Chapter 10

3 years later…

After the evil Queen's fall, the Order took the kingdom and established Komui as a temporary overseeing ruler until the spell over their newly appointed King was lifted. Komui ruled the kingdom guided by a counsel consisting of the Order and several townsmen. The Kingdom used every witch, wizard, spell castor, magician, mage, and wiseman they could to try to lift the spell, but no one had ever seen such magic.

Kanda lived in the palace with the rest of the order, but he was not on the counsel. He had his own job, the King's body guard. All Kanda ever did was stand outside the door and guard, but every now and then, he would go against protocol and slip inside as he was doing now.

Allen merely looked like he was sleeping, his hands clasped on his chest and a peaceful expression on his face.

Kanda looked at Allen and smiled sadly.

The burn wounds from 3 years ago had long since healed. The curse was weird; it made it appear like all Allen was doing was merely sleeping, like he would wake at any second.

Kanda walked over and gently brushed a strand of white hair out of his face.

The curse not only let him heal, as he was sleeping, Allen was aging.

Allen no longer looked like a child, he looked older and more mature.

Once a day, a maid would come in to clean Allen up, trim his growing nails, shave the white shadow on his chin, trim his growing hair, change his clothes, and other hygiene needs.

As time had gone on, the kingdom forgot about the real King.

Kanda pushed the white strand of hair behind Allen's ear and touched his cheek. He was not cold like death, it was the opposite. "You need to wake up, how long are you going to sleep your majesty?" He asked softly.

Kanda gently put a hand over Allen's clasped hands. "Can I admit something to you? Promise you will keep it a secret…" Kanda looked down at Allen, he looked like an angel. "I always did have a crush on you. I hated you at first, but then I looked into your eyes. We talked, danced, and even lived together. I grew attached to you."

Kanda heard something and he looked at the door. "I need to return to my post." He turned to leave and paused. He turned back to the King and whispered against his lips. "I loved you Allen." He gently kissed Allen, feeling Allen's soft lips against his, the lips that were as soft as satin.

Kanda looked at Allen and walked to the door.


Kanda paused, that sound. He looked behind him.

Allen was propped up a bit, rubbing his weary silver eyes.

Kanda dropped his sword in shock. "A-Allen?"

Allen looked up and for the first time in 3 years, those beautiful silver moonlight pools were looking at him and he smiled. "Good morning."

Kanda and Allen were both still processing what was happening.

Kanda smirked and bowed to his King. "Did you sleep well your highness?"

Allen sat up in bed, fixing his hair which currently came down to almost his shoulders. "I did, but you should have woken me sooner." Allen slowly tried to stand, but he was shaky.

Kanda stabilized him. "May I escort my king?" Kanda asked, offering his arm.

"Yes. I wish to see my Kingdom." Allen said accepting Kanda's arm and walking with him.

A/N: Thanks for reading! I really liked this last chapter. I contemplated doing an epilogue, but I think it ends nicely here. Thank you everyone for staying with me and please leave a review!