Ok ok so I know I shouldn't have started another fanfic with chapters when I haven't finished any of the others. But when inspiration strikes I have to write. It's cant be helped. Plus this is just a teacher AU. There will be no complicated abductions or story lines. It's a SoMa teacher AU. Cute, ya? Well I hope you think so because I'm really proud of it.

Now there are many pov changes. I have made them as painfully obvious as I can. Literally it was painful to write like that but I made it work without seeming too 'Soul this and Soul that...' I have faith in you! You are smart enough to figure it out. The only ones I can see being a little confusing are the first two line breaks. But they are obvious by the end on you will be fine. I put some very obvious clues in the first couple sentences of each new pov. If it is starting a new pov (which is every line break) it will have the pov persons name in the second or third sentence. I promise.

sorry for any misspellings or errors!


Chapter 1

Her third period class filed in, heads hanging low and eyes droopy with exhaustion, already lamenting the loss of their summer vacation. The class was a little larger than usual due to a few transfer students but it was still manageable. She watched, noticing everything about her new students, some of them being not so new.

She noticed the kids who came in early and immediately set up their books. She noticed the girls that shuffled in, already trading lip gloss and giggling about pretty much everything. She noticed the quiet kids that stared at the floor and she especially noticed the kids who dashed in right before the bell rang and her door locked shut.

But there was one girl who caught her eye over all the other students. How could she not though? Her light pink hair and slouched over hidden appearance meaning to hide her away from prying eyes. The black clothes blending into the background and her wide blue eyes stopping anyone from talking to her. This teacher was trained to catch that trait though. After all this was an AP English class. She needed to determine early on who really was fit to be here. And this girl did not look fit enough to even leave her house.

She waited to start class for a second, really wanting to get a good look at them for a few seconds more. That girl's presence was bothering her. Why did her last English teacher put her in AP? It had to be a scheduling mistake...

"Hello class!" She beamed clapping her hands once. "Welcome back to West High. I hope you had a great summer. My name is Ms. Albarn but you can all call me Ms. Maka when my department chair isn't around." The class was completely silent as she looked at them. She could already tell this would be a trouble class. Not necessarily on purpose. They just didn't seem that motivated.

"Well first of all, this year will be fun. I promise. For those of you that love English it will be a blast. AP can be hard but I have a theory called the M&M theory. Does anyone know what I'm talking about?"

A voice in the back called out. "When we do good you'll give us an M&M?" The class laughed at this and Maka smiled pleasantly. Ah so she had a class clown on her hands? This really was going to be a fun year.

"If that's what it takes. But it's called the M&M theory because there is a mean to my madness. Everything I do this year is to help you. We will pass this class." Maka looked into the light blue eyes of the light pink haired girl in the back. "Together." The pinkette shivered and looked down at her folded hands in her lap. "Why don't we start by playing a game?" Maka smiled down at her somewhat interested class. They would come around eventually.

He sighed as his fourth period rolled in, reaching over from his rolling chair to turn down the strong jazz that had filled the room. He watched them walk in with a disinterested stare. It would be the same as his other classes. They would all be surprised by his appearance and then his teeth and then lastly by his name.

He was new this year to West High having applied for the job to keep up on his rent. He didn't want to be here but it was better than being at Evans Records. That would suck even more than this. His third period was juniors. He already noticed how none of them thought this class would be any fun. Boy were they wrong.

This was not about to be the typical music class. If he was here he might as well have fun with it. He didn't want to be bored and he didn't want these kids to be bored either. Soul pushed his wheeled chair into the center of the room, sliding smoothly along the hardwood floor. All eyes followed him as he coasted to a stop.

He slouched backwards in his chair, feet dragging nonchalantly along the floor, jacket bunching up underneath him. He felt the stares of his students on his features and he stared right back at all of them. His white hair was striking yes, but the eyes were another matter all together. If asked later the students would say they were beautiful and mysterious but at the time they all just thought it was creepy.

Wait until he had to open his mouth.

Gasps rang out through the room when he opened his mouth to address them. He sighed already having predicted this was going to happen. "Alright calm down. Yes the teeth are real. Yes my hair is naturally white. And yes my eyes are naturally this red. Anything else you want to gawk at?" Mouths around the floor snapped closed and looked at him in wide eyes.

"How is that possible?" A weird boy with bug eyes asked.

"I dunno. I was born this way." He shrugged. "Genetics." He had gone through this with every class already. It was always the same questions.

"Does it bother you?" A small girl up front asked shyly.

"Not at all."

"Well I think it's weird."

"Good for you. Now let's get started. I'm Soul Eater Evans." Again the class gasped. The Evans were famous musicians after all. "You can just call me Soul. I don't do that formal crap. That's my father."

The class stayed silent. Staring at him with wide awestruck eyes that annoyed the shit out of him. "Alright moving on." He sighed really just wanting to get this over with.

