on the coffee table, zoning out as he watched the Patriots and the Packers go at it on ESPN. He could almost feel the garnet eyes tracking his every move and after only a few seconds, he sighed loudly. "What?"

"N-nothing," Daisuke began, swiping Dark's beer to try for himself and he actually liked it, delighting in a second sip. "It's just..." Trailing off, he watched as Dark rose from the couch, giving him a look of judgement as he moved to the full-sized refrigerator that mysteriously appeared from nowhere.

"I'm fine," he huffed, retrieving another Stella from the fridge and turning back to the couch. "It's only a headache." Daisuke nodded in thought, taking a small bite out of his baguete, which was still rather warm.

"Okay," he said, figuring he might as well let it go as obviously the sketchy vibe he was getting from the older teen couldn't be a good one. "You know, we could get in serious trouble for having alcohol in here. I can't believe you actually picked some up."

"Came with the fridge," Dark said coolly, waving to the fridge he'd just come from. "There's a bunch of random shit in there." Daisuke chuckled, noting the new TV, fridge, microwave, trashcan, and kitchenware boxes laying about in the spare nook area.

"Jeez," the boy drawled, settling comfortably in the sofa. "Freedert went all out, this time." There was an instantaneous look of disgust plastered on Dark's mug and Daisuke caught it, even as it faded seconds later. "Okay, what the fuck is your problem, Dark?"

"I said it was nothing, Dai," he hissed, glaring at the target of his statement. "Why do you have to do that?"

"Do what, exactly?," Daisuke asked incredulously, wondering why all of a sudden he was under attack, all the while internally beaming at the fact that Dark had yet again referred to him as 'Dai'.

"Ask me something and then keep asking me until you get the answer you want instead of just accepting what I tell you the first time around." The tone was quiet, but there seemed to be a lingering miasma of danger about it.

"Because I'm hearing what you're saying, Dark, but my eyes are seeing something completely different," the boy said slowly, choosing his words very carefully. "Frankly, I don't believe you. But it's okay. If you don't want to tell me what's up, then don't. Just say that you don't want to tell me. You don't have to lie." Dark nodded, moving to sit on the coffee table, right in front of the boy now staring at him with a quizzical brow.

"I don't want to tell you," Dark said at length, making direct eye contact with Daisuke; something in his eyes seemingly giving the impression that he would eventually tell the boy, however, today was not that day.

"And that's okay. Just know, that as my roommate...that as my friend," Daisuke began, staring just as, if not more intensely at the amethyst mirroring him. "I don't expect you to tell me everything, but I do want you to be honest with me."

"Noted." Daisuke's breath hitched in his throat as he followed Dark's glance as it swept down his features to rest on his lips. He watched as Dark slowly leaned in; his heat instantly engulfing the boy as he drew nearer. Daisuke's blush was immediate and it was at that point that he couldn't distinguish his own heat from Dark's. He closed his eyes, partially in fear and partially because that's what people usually do in that exact scenario, at least from the movies he'd seen. When nothing came, he peeked one eye open, to find Dark taking a huge bite of his baguette, the soft wisps of his plum-toned bangs ghosting upon the boy's wrists. Dark glanced up at him from under his lashes, licking his lips as he reveled in the deliciousness of the baked good.

"Dark!," Daisuke squeaked, as Dark just up and walked off with the remainder of his bread loaf.

"What?," he asked in utter confusion as to why the boy was shrieking his name. "Did you want me to kiss you?" The question came out softly as if to suggest that he totally would if Daisuke had wished it. The red-head just sat there, shocked that Dark had actually set up that whole ambiance just to steal his food; his ruby red glare, flaring up in full swing as the older male plopped back onto the couch.

"N-no! And that is mine, Dark!," he puffed, hastily crawling over to the violet one who held his bread just slightly out of reach. "I wasn't finished with it!"

"Relax, Red," Dark snickered, taking yet another mouthful of the baguette that was never his to eat. "You already had more than half of it. Besides, I'm starving and this is fucking scrumptious."

"Doesn't matter! I bought it, so it's mine! Just give...," he ranted, struggling up Dark's body to attempt to overcome his long reach and failing miserably. "Dark, give it!" Dark shook his head, grinning at the angry Daisuke pushing up against him. He held the boy at a distance with one hand and finished off the baguette with the other.