Ah sweet! Lunch time. No more annoying kids. Soul collapsed backwards in his chair as the last student left his class room. If yo thought about it he really shouldn't be a teacher. He didn't have much patience, nor was he particularly fond of children teens were a bit better but he still got easily annoyed.

Now he could either stay here in the solitude of his room without lunch or he could go to the teacher lounge and be forced to socialize while he got lunch.

A loud growl from his stomach made the decision for him. Groaning he pushed himself up and exited his room, locking it behind him.

The teacher lounge was that one place you never got to go as a student. It was mysterious and fascinating place to students and they had quite interesting ideas about what lay behind the swinging door at the end of the long hallway.

They imagined it as a dungeon, bare and empty, where teachers took off their human skins and became the aliens every student knew them to be. Feasting on the empty shells of dead puppies like the cruel bastards they could be.

To some of the less disturbed students, it was a social hangout, full of plush couches and flat screen TVs, game consols and DVDs, an advanced coffee maker that talks to you and a walk-in fridge. An oasis for the teachers to escape to.

The simple truth was somewhat disappointing. It was a regular room with a table in the middle and rickety chairs. It had a regular fridge and an adequate coffee maker. There was a couch tucked into the corner and a muted flat screen TV hanging on the opposite wall. Soft music played from the radio in the corner of the countertop. It was comfortable but not extravagant. It was just a room of no importance. The only cool thing about it was that students weren't allowed inside.

Soul was excited to see that no one else was in here with him so far. It was only a matter of time before another teacher stumbled in mumbling about the stupid kids and rubbing their temples to try to ease the pounding headache. Soul opened the fridge and grabbed one of the subs that the school provided for the teachers.

He turned up the music before tucking into his food and loosing himself to the simple jazz tune.

Maka couldn't get her mind off of the little pinkette in her third period. Her name was Crona. She was obviously very shy, seeing as she didn't talk the entire class and didn't participate either. Maka had watched as the poor girl cringed whenever someone tried to talk to her.

And of course Crona was the first one out of the classroom when the bell rang, dismissing them.

After her fourth period Maka went down to Guidance to get the file on Crona. She wanted to make sure that this girl was suited for the AP course. If they got too far into the year Maka wouldn't be able to get her out if she was struggling too much.

Maka stopped before the counter with the name plate stating that 'Marie Moljinor' occupied this desk. The curvy blonde with the eye patch held up a finger telling her to wait a moment until she got off the phone.

Maka sighed, looking around the woman's cluttered desk. Marie ran the guidance department. There were tons of late passes and guidance passes strewn across her desk. Pens and knick-nacks added to the clutter. Marie tapped away on her computer assuring the shrill lady on the phone that 'no they could not bump up her child's GPA because that would be illegal.'

Marie rolled her eyes at her and bobbed her head from side to side in time with the woman's yammering. Maka grinned at the attendants antics and annoyance with the general public.

"I sorry ma'am. But this is the last time I tell you. I cannot change his GPA. He needs to pay attention in class and do his own work. I'm sure he can get his grades up"


"I don't care if he is in two sports. He obviously can't handle it so take him out of one. I'm sure he will do better then."


"Yes. Yes. Goodbye ma'am." Marie sighed and ran a palm over her hand. "What do you need Maka?" She asked with a pleasant smile.

"I was wondering if I could see Crona's file?"

Marie stuck her tongue between a small gap in her teeth. She wasn't supposed to do this. Files were for guidances eyes only. Maka knew that but she really wanted to help this girl. "Fine." Marie opened a cabinet and pulled out a skinny file. She held it out but when Maka reached to grab it she pulled back a little. "Have it back before Sixth Period."

Maka saluted, grabbing the file and opening it up. "You got it, Ms. Marie!" Maka walked out happily heading for the teachers lounge by her class, already reading the girls file.

"Marie you know your not allowed to do that..."

"I know Stein but I can't help it with Maka. She's just so sweet. She'll make a great wife someday." Marie's voice took on a dreamy quality as she stared after the cute little teacher.

Stein snorted, standing in the doorway. "If she can get her head out of her books and start being a little less violent then yes. She'll make a great wife. But Spirit will kill any man who tries to get to close to her. I know. I've seen it happen."

Marie sighed, thinking about that over-protective red headed papa of Maka's that she went to high school with. Him and Kami had made such a cute couple... "Yeah, Yeah Stein. Get back to work."

"I'm on break." And with a sharp glare from his glasses he vanished out the door and down the hall into his crescent class room.

Crona was a complicated young girl. She had had a really rough childhood. Her mother, Medusa, was crazy and abusive. She was locked up now, making Crona a ward of the state, but she left the poor girl with many problems to deal with.

For one, Crona had anxiety issues, stemming from being locked in a dark room for days at a time whenever she made her mother mad. The report said that she would be locked in complete darkness with no food and water for a couple of days just because she had spilled juice or something and made her mother mad at her. It said that it started when she was very young and you had to be careful with Crona in dark places. It was inhumane what her mother did to her.

Then it went on to say that her mother experimented on Crona. Medusa took Crona's blood and was trying to grow a disease that could take over the world in it. Crona went through many horrible experiments because of it. Her mother was obviously certifiably crazy.

Lastly Crona had abandonment issues. It said she didn't know how to deal with many things. Her mother leaving her must have really messed her up. Maka knows that when her mama left she still felt a strong connection to her and no matter what she loved her. She would never stop and that was how Crona seemed. She didn't want to give up on her mother.

This poor girl had been through so much. It was a wonder she was even in school.

Strange thing was the girl had straight A's for as long as she had been in school. And all the A's were high A's. she obviously belonged in this AP course. It probably wouldn't even be a challenge for her.

Soul was listening to the music and watching the clock when the door behind him swung open. A blonde woman about his age walked in backwards flipping through a thin file. She didn't even look up to acknowledge that someone else was in the room with her. She just walked to the counter with her eyes glued to the file and started making coffee blindly. She didn't look around for anything, she just grabbed and mixed perfectly.

Soul drank in her appearance while she was doing this. She was wearing a white silky collared shirt with the sleeves rolled up to her elbows, a knee length light blue skirt that flowed around her drool worthy long legs and a white headband holding her sand blonde hair back. It was professional looking but she could also pass for a student here. Except she was in the teachers lounge, which was strictly off limits for students so she was obviously a teacher. She was sorely lacking in the boobs department. Other than that she was pretty hot.

She made a small sound of pleasure as she sipped at her coffee, having stirred in the acceptable amount of cream and sugar. Her eyes were still glued to that file and she leaned her elbows on the counter bending over it. Soul cleared his throat, unable to take his eyes off of her.

She whirled around, body all tense, until she saw it was another teacher. Her body relaxed and her face brightened with a smile. Soul was startled by her eyes. They were as unusual as his own. The bright emerald green was something he had never seen before. "Oh! Hi... Sorry bout that. I was trapped in my own little world again." She tapped her temple.

"What's in the file?" Soul nodded at the file. He noticed she was looking him up and down, assessing him. If she was surprised by his appearance she didn't let it show. No surprise crossed her face as she drank in his weird appearances.

"Some information on one of my students." Her eyes twinkled mischievously. He wondered what she taught. She didn't look like any teacher he had ever met.

Wait-... They weren't allowed to look at the student files. Soul narrowed his eyes at the girl. "Are we allowed to do that?"

Maka took another sip of her coffee, setting that down and picking up the file again. "Usually no. But this girl was a special case."

"Ah." Silence reigned in the lounge again as the girl was immersed in the file. Soul looked at her for a second. He had never had such a strange urge to fill the silence before. " So uh... What do you teach?" He asked, awkwardly rubbing the back of his hair.

She didn't even look up. "AP English. You?"

She taught an AP course? At her age? That was kinda impressive. She was obviously a bookworm. "Music."

"Hmmm. How old are you?"

"25, you?"

"24." She finally closed the file and walked over to him. Standing in front of him she extended her hand and a warm smile towards him, her emerald eyes sparkling. "I'm Maka Albarn. Who are you?"

He shook her hand firmly. "Soul Eater Evans." He waited for her inevitable reaction to the name but it never came. She just plowed right on.

"Well it was nice to meet you Soul." Then she tapped her file and smirked. "Gotta go return this before sixth period. I'll see you around."

In a whirlwind of light blue skirt, bright green eyes, and sweet smelling coffee she was gone, leaving him to wonder what really just happened.


HEY GUYS IF YOU DIDN'T KNOW SOMA WEEK IS COMING UP! The schedule will be up on my profile! Definitely check it out and spread the word! Ill be writing a series of one shots (posted one a day) for each day and theme of the week.

Ok so I'm introducing new characters every chapter. (Trying to work on character development and all that jazz) at the end of each chapter will be a short description on each character and what they teach or do in the chapter in order of appearance.

Maka Albarn - 24 years old. AP English teacher.
Crona - Troubled straight A student
Marie Moljinor - Head of the Guidance Office
Professor Franken Stein - head of the Science Department. Teaches AP Biology
Soul Eater Evans - Music teacher. First year teaching at West High.

The setting is not Death City. I don't really know where they are... But does it really matter? It's a large town somewhere in the US. If you want a more detailed description make one up for yourself. :D

I already have the first couple chapters written so I'm actually willing to set a schedule for this one. Every Monday and Thrusday there will be a new update (so next one is Thursday). Unless I say otherwise. Ok! I hope you enjoyed!

Reviews keep the teachers paying rent!

Wouldn't want them going homeless now would we?

Cardboard boxes are NOT comfortable.

just saying.