"Ah, too late," Dark said, crumpling up the bag it came in and tossing it into the trash can across the room. "Ooo, three points." Daisuke pouted, sagging against Dark in his own personal despair. "Dude, I will buy you another one."

"I don't want another one," he whined, running his small hands over Dark's stomach as he did. "I want this one." Dark's stare deepened to one of pure lasciviousness and Daisuke instantly retreated from him. The smirk he received set his nerves on end.

"Well, you certainly will not be getting this one back," he laughed, taking a sip of his Stella, all the while running his eyes over the red-head currently glued to the other side of the couch.

"You are such a child," Daisuke spat, frowning as Dark merely shrugged and returned to his game. Daisuke snatched up the remote from the coffee table and flipped the channel, causing Dark to miss the very last touchdown of the game, becoming even more of a child than Dark was. The irony was not lost on him. Dark's long sigh, seemed to echo through the room as he shot Daisuke a bored glance.

"You are so fucking lucky I've already seen that game." At the warning glare Dark was sporting, Daisuke soon after thanked the heavens that he had seen that one, as he surmised that his flipping the channel could have gone a completely different way.

"L-let's just find something we can both watch," he said hurriedly, pulling up the TV Guide. "Oh, this looks interesting."


"What about this?"

"No," he said, not even looking at highlighted program, still silently fuming about missing the final touchdown.

"Okay, how about this one," Daisuke questioned, his irritation clearly evident. "Dark..."

"What? No, I don't want to w-," he replied equally as irritated, before spotting Dead Silence scheduled to start in five minutes. "Let's watch this." Taking the remote from Daisuke with ease; his laid back disposition returning just as easily.

"No, Dark," Daisuke huffed, frowning at the selection. "I don't do scary movies."

"Come on, Red," he pleaded in acted desparation. "I never got a chance to see this one." Daisuke thought for a moment, before shaking his head in response. "No? Well, tough titty. We're watching it."

"What happened to finding something we could both watch?"

"We can both watch this. Last I checked, you hadn't gone blind," Dark grinned, completely carefree. "Besides, you were the one who said anything about 'something we can both watch'.

"You're not being fair!," the boy accused, folding his arms tightly about his chest as he did. Dark actually laughed at this; a deep throaty laughter that shook his entire body.

"This isn't Burger King, dude," he continued, clutching his belly through the thundering fit he was still in. "You can't always have it your way."

"Whatever." On that note, Daisuke rose from the couch and strode over to his bed, pulling off his clothes in a temper tantrum of sorts. Once he'd stripped down to just a plain white tee and boxers, he tossed back his comforters and hopped into bed.

"What are you doing?," Dark finally asked after getting over his bout of sniggering.

"What does it look like, Dark? I'm going to sleep and you are buying me a new baguette tomorrow," he snapped, yanking his blankets around himself.

"Come back to the couch," Dark called softly, watching the boy rustle beneath his covers.



"Dark, I am not watching that scary ass movie with you!" There was a long pause as Dark rewound part of the opening scene. Daisuke just waited in silence, figuring Dark had given up on his plot to involve him in a shitty horror flick that would most likely give him terrible dreams. Then, as if it were happening right in the room, a blood curdling scream blared through the television speakers, scaring the living daylights out of the small red-head. Dark having muted the movie until he found the part, then turning the volume all the way up at the last second. "What the fuck, Dark?"

"You are watching this fucking movie, whether you want to or not," Dark said calmly, staring at Daisuke who suddenly emerged from his layers of blankets, all out glaring in his direction. "Do not...make me come over there." Muttering under his breath, Daisuke tore the down comforter from his bed and slowly made his way back to his end of the sofa, deciding it was in his best interest not to find out what Dark would do if he'd stayed in bed. He curled himself up, swathed in thick blankets as Dark began to rewind the movie.

"Do we really have to restart it?," Daisuke inquired, rolling his eyes as he watched the indicator move back to the beginning.

"I missed most of it waiting for you," he replied, pressing play before passing one last glance at Daisuke who had covered his whole face with the blanket. Dark shook his head slightly, tugging the comforter away from the red-head's face, revealing the boy's overflowing eyes and tear-stained cheeks. "Are you fucking serious, Dai?" Daisuke looked away, sniffling as he rubbed his eyes on his sleeve. "Come here."

"D-Dark...," Daisuke began, a look of worry forming on his features. Dark merely stared on, curling his fingers in a 'come-hither' fashion as he readjusted himself on the majority of the couch. Daisuke wondered if this was a trap for a moment, but in hearing Dark's impatient exhale, he motioned to just go with the flow. Slowly crawling up the sofa towards Dark, he trailed his blanket with him, before being completely snatched up the rest of the way and held tightly against his roommate's body, immediately ensconcing him in an indescribable warmth. Draped atop Dark's body, Daisuke rested his head nervously on the older boy's chest; his legs on either side of Dark's hips. "Y-you said no cuddling."

"We're not cuddling," he said sharply, wrapping a strong arm around the boy's lower back and pulling him slightly higher up his torso. "We're watching a movie." Daisuke smiled at this, thinking to himself that it was totally okay for Dark to decide it's cool to bend the rules. The smaller boy sighed, inhaling the scent of Dark which infiltrated his very being. It was a fresh, clean cucumber body wash mixed with something rich and warm like an Egyptian musk. Daisuke couldn't put his finger on it exactly, but he chalked it up to what he thinks raw man smell would be like in the romance novels. He shook his head slightly at the thought, re-situating himself as he did. "Stop moving so much, Red."

"I'm just getting comfortable," Daisuke said in his defense, squirming once again, and silently enjoying the way Dark's chest rose to meet his.

"Well, it's doing things to me...," he rasped, wriggling beneath the boy as well. "...And you really don't want to take me there."

"Dark!," Daisuke yelped, as he was flipped over onto his back; Dark covering him just seconds after.

"Good?" Daisuke nodded, finding it odd that he was rather comfortable, even with all of Dark's weight bearing on him. He was thrust back to reality, though, as Dark tossed his blankets to the floor and he was hit with a cool breeze that gave him instantaneous goosebumps.

"N-no...," the boy groaned, feeling around on the side of the couch for his discarded blanket.

"It's fucking hot in here, Red," Dark pouted, rolling his head over Daisuke's chest as if he were dying of heat stroke, and pulling off his shirt shortly thereafter. "I'm not warm enough for you?"

"No, you're perfect," he replied, snuggling closer to the back of the couch and shivering at the itty bitty amount of heat he found. "But you're not covering all of me." Dark rolled his eyes before pushing himself up and walking around to the back of the couch where he'd tossed the blanket.

"So fucking difficult," Dark said under his breath, waiting as Daisuke slid over to make room for him. He moved in next to him; the red-head tossing his leg over one of Dark's, wrapping his arm around the violet one's torso as he was blanketed in comforter. Dark pushed the blanket onto him so that half of his body was covered in a super snuggly Daisuke and the other half was completely free to the open air. Daisuke was thankful for the compromise, nuzzling the side of Dark's neck as he curled up ever-the-more-closely to him. After finally getting Daisuke situated, Dark rewound the movie for the third time, having missed a good twenty minutes in. There were a couple of moments where the red-head was startled, at which point he would clench onto Dark like his life depended on it, but otherwise he fared very well. He'd fallen asleep about half-way through, so satisfied with how comfortable he was with his surroundings and the heartbeat lulling him to slumber. "Daisuke..."

"Hm," the red-head mumbled, trying in vain to snuggle closer to Dark's being. If he'd been any closer, he'd be inside of him. Dark stared up at the ceiling, resting his chin on the top of Daisuke's head, as he thought.

"You have to be home whenever I'm home," he thought aloud, turning off the TV as the movie credits rolled.

"Why?" The question was huffed out on a sigh, the boy's soft breathing raising the hairs on Dark's neck.

"Because after tonight, I don't plan on sharing you with anyone else." And with that, Dark let his eyes slide shut; the feel of Daisuke pulling him asunder.

Well, that's all I've got for ya. Please forgive me if I'm a little rusty. Tell me what you think! Thanks